
Chapter 36: Catch me, If you Can!

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The alien then looked at the two downed supes and said. "Look everybody!" He shouts, the camera pointing at him and his face on the Jumbotron. 

"Shocklame and Lame-Train are back up, to give you your main event!"

"Instead of a half second race, it's a showdown!" XLR8 added, getting some cheers, thinking this was a good surprise. 

"But not just me against them, no." The alien tells them. 

"I invite any members of Vought or the Seven to take me on!" This got a bunch of murmurings thinking he was suicidal.

"After all I know I'm the only real hero, but might as well show you all!" Pauses to turn back at an angry Shockwave and an angrier (and roid raged) A-Train. 

"Catch me, if you can." Lowers the visor and begins running around with the other two following a bit behind.

Ben had to hand it to them, they were pretty fast, but he was moving faster and thanks to practice was more in control. 

So in a fraction of a second he hit the breaks and went from over 800 miles to 0 in a second. This allowed for the other two speedsters too miss and pass him.

Realizing their mistake A-Train and Shockwave slowed to a stop and tried to turn back. 

Only to be met with XLR8 running at them giving them each a lariat, sending them both back to the ground. When XLR8 stopped he told them. 

"Quick feet, slow brains." Then runs off as the two get back up and chase after him.

Only difference was they were slightly slower, in fact this allowed the Kineceleran to slow down and conserve his energy. 

XLR8 could reach 1,000 miles per hour and it put a strain on his muscles after a while. But still that was after a while, so why were they slowing down after just a short time.

Realization just hit him. They're human. Sure they may have powers, but the human body isn't built to go that fast without some drawback.

XLR8's species was built and evolved to go this fast for whatever reason, humans no. 

Sure they had powers, but that came from a drug, no magic or technology of any kind involved. And drugs have limits and side effects.

So the longer they ran, the slower they became. Unfortunately that was technically true for Ben, so he needed to keep them running while conserving his own energy.

XLR8 turned around, then after dodging their hits ran to the center of the turf. "I wonder how many steps I got in today?" He wonders aloud.

A-Train and Shockwave then run to XLR8, with the Seven speedster getting their first. Waiting at the last second the alien moved to the side.

"Too slow." The Kineceleran comments looking to where A-Train stopped.

Thinking he had his ticket to the Seven Shockwave took a bit more time to try and sneak up on XLR8's back. 

Expecting this Ben moved out of the way just like with A-Train, moving back to his previous position.

The cycle of the two supes charging at the alien, with their blows connecting air continued. It naturally became easier for Ben since he only moved a little bit at the last moment. 

Meanwhile A-Train and Shockwave got progressively slower with each failing blow. Like boxers who throw all their punches with maximum force only to hit air.

Homelander gripped the handrail with an angry expression, Maeve mimicked this though with less obviousness, Noir was stoic. Starlight, after giving Hughie her number, just looked in shock before making her way to the field.

Frenchie and Hughie were smiling as if they were watching a cartoon. Butcher too. Elena was in awe, A-Train was the one who kicked Marathon Man off his throne, now here he was losing to some alien lizard. Admittedly with a much better name though.


Back to the fight

XLR8 was still dodging with ease moving just out of reach at the last moment each time. After a while he began doing poses. 

"Olé!" XLR8 said, pretending he was a matador after Shockwave missed another attack. Then came A-Train and Ben did a ballerina pose on one leg. 

"So ungraceful." A-Train came again and when XLR8 dodged he began moving his arms like a train. "You think you can, you think you can, you think you can, but won't."

Thanks to Ben's they were now much slower and it was much easier to dodge. 

Thanks to the combination of their lowering glucose levels, increasing exhaustion and their own incompetence they were now slower by a few hundred miles per hour.

Dodges Shockwave. "I'm bored." The Kineceleran say's with a yawn before taking off. 

At first the two speedsters didn't know where he went. 

But soon in a star like formation XLR8 tan at them and delivered a series of blows. Neither one could move as each hit kept them both off balance. 

In fact XLR8 was going so fast there was a constant black and blue blur of a star.

Until finally Ben did a kangaroo like kick to Shockwave's abdomen and sent him flying into A-Train. 

The two only stopped after hitting the ground multiple times, like stones skipping water. 

A-Train got back up, Shockwave stayed down, though only one was on something.

"Two supes, two losers." XLR8 taunted and A-Train runs at him at full speed. 

However due to Ben's actions and the V wearing off this was half his earlier speed from the beginning. And he was slower than Ben then.

XLR8 again moved to the side as the Seven hero stopped about 20 feet away from where Ben was standing before. 

The supe looked back and saw XLR8 lift his visor. "A-Train huh more like A-Train wreck." The alien shot, getting some "Oooo's" from the crowd.


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