
Chapter 26: Tip!

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"I-I need to know why. Where was he going? What was he doing?"

"Why? Was she your sister?" The currently invisible man asked. "Girlfriend?" He then asked, which caused Hughie to look away slightly. "Girlfriend. That's what all this is about? Christ. What makes you think I know anything about it?"

"I know you and A-Train were tight. You guys came up together." Hughie remembers growing up.

"What are you, a fucking fan?" Translucent retorts.

"Listen, those guys in there, they want to kill you, okay?" Hughie informs. "So you give me something, maybe I can..." He drifts off.

"What? Hold 'em off?" Translucent says with total skepticism. "'Cause they hang on your every word. You're the big man around here." He remarks sarcastically. "With that little pussy gun in your hand huh?"

Hughie shakes his head with a sigh. "Look you're-" He was cut off when he used his gun hand to point at Translucent and accidentally fired it. "Oh shit!" He drops it after hearing the large bark of the gun firing.

"Fuck!" Translucent exclaims as he becomes visible and Hughie can see him pressing his hand on his right cheek.

There Hughie can see a stream of blood coming out. "The fuck is that?" The Seven member asked.

"Like that?" Hughie asked. "Cause that was the smallest piece of Diamondhead we had." Translucent then has a look of realization. "In about 5 minutes one of them is gonna take a shotgun of that shit to your face." He tells him.

"Bullshit." Translucent replies, seeing it as a bluff.

Just then the door opens revealing a smiling Butcher holding a pump action shotgun. "You wish cunt." He say's, then loads a shell.

"Hold still." Pumps it with a single hand motion like in a movie. "Wait for the flash." Aims. "Say cheese." He finishes with a smile.

"Woah woah woah hey! Stop!" Hughie tries but with a single hand to the chest Butcher stops him.

"You had your chance." Butcher tells him. "Cunt ain't talking and now he's never gonna talk again." Re-aims the Gun.

"Popclaw!" Translucent suddenly shouts, just as Butcher is about to pull the trigger.

A tense silence follows.

"Keep talking." Butcher tells him.

"I-I-I-I don't know where A-Train was going that night he killed the girl." Translucent resumes. "Okay, but I know where he was coming from."

"Popclaw." Butcher finishes.

"Her place." Translucent clarifies. "He fucking loves her. He doesn't think anyone else knows, but I know. I know a lot of things. But he-he's there every night. Maybe... now, even."

"What was he carrying?" Butcher asks, gun still pointed at Translucent.

"I don't know." Translucent admits, then adds. "But I have a good idea."

"What?" Butcher asks.

"Compound V." Translucent answers, getting some raised eyebrows.

"The fuck is that?" Butcher wants to know.

"Look I'm not saying anymore shit until I'm not in some fucking dog cage." Translucent negotiates.

Butcher then smiles cheerfully, but somehow still menacingly. "Well let's see if we can do something 'bout that." Walks out with Hughie.

As Hughie closes the door he lets out a sigh of relief. "That was...fuck." Hughie says.

"Good work." Butcher compliments, before turning to Frenchie. "How's plan B Frenchie?" He asks. The gunrunner then swears in French.

"So what now?" Hughie asks. "Call your FBI friends or CIA, NSA the IRS?" He wonders.

"And tell 'em what?" Butcher replies. "That the only thing we got on this cunt is an empty threat?" He tells him.

"Empty?" Hughie replies confused.

"The shards are too small." Frenchie informs.

"But I just." Gestures inside where the shard tipped bullet grazed Translucent's cheek.

"Gave him a cut but won't go much deeper." Butcher clarifies.

"Now we're back to square 1." Frenchie say's.

"Fuck!" Hughie gasps running his hands through his hair. "Well what about what Ben said. About his insides being vulnerable?" He suggests.

"And like I said, we got no poison or whatever the fuck that will kill him." Butcher reminds him.

Frenchie then grabs the electric baton and sparks it. "What are you doing?" Butcher asks.

"Shocking our invisible friend. I need him unconscious." Frenchie explains before going inside.


With Starlight and Deep:

As the newest member of the Seven finished threatening the Deep a man was tossed out of the warehouse.

The warehouse they were supposed to be in. "The fuck?" Deep gasps, beforing diving into the water.

Inside the warehouse Ben was Ripjaws and began knocking the drug dealers left and right.

He caught them by surprise by shooting out of the wooden floors as they were inspecting the shipment.

As he was tossed the last goon on the ground the doors opened revealing Starlight who looked flabbergasted.

"Well well well..." Ripjaws drags. "If it isn't the Seven's newest Super Star." Chuckles. "Get it? Super Star." Laughs harder.

Starlight shakes her head in confusion. "You're Shifter." She realizes seeing the Omnitrix insignia.

"Ripjaws actually." Ben clarifies.

As Starlight's eyes light up to use her powers Deeo shoots out of the hole Ripjaws made earlier.

"Hey punk." He calls out, getting Ripjaws attention. "You're about to get washed up." He says walking towards the alien.

Deep then winds for a punch, but Ripjaws throws a right jab to his face. Deep reels back from this touched his cheek not believing what transpired.

He then goes for another punch and manages to swing it, but Ripjaws merely steps to the right so he can deliver a left punch to the gut.

This knocks the wind out of Deeo who clutches his torso as he struggles to breath.

"Wow you're lame." Ripjaws say's totally unimpressed and very underwhelmed.

"I mean couldn't you have tried to make me do your bidding, I'm a fish." He points out.

"I talk to them." Deep wheezes out. "Not control them." He informs.

Then Starlight fires her light blasts sending Ripjaws crashing into some crates. The fish alien shakes his head and says.

"Well you seem to know what you're doing." He compliments as he gets up. "Just wish I was Fourarms."


If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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