
Chapter 41 - Chimera test – Field – Part 3.

The party members who were getting by chimeras tried their hardest to repel the chimeras while Phantasia was writing stuff in his notebook.

(Hm…. The bat wings was obviously the worse choice that I could give the red cobra.)

(It cannot fly properly and have bit harder time slithering away.)

(The only good thing is a jump that makes it leap towards the enemy, but it cannot change directions and can easily be dodged.)

(I will have to give up on this.)

(The duo stone monkeys chimeras are also no good.)

(They can rapidly fire, but with not a lot of aim. The players can easily deal with them and oh…... One of them just got killed by the dark elf…. Meh.)

(Maybe if there was bit more, I could get them to fire an volleys?)

(I will put this one on maybe this.)

(But the other stone monkey chimera is doing well better.)

(The players found it in the forest, but have yet to kill it because how dangerous this thing.)

(It's slow, but it can hit and can also take the hit.)

(That female archer is getting angry because of this fact and she even-)

Suddenly the monkey chimera throwed the rock at the archer and when archer tried to dodge it this time, but this time she wasn't able to get out of the way since she ended up bumping into the tree.

The rock flew at the girl, hitting right in the chest and making her cough out in pain before getting on her knees.

(Oh…. Unlucky. She was to focus on the monkey to notice the tree next to her.)

The monkey rushed at the orc archer and began beating her up.

(Yea…. She will get killed.)

(What about the others.)

The human party leader was facing against the dugus while the orc tank was focusing on keeping the two dugues at bay with his shield while the spear.

(The party leader is injured from head to toe, but the healer is trying to keep him alive, however the tank is also in danger.)

(The spear user is focusing on dealing with the cobra and the remaining four arm monkey.)

(But they seem to forget one important thing.)

(The healer needs also drink potions to restore his MP, but since he was forced to heal nonstop, he didn't had any real-)

The party leader was stabbed with the claws.



"[Sword Bash]!"

The party leader hit the chimera, pushing it back.

"Hey! Heal me!" – said the party leader who was somehow yet again still alive.



"What are you waiting for?!" – asked panicking party leader.

"I-I'm out of mana." – said the goblin.


"You what?!"

The chimera got behind the leader and slashed it.

This time the leader wasn't so luck and ended up straight up dying.

The goblin player that just took out the potion had realized, he was fucked.

Caravan owner realized that the situation went from bad to worse began screaming before running away.


"Hey! Wait!" – said the goblin priest while trying to stop the merchant.

"!" – Phantasia noticed the merchant running away.

(It's better if I…... Oh….) – Phantasia tried taking out his crossbow, but then he realized that there was no need to.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" – the merchant who ran off screamed in the distance.

"?!" – the goblin looked in horror, wondering what happened.

Moments later, the chimera stone monkey walked out while dragging the dead corpse of the merchant that his chest crushed before dropping the corpse on the ground.

The goblin put two and two together and realize that the monkey had killed the female orc archer.

But he had other things to worry about, for example the dugus chimera that was about to kill him.

(Yeb. He is fucked.)

(He is out of mana and the others are too busy to with their enemies.)

(However, it did gave me somewhat grasp of their abilities.)

(The chimeras level here have levels between 95 to 105.)

(These players have either high enough level to face off against these chimeras OR they have some titles that can back them up.)

(They have dealt with the snake and the monkeys easily…. Wait snake and monkeys?)

The dark elf spearman quickly rushed towards the goblin priest and smacked the dugu chimera, pushing it away and saving the goblin priest in the last moment.


(Huh… Wasn't expecting that.)

(Still, she looks tired.)

(But the chimeras are badly damaged and are close to dying themselves as well.)

(They still have a good chance at winning.)

(The chimera that was fighting their leader can be easily killed by anybody now and the chimera that the archer had fought is also somehow almost dead. I guess she didn't gave up in the end.)

(At this rate, the healer will recover and provide support again and that in turn will allow the spear woman to kill both of the chimeras before joining up with the orc and killing the remaining chimeras.)

(I thought that they would lose, but color me surprise, they will win at this rate.)

"…..." – Phantasia took out his crossbow silently and aimed at the priest.


(No.) – though Phantasia while stopping aiming at the priest.

(Shooting them with crossbow and killing the priest will only reveal myself to them that somebody is controlling these monsters.)

(But still, lets observe the fight until the end.)

As the Phantasia predicted, the dark elf spear user was able to hold of the chimera long enough for the priest to drink potions and provide assistance again.

The first two chimeras had been dealt with and afterworlds they quickly came and assisted the orc player, killing the other two chimeras.

In the end, the last chimera was killed and no new victims had popped up.



Phantasia walked away while making sure that nobody had saw him.

(Chimeras did lost and I lost every single one of them, but that doesn't matter.)

(I now know some important things.)

First are the test subjects.

They are definitely above average player level in terms of skills and they either have high level or possess many different titles like me.

I could tell based on how they fought my chimeras.

The reason why I was able to tell was because I was observing the people that were hunting in the danger forest. The difference in fighting way different and even idiot could tell that these guys were better.

 But, because how good they were, I ended up securing more data than I should and also saw a lot of good and bad sides of my chimeras.

These guys were too good for their own good.

I've won in the end.


I lost all of the chimeras, but their sacrifice wasn't in vain.

I collected more than enough data.

These people will talk, but thanks to them being too strong, I won't need to attack another group of people. So, it will make their story bit harder to believe in.

However now?

Well…... I have the thing I need.

With this data I can finally progress with my chimera research exactly where I wanted it to go.

There are also other things I need to take care of regarding the chimeras, like how to change different things regarding the pieces and parts chimeras design and some changes.


Its progressing.


At this rate I will be able the chimeras I want…...





I'm getting too greedy and overconfident again.

This place isn't some random city, but a heavily defended city where they hunt a lot of extremely dangers monsters.

There is also the fact that this city has a direction connection with the capital city AND the fact that this place isn't starting location.

I'm not saying that all players in the city are some pros like these guys I just used as test subjects. But the players here are much higher level AND they should have some now experience in combat, making them noticeable harder to kill.

If anything, this place is a worse possible location to do anything like that...


However, there is still a chance.

If somebody forgotten, I have a nasty weapon called [Plague Creation].

I don't have a good plague at hand, but maybe?

This is just a huge "MAYBE".

But this time, I will make sure that the preparation are perfect and won't do it from get go.

I need chimeras and plagues.

The previous plague I created was pathetic and I don't know if I can even possibly create something strong with the stuff from danger forest.

There are also chimeras. I need a lot of stuff and corpse as well as the fact that I need to level up to increase my [Taming Mastery] and [Necromancy Mastery].

But this place will definitely "No go", since I will 100% fail. It's too heavily defended.

Well, I'm saying that with my current knowledge.

So, there is an "Maybe".

Maybe I will discover new monsters that can be used for creating dangerous chimeras?

Maybe I will get my hands on the nasty stuff that can be used for creation of a nasty plague?


So again, I will wait.

I will wait until the necessary things are ready and see if they are enough.

I will make sure to not make same stupid mistake as before.

But…... What I'm doing is really not waiting but instead preparing.

Levels, materials, bodies.

Once I have all of these things, the preparation can start.

I don't fuking care anymore if I discover something about that would help me destroy "This" city.

If I won't discover anything, I will just use a different place for my "Experiment".

So, in the end-

"I will fuking let them know that the "Doctor" is alive and kicking."

"And he has a lot of nasty surprise for everybody that can ruin their lifes."

(So have until then, because when I will show up, you will realize that not everything will go the way you want and you may end up facing "Bad Ending")

(So, get ready or not, I will come!)

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