
Prologue Part 1

This month has been hectic? No, more like lively if we were to describe it. It became lively the day after that strange blind monk when he barged to the bar where I celebrated becoming a man by killing a Troll all by myself. Granted it was an adolescent one but it was an achievement nonetheless.

"You...I finally found you....The chosen one who would hold 3 destinies as the Elder scrolls prescribed! I FINALLY FOUND YO-" He was too close and I punched the monk out cold who was probably high from all the Skooma he snorted.

The day after that is when it gets off the track as a milk drinker says.

I was merely hunting down a wanted man down at Skyrim where I came across an ambush that was meant for someone named Ulfric Stormcloak. Long story short, I got caught in the middle of it and the Imperials Legion, who were basically one the governments of Tamriel and the ones who ambushed them, captured me along with some other surviving Stormcloaks and a Horse thief for some reason, which are basically freedom fighters of Skyrim which their goal is to gain independence from them. I heard Ulfric killed the High King Thorygg Sun-killer using The Voice which is highly frowned upon, since The Voice is a gift from Kyne the Mother Goddess of the Nords and the Personification of Skyrim to the Nords.

The Voice was supposed to be used to give Glory and Worship to the Divines rather than using it for personal gains established by Jurgen Windcaller who was the founder of the Greybeards and a Hero of the First Era. Which Ulfric did by killing the High King with The Voice. Now not only Ulfric pissed off The Imperials by killing the High King in front of them, now and I think at least half of the Nords of Skyrim are against him by Blashiming Kyne.

Now, back to me being Captured. I could've told the Imperials I was just passing by trying to hunt down a bounty but

"Wait! I'm a bounty hunter not a Stormcloak! The blue accent of my Armor and my Talos necklace is just a coincidence!" but I couldn't trade Skooma to an addictive Khajiit for the life of me which led to me getting my head hit by an Iron mace and blacked out.

When I woke up I stripped off of my Armor which I personally crafted and currently wearing some sack made for carrying vegetables. This was embarrassing for a craftsman just as I. I looked around and I sitting in a caravan with a Gagged man, The Horse Thief and-

"Hey you, You're finally awake." of course a Blond Nord wearing a Stormcloaks Armor.

I didn't hear what he said after that for awhile since I was mostly disoriented by getting hit in the head by a chunk of metal.

"Ughh…I'm…I'm not supposed to be here." I managed to get that out of my mouth while clutching my head. By Talos they could've been a little gentle if they were intending to capture me.

"You and I both! You damn Stormcloaks! Skyrim was fine until you came along. The Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and been halfway by Hammerfell by now! You there, we shouldn't be here! It's what these Stormcloaks want!" I was listening to the Thief while looking at him and he seemed familiar…oh what a coincidence.

"You…You're Lokir of Rorikstead are you not?"

"Uh-Uhm, Wh-why are you asking?" He was confused by my question but the next words answered his question.

"Huh, What a coincidence. You're the one who I was supposed to hunt down."

"What!? Why are you hunting me?! I didn't do anything to earn your Ire!" He moved away from me since he was afraid of me. I just shrugged my shoulders and answered him.

"Well your bounty says otherwise. Murdering a Priest, especially an Important one, gets you a bounty days after what you've done."

"Well now, not only a Horse Thief but also a Murderer." The Blond Nord said as he listened in the conversation between me and Lokir. The Imperial guard grunted in annoyance and shouted.

"Quiet back there! I'm trying to rest my eyes without you bastards yamming away!"

"Yeesh, did a Cheap Khajitt wench give you fleas or something? We're just having a conversation since you're riding us off to our death so calm a bit down yeah?." The Blond Nord seemed to chuckle at my ill attempt at humor and the Guard grumbled but didn't say anything further. Lokir wasn't as amused as he looked at the Gagged man who was gagged but was shaking a little as if he was trying to laugh.

"And what's wrong with him, huh?"

"Watch your tongue, You're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak. The True High King." The Blond Nord immediately got out of this amusement and answered Lokir introducing Ulfric Stoa as if we're not in a caravan heading towards somewhere getting our head chopped off.

"Ulfric? The Jarl of Windhelm? You're the leader of the rebellion. But if they've captured you... Oh gods, where are they taking us?" I perked up when The Blond Nord introduced Ulfric.

"Wait you're Ulfric? Ulfric Stormcloak that killed The Late High King?" Ulfric raised his eyebrows but he nodded.

"No offense but since we're riding to our death. As a Talos Worshipper what you did was completely idiotic. You just basically gave the Imperials a reason to go frenzy on us fellow Worshippers and started culling us if there were some crazy patriotic imperial officer posted near us." Ulfric was surprised not at my Insult but my mention of my Worshiping a Hero-God of Man, Talos. The Blond Nord and Lokir shared that sentiment.

"You..You worship Talos?" The Blond Nord said in disbelief

"Uh, yeah? I mean who wouldn't Worship him? He is basically a legend among our people." I said in confirmation.

"Wow…by the divines. And here I thought I've heard and seen everything but you learned something new everyday." The Guard that was leading the horse said. I looked around and was confused as to why they were acting surprised.

"Why are you looking at me like I slapped a giant and got away with it?" The Blond Nord answered as to why.they were in disbelief.

"Well uhm. It's not everyday you see a High Elf openly say that they worshiped Talos." Ah that's why I kept feeling the wind across my hair when I woke up. They can see my ears. Dammit! Not only they stripped me of my armor but they couldn't leave me with my dignity. Especially they put me in the middle of a caravan with three Nords. And two of them were Patriotic.

"Ugh! So? Can't a knife ear such as me Worship Talos? Do I have to be a pure blooded Nord in order just to pray to Talos?" I was very annoyed as I cupped my long ears as if I was ashamed of them. I wasn't mind you but I was still embarrassed being outed like that.

"No! Like the imperial just said, it's just that it's very surprising to learn an Altmer, An Elf. Worship a God who your race despises." I huffed and moved my hands away from my ears.

"First of all, The High Elves despise everything that isn't them, given how everything started this damn Civil war started with them being childish, because Talos is against everything they believed in. Thinking they're some half divine bullshit and thinking that Talos, a MAN ascendent to a Divine, is just completely made up." The Blond Nord and the others didn't interrupt me, even the Guard that was leading the horse was listening, as they were interested in an Altmer saying something that was completely against what the vast majority of their race believed in. If Thalmor heard what he said they would've immediately cut his ear off because he was a disgrace as an Altmer in their minds.

"Second of all, I'm not pure blood Altmer. My mother is a Nord, I'm a Half Blood." Now the second of the day, he said something that completely surprised them. Half Blood aren't exactly Rare but they aren't common either due to how their race's blood rejects other races other than their own but if they were to conceive they would've usually be a race with one of their parents but that's usually the case for between the races of Man like Nords, Imperials, Breton and Redguard.

They would still be called Half-Blood due to the blood of their other parents still lying dormant in them and their dormant trait can be used on special conditions, Harsh weather or in a stressful environment like on the battlefield and the likes, but it would be to a lesser degree. But on very rare occasions a Half Blood between a Man and an Elf would be born, they were so rare in fact there's only Thousands of children between a Man and an Elf in the History of Tamriel.

Trying to conceive a child between a Nord and an Altmer is like trying to fit two different jigsaw puzzles from different sets. It was a disaster waiting to happen since the mother would miscarry 90 percent of the time due to how different their race is. However when that puzzle fits, and oh boy it would fit like it was meant to be there due to how seamless it was. Unlike the Halfbloods between races of Man, the child between a Man and an Elf would be able to use both traits of their respective parents. For the case of me, Spells and Enchantments were like second nature to me, This came from my Father an Altmer. Crafting and Fighting was a part of me when I came out of my Mother's womb and taught as much.

And the reason for my Worship of Talos? That didn't come from my Mother who wasn't even a Worshiper of Talos or my Father, his race is a given already. I just Worship Talos since I felt a connection to him when I first discovered him and who wouldn't Worship a badass Warrior Hero-God?

"An Altmer who Worship Talos and a Half-Breed at that! Heh, If I saw a Unicorn running right I wouldn't be surprised by all the things you've said today." Ralof said and Ulfric grunts in agreement, Lokir was silent as he listened.

"Yeah, well. If someone said the things I've said to me, I would've tried to escort them to the nearest Inn so they sleep the mead off." The Blond Nord nods

"Well, said. I don't think anything told you this but you're just as much a Nord as me and Jarl Ulfric than an Altmer. No offense." I just shrugged off and said.

"None taken. I'm just thankful I'm not raised in Elsweyr or as one of those who lived in the Aldmeri Dominion."

"Hmm, we know the Horse Thief name and Jarl Ulfiric but we don't know yours. What's your name brother?" I looked up at his question.

"You know, It's common courtesy to give your name first before they give theirs."

"Ah, Apologies. Name's Ralof, Ralof of Riverwood." I nodded and I properly greeted Ralof.

"Well met, Ralof. The names F-"

"General Tullius, sir! The headsman is waiting!" I was cut off by the Imperial Guard that was up top of a Perch Bridge. We've arrived huh?

"Good. Let's get this over with." Someone up ahead something, I guess that was General Tullius.

After a few moments we passed by the gates and watched someone, I'm guessing, was General Tullius talking to an Altmer woman in Black Clothing. Of course it's a Thalmor agent due to how condensing and spiteful her gaze was when she saw me. She huffed and looked back to Tullius to continue their conversation.

"Look at him, General Tullius, the Military Governor. And it looks like the Thalmor are with him. Damn elves. I bet they had something to do with this." Ralof said something to spite them when we saw who he was talking to.

"Thalmor always had something to do with this if it was about killing a Nord. Do you know where we are, Ralof?" I asked Ralof since even though I came down to Skyrim here and now but I wasn't a local. Ralof nodded and answered.

"This is Helgen. I used to be sweet to a girl from here. Wonder if Vilod is still making that mead with juniper berries mixed in. Funny, when I was a boy, Imperial walls and towers used to make me feel so safe." I listen to Ralof and watch a Father rushing his son inside their home, Probably didn't want his son to look when we're about to be executed. My mind went to my Father when I saw them as I wondered what my Father thought when he heard his Son was killed. He would most definitely find out if there's a Thalmor has something to do with this and he most definitely will since the Thalmor agent and Tullius is now following behind us, I think he will kill Thalmor for the rest of his life when he finds out.

"Whoa!" We've finally stopped huh? Off to Sovngarde I go.

'Momma, you're gonna see me sooner than you've expected and I'm going to have a very bad time once you find out I haven't given you grandchildren yet.'

"Why are we stopping!?" Lokir finally said something.

"What do you think? End of the line. Let's go. We shouldn't let the gods waiting for us." Ralof replied not exactly put Lokir's mind at ease but quite the opposite.

"No! Wait! We're not rebels!" Lokir desperately tries to plead with Ralof to tell them, but even if Ralof did say something that wouldn't mean anything since his Bounty is still up and he was on the list.

"Face your death with some courage, Lokir, It would be faster if you did." I said to Lokir so he wouldn't lash to death or bleed to death if he kept struggling and pleading.

"You've got to tell them! We weren't with you! This is a mistake!" My words were in vain and I just shook my head and pitied him, if he was lucky enough he would get the Blood Eagle then there would be a chance he would go to Sovngarde in honor but that's not happening.

"Get these prisoners out of the carts now. Move it!" An Imperial Woman said one of the Guards unknotted a rope on the side of the Caravan and signaled us to get out of the cart. Me, Ralof, and Ulfric stepped out fearlessly but Lokir on the other hand struggled and pulled his rope, but the Guard just pulled harder and Lokir fell. A few guards loosen the rope that was connecting us but not our binds.

We saw Platoon of soldiers manning The Walls and The Towers aiming their arrows on us or specifically on Ulfric if we tried to escape. We saw An Imperial woman wearing Imperial Captain Armor and a Nord man beside her holding the list. There were a few dozen Stormcloak Soldiers with cuffs in their hands as well.

"Step towards the block when we call your name. One at a time." The Imperial Nord said while motioning us to the side so he would call out our names if he recognized us.

"Empire loves their damn lists." Ralof said as I chuckled

"Probably got their heads so far up their ass they needed a list just to remember what's the difference between Hagraven and their Mother." Ralofs and a Few Stormcloak who heard me barked in Laughter but the Imperial Captain didn't have any of it.

"Quiet! All of you!" A few moments we quiet down.

"Ulfric Stormcloak. Jarl of Windhelm." Ralof and the others looked somberly as their leader would be beheaded soon.

"It has been an honor, Jarl Ulfric!" Ralof and the other Stormcloaks banged their Armor as if it were drums. But quiet down when Ulfric stood with them.

"Ralof of Riverwood. Lokir of Rorikstead." Ralof nodded and walked to his Stormcloak brethren, Lokir was breathing so loud I was about to comment on it.

"No, I'm not a rebel. You can't do this!" Lokir runned as fast as he possibly could and a few Archers locked on to him waiting for the signal.

"Halt!"The Captain commanded him but he was far away enough that he couldn't hear her.

"You're not going to kill me!" The Captain raised her hand and signaled the Archers to let loose.

"Archers!" A few dozen arrows hit Lokir but one went through his head, ending him instantly. Good thing for him that he went out painlessly.

"Anyone else feel like running!?" The Captain said to us Especially to me but the man beside me stopped her muse as he looked at me confused.

"Wait! You there. Step Forward." I tilted my head but did what he asked.

"Who are you?" Now at better lighting and standing taller than any living Nord but Shorter for an Altmer male (6.4 ft). I was fit and a bit tanned like any other Nord that was worth his Mead but was Slimmer than them thanks to my Altmer blood, I don't have any facial hair as I was still young. My long Golden hair had reached the back of my neck and a small Ring was on one of my Long Sharp Ears. My aqua colored eyes were sharp tempered by fighting people, killing bandits and hunting prizes but looked innocent but not naive.

"The Names Fenrir, Fenrir Blood-Forge." The Man looked Confused.

"You have a strange name for a High Elf. You have a Nord name rather than a High Elf name." He looked at his list to find my name but it wasn't there. He looked at this Officer and asked.

"Captain, what should we do? He's not on the list." The Captain just waved her name and said.

"Forget the list. He goes to the block."

'Damn, figured as much.' The man besides her reluctantly nodded knowing his Officer was annoyed by me and the now Late Lokir.

"I'm sorry but-" He cut off a black glove that belonged to the Thalmor agent I saw earlier. He looked shocked but was silent as the Thalmor agent strolled until she was in front of me.

She was your typical Altmer woman trying her best to be just as typical like the rest of her Inbred brothers and sisters. She has Long blond hair, Amber Eyes, Arched brows and her Eyes was longer than mine. Too much makeup to cover up her wrinkles but noticeable until you get close to her face. She's a bit taller than me but I was able to look up to her without moving my head and stared at her eyes while she tilted her head up a bit so she could look down on me. That's Thalmor for you, they have a stick so far up there I can see branches coming out of her nose.

"What's your Elvin name?" She stoically asked me a question. I just looked at her funny, not only was she old but was deaf and stupid.

"Those ears of yours stopped working years ago, lady? The name Fenrir-" I got cut off. Literally. By her swiping her dagger on my cheek and was now bleeding. She held her dagger to my eye and asked again.

"I don't think you understand my question, Mudblood. I'll ask you again. What's your Elvin name?" I just raised my eyebrows at her poor attempt to Intimidate me. She was as menacing as a skeever trying to fight a Troll that was eating.

"I told you before you Inbred bitch. My name is Fenrir-" I got cut off once more as her dagger was on my wounded cheek. She dug her dagged in my wound before she asked again.

"What's. Your. Elven. Name?" With every word she dug deeper and deeper until she reached my check bone. What the hell is this Master-Slave play she is trying to do? Do I have to really spell out my name for her old wrinkly inbred ass?

"F-E-N-R-I-R! Do I have to teach you the basic pronunciation too!?" I said fearlessly as her dagger slid off my wound. The onlookers looked at me in shock, to defy someone who can with a word either send me to the deepest and darkest dungeon or set me free. But here I was openly defying a Thalmor Agent. She was about to say something but someone beat her to it.

"Hey! Elf Bitch!" We both looked at one of the Stormcloaks that was covered in bruises and wounds that I thought he was going to at any moment but he didn't. He continued.

"Some of us are here waiting when the Sun rises to the east! We're Tired, Hungry and Thirst for Sovngarde! So get your Wrinkly ass and get the FUCK OUT OF HERE AND LET US DIE WITH HONOR!!!" He shouted with vigor I thought he didn't have and the rest of the Stormcloaks howlered in agreement and I think I saw Ulfric stomping the ground in an attempt to be as loud with his followers. The Imperial Captain growled and was about to command the archers to shoot them but the Thalmor woman stopped her.

"Stop, I've seen enough." The Stormcloaks after a few moments stopped when they heard her. She looked at me with contemplation and then she smirks.

"You think you're one of them huh, Mudblood? Let's see if that's true." She raised her dagger as if to striked me. I closed my eyes in anticipation.





(3rd Person Pov)

"Hmm?" Fenrir's hands felt free and opened his eyes that his hands were cut off by the Thalmors dagger.

"You're free to go." Fenrir just looked at her with confusion as he rubbed his numbed wrist from his tight binds. The Captain was livid that a Thalmor was setting one of the Prisoners free.

"What!? How could you let one of them free!? He's a Stormcloak and one of those Talos Worshippers!"

"Hmm? What do you mean captain? I don't see him wearing any armor resembling a Stormcloak or Wearing the Amulet of Talos. For all we know he was just a passing bounty hunter." She just shrugged her shoulders and sheathed her dagger. She looked at me while Fenrir was still rubbing his wrist so he got his blood flowing in his wrist again..

"So go! Shoo now little Mudblood. Go kill some Bounty or Drink one of those Horrid beverages that Barbaric Nords have made. Die in a ditch for all I care." She started to hum and walked away.

Fenrir just looked at the Thalmor as if he was seeing a Khajiit merchant that didn't have Skooma in their Inventory. Both Crazy and Unbelievable. Fenrir just looked at her for a few moments and he started to walk. The Thalmor smirked when she heard Fenrir walking away.

'Ahh~ A Rat will always be a Rat. When they see the first sign of freedom they'll scurry off leaving their fellow Rodents behind. Not knowing the cat was just playing with their food. I'll send a few of my men to kill him. For now, I want to see a Barbarian looking in despair as the little Mudblood left them. Fufufu~ Ah, the little things in this job makes it all worth it.' When she reached her horse she finally looked at the Stormcloaks expecting to see the look of betrayal.

But she couldn't find one because Fenrir stood beside them. The look of disbelief was all over her face, and Fenrir looked at her with a Smirk and gave her the Middle Finger. She gritted her teeth and rode away trying to save some face. A spell circle appeared on his free hand, and the Guards looked in horror and started to aim at Fenrir. The Stormcloaks, noticing this, Shielded Fenrir with their body.

"Captain! The Prisoner is using magic! We can't get an Aim in!" The Captain was Alerted to this.

"Imperials get to the Prisoner! Don't let him use magic!" Her and the other few Guards started moving and punching the Stormcloaks so they moved away from Fenrir. And when they got to the Half-Blood they immediately tackled him to the ground and binded his hands behind his back. The Imperial were confused as to why Fenrir was easy to get tackle despite knowing Fenrir could've easily Burned, Shocked, Freezed and Confused them easily with magic. When they saw his face they understood why.

There was now a fresh scar to his cheek. He was just using a Healing spell.

"Hahahahaha! What? You imperials are afraid of little ol healing spells now? What's next, a plate of sweet rolls?" Ralof and the other Stormcloak were laughing with Bruises on their faces. I was laughing with them despite getting face full of dirt.


"What was that?" Ralof said as the other people looked around to see where that sound came from but it was gone quickly as it came. People are also wondering what that sound came from and what manner of beast produced it

"What in the Oblivion is happening here!? I came back from a conversation with my Officers but I still have yet to see a single head in that basket!" The Captain looks shocked as her General looks at her with anger and annoyance in his gaze, The Captain salutes.

"General Tullius! Sir, we were about to execute the prisoners but-" She was cut off by Tulius.

"I don't care about your excuses! I want to see that basket filled with Stormcloak heads by the time I finish eating my lunch. Are we clear!?"

"Yes, General Tullius!" Tullius nodded and headed towards Ulfric to have a few words with him. Ralof wasn't interested in the words coming from an Imperial but what got his attention was Fenrir.

He was shaking like the day he was born. He had seen him facing off a Thalmor agent with a dagger in his cheek basically telling her to fuck off, flipping off the said Thalmor and used Magic in the middle of us if he was trying to set us free. He can admit the fearlessness of him inspired Ralof and the other Stormcloaks a little bit. But it was enough to shield him from the Archers and Guards while he was trying to heal himself and the Stormcloak that had been tortured weeks before we arrived here. Good thing they hadn't noticed the now healed Stormcloak. He was worried for him so he called out to him

(Fenrir's POV)


I stood in attention immediately when I heard that sound, that very sound made my skin crawl. That roar was like a War horn setting off in the distance. I felt something was coming and it was big, Immensely big. This was Foreboding to something Sinister, Malicious and Cruel. I…I felt this once before. Fire roared and the screaming of people that I knew.

"What was that?" The people around heard that too and were also confused but none of them were in the state I'm at. I'm Afraid. I'm so afraid, I can't even hear even if they were so close to me. I was gasping for air. I need air, air, air, AIR!!!


"Gah!" I felt a hand grab my shoulder and looked over to see Ralof looking worried.

"You looked like you've seen Talos himself, Fenrir. Are you having cold feet?" When I heard Ralof, my anxiety and fear was slowly going away as I nodded in confirmation.

"I'm… I'm fine, Ralof, I just need a moment. I can't exactly face Tsun if I'm having second thoughts, that would be a disgrace for me if I did." I chuckled as I was trying to calm my nerves. Ralof nodded and we both looked ahead to see Tullies was just about done giving Ulfric his last words.

"-You started this war, plunged Skyrim into chaos, and now the Empire is going to put you down, and restore the peace. Carry on the Execution Captain." He walked to the sides to watch the executions.

"Yes, General Tullius! Give them their last Rites" She said to the priest, The priest nodded but moments after she began an Impatient Stormcloak was tired of waiting.

"Oh the love of Talos,Shut up! And Let's get this over with!" He calmly walked towards the block and kneeled. The Priest huffed and said "As you wished." She walked over to her escorts with her arms crossed.

"Come on! I haven't got all morning!" He said before his head was forced on the block by a foot on his upper back. "My ancestors are smiling upon me Imperials. Can't you say the same?" Few moments after that he was beheaded.

'I did all I could so he would be comfortable. No man should be in pain while waiting to go home. Make Tsun soft for me when I go to Sovngarde Brother' Loud exclamations were heard all over us but I paid them no mind as I prayed for the fallen Nord Brother.

"Fearless in death. As he was in life." Ralof said his sendoff to his fellow brother in arms.

"Next the Elf!" I stopped praying and calmly walk-


I froze again. That sound was coming closer. I…I feel it.

"There it is again. Did you hear that?" The Guard with the list says while looking around.

"I said. Next Prisoner!" The Imperial Captain ordered me.

"To the block prisoner. Nice and Easy." I didn't listen to them as I stood in place trying to listen and looking around for the source of that sound. This time I'm prepared! Even if I didn't have my Armor and Weapons I promised this time I would be prepared!

"Prisoner! Are you deaf?! I said to the block-" Before she reached me, she saw my face looking in horror as I looked above the clouds looking at the massive shadow that was coming towards us.

"What in the Oblivion is that!?" I know what that is. It didn't have the same skull structure but it was similar. It was posted in the middle of the village I lived in as a monument to our suffering.

"Sentries! What do you see!?" The Captain ordered while backing away in fear to the large shadow that was coming out of the clouds.

"It's coming out of the clouds!" Then we saw it.

Large leathery wings spanning a village, Scales so sharp I swore I saw few large birds being impaled, Fangs and Claws that put the best weapon in this Era to shame, Long Serpentine neck connecting to a large Reptilian head. Its eyes were red and filled with Malice. This was the description my Mother told me every night I went to bed when she was alive. What our village founder killed back in the first Era and had its skull be a monument to our Suffering and Victory.

This…This is a



5.2k Words in a day. Damn .-.. And this is only Part 1 until Fenrir is invited

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