
Chapter 14

Author's Note:

Hi Author-san here, I get that some of y'all are tired of no action happening. I can gladly say that these last chapters will be the last time our Boy will have peace, enjoy it while it lasts.

Anyway let's get on with the story 😁

(3rd Pov)


A-Train had been working for hours at his headquarters, hunched over his advanced computer screens. His eyes flickered with the glow of the monitors, reflecting the complex data streams running across them.

He wasn't alone in his efforts; his AI assistant, SPADE, was actively helping him to hack into Vought's highly secure database.

This wasn't just a simple hack; it was a covert operation requiring finesse and precision. The goal was to copy every piece of incriminating information they had while avoiding detection.

Vought had its tendrils in everything, from politics to pharmaceuticals, and even the tech industry. They made Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos look like small-time players. Vought wasn't just corrupt; they were practically an empire of deceit.

As the data transfer continued, Reggie skimmed through some of the files SPADE had already decrypted. Politician payoffs, clandestine experiments, and secret compounds were just the tip of the iceberg. He shook his head, disgusted.

"These bastards think they own the world," he muttered. But then again, with the amount of dirt they had on people, they practically did.

With the data transfer nearing completion, Reggie turned his attention to another critical aspect of the mission: the building's layout. He needed to know every exit, every hidden passage, every potential trap.

His eyes scanned the architectural plans, committing them to memory. This was more than just a building; it was a fortress designed to keep secrets buried.

"SPADE, begin erasing all traces of our intrusion," Reggie instructed. The AI responded with a soft beep, acknowledging the command.

As a final precaution, Reggie initiated a protocol to flood Vought's security systems with false data, covering his tracks. Then, he began to vibrate, his molecules accelerating to the point where he seemingly split into two identical versions of himself.

The clone, identical in every way, gave Reggie a confident smirk. "You know what to do, right?" Reggie asked, his tone serious.

The clone rolled his eyes. "Of course, I do. Get in, grab the V's, and get out. Simple as that. Don't worry; I've got this." As the clone spoke, he began to vibrate, the familiar crackle of lightning surrounding him.

The energy condensed into a sleek, black outfit—form-fitting hoodie, mask with no visible features, gloves, jeans, and boots. He looked like a shadow, a proper thief, a panther ready to sneak in and steal it's prey.

Reggie nodded, satisfied. "Alright, good luck. And remember, no unnecessary risks."

The clone gave a mock salute and sped off, leaving Reggie alone in the room. He glanced at his watch; it was almost time to pick up Charlotte. They had plans to join his family for a movie, a rare moment of normalcy in their chaotic lives.


**Clone Reggie's POV**

The city was a blur as I raced through the streets, my destination clear in my mind. Vought's headquarters loomed in the distance, a monolith of glass and steel.

It was early morning, around 3:38 A.M., and the city was mostly asleep. Good, less chance of being noticed.

As I approached the building, I phased through the exterior wall, my molecules slipping past solid matter like water through a sieve. The sensation was disorienting but manageable.

Once inside, I stuck close to the walls, avoiding the numerous security cameras. Vought's security was tight, but not tight enough to stop me.

'Sixty-seventh floor, lab section,' I reminded myself. Drawing on the Speed Force, I felt a surge of power. My heartbeat quickened, and time seemed to slow down.

The world around me was almost frozen as I made my way to the stairs. Opening and closing the stairwell door, I sprinted upwards, each step echoing in the silence.

Reaching the sixty-seventh floor, I slowed down, moving with careful precision. The employees were frozen in place, unaware of the storm about to hit. The lab was easy to locate, a sterile white room filled with high-tech equipment.

My eyes scanned the area, quickly identifying the storage units containing Compound V and Temp V. I carefully placed several vials of each into my backpack, ensuring the lab looked untouched.

As I was about to leave, something caught my eye. A figure, dressed in a dark hood and mask, stood frozen in the hallway. He was out of place, a ghost in the machine. Curious, I moved closer but stopped short of removing the mask.

Revealing his identity could blow my cover, and I wasn't about to take that risk. Instead, I took a mental snapshot, committing the figure to memory. This was something to investigate later.

Satisfied, I phased through the floor, making my way down to the sewer system. The stench was overwhelming, but I ignored it, focusing on the mission.

Once outside, I blasted off towards the base lab, a hidden facility located far from prying eyes.

Upon arrival, I set the vials on a sterile table and activated SPADE. "Analyze these. I want to know everything, down to the last molecule," I instructed. SPADE beeped in acknowledgment, initiating a complex series of scans and tests.

According to SPADE, the analysis would take about five days. The recipes for Compound V and Temp V weren't available in Vought's digital files, likely taught orally to avoid leaks.

There were no physical files either; I'd searched every cabinet and safe in the lab. It was a dead end, but reverse engineering the compounds could provide the answers we needed.

I leaned back, taking a deep breath. The mission was a success, but the real work was just beginning. Vought was like a hydra with many heads, and cutting one off wouldn't be enough.

But this was a start, a crack in their armor. And as long as I am alive, I would find a way to bring them down.


(Original Reggie Pov)

Dressed in a casual outfit consisting of a purple t-shirt, an open black jacket, simple jeans, a gold Cartier wristwatch, A-Train brand Air Jordans, and a golden cross necklace, I glanced at myself in the mirror.

The outfit was laid-back but stylish, a perfect blend of comfort and confidence. I smirked, satisfied with the look, but my thoughts were interrupted by Charlotte's voice.

"Well? How do I look?" she called out, making me turn. The sight of her left me momentarily speechless.

Her long hair, now a captivating mix of gold and brown, cascaded down her shoulders. She wore a stunning thigh-length black dress, paired with a leather jacket. Her makeup was subtle, just enhancing her natural beauty to the right amount.

Seeing my reaction, she giggled, twirling playfully. "Well? What do you think?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

I took a moment to catch my breath, the sight of her stealing it away. "You need to be arrested," I said with a grin, "because you're so effortlessly stunning that you stole my breath away."

Charlotte burst into laughter at my cheesy line, then cleared her throat, smiling coyly. "Well, you're not looking too bad yourself, hot stuff." She looked me over, her eyes lingering, and then leaned in close, her body pressing against mine.

"I'm going to eat you up, down to the bone when we get back," she whispered in my ear, her voice low and teasing. She lightly bit my earlobe, her tongue tracing a line that sent shivers down my spine, before releasing it with a soft pop.

She pulled away, giving me a wink as she sauntered off. I watched her, entranced by the sway of her hips, my mouth suddenly dry. I tried to clear my mind, feeling the rush of blood as my body responded to her teasing.

It took a moment to calm myself, but I somehow managed, knowing we had to keep our plans. We ordered a cab, ready to meet my family at the movie theater.

As we headed out, a flicker of unease crossed my mind. Charlotte seemed happy, but I still couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off.

Maybe it was just nerves about keeping secrets from her, or perhaps it was the weight of everything going on. I pushed the thought aside, focusing on the present. Tonight was about enjoying time with her and my family, and I'd deal with the rest later.

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