
Grand Plan

"Okay." Matt nodded like everything was making sense. "Now I know you're crazy. How in the heavens will you get a girl like Mila Devon to notice you?"

He scoffed like the idea was ridiculous.

"Dude. I know you're good looking but you're not that good looking. You have nothing that makes you stand out from the other guys who flock to her."

I smirked, watching him rant. Yes. As you have probably suspected, I am ten steps ahead. 

I had in my head, memories of Nico Voss scrolling through Mila's Instagram page. I knew the perfect tactic to get what I wanted.

"Okay." I said, nodding in agreement to his words. "You do have a point but quick question. How do you catch the interest of an influencer?"

Matt leaned back in his chair, thinking seriously about my question. After a few seconds, he answered.

"By... giving them the opportunity to create content?"

"Bingo!" I snapped my fingers and pointed at him. "Influencers thrive and stay relevant by creating content but there's one type of content that makes Mila Devon herself approach guys in public."

"Wait a minute." Matt sat straight in realization. "Super cars."

I smirked. "Exactly."

You see, Mila had a habit of approaching handsome men in supercars and taking pictures with both man and car.

It was like her thing. A part of her brand for being a girl who loved supercars. Which was why it was odd that she took the bus.

"So, you'll create a situation in which she'll approach you and then what?" Matt asked. "You'll get her actual number then?"

"Yes." I took a sip of my coffee. "And that is when her business card will come in handy."

Matt just stared at me in shocked silence. "Damn, bro." He whispered. "I didn't know you had it on you."

He raised his latte to his lips and paused. "Wait a minute. Doesn't that mean you'll have to get a super car?"

I nodded.

"But..." He looked confused. "Where will you get the money?"

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet. And from within it, I pulled out my credit card. The same one I got from my father.

"Bro, what the fuck?" Matt was once again shocked. At this point, I could do anything and he wouldn't question if I was the real Nico or not. "I thought you were never going to spend too much on that card!"

"Dude. I'm quite sure if I bought a house with this card, my father wouldn't notice. Have you forgotten how rich he is?"

He paused, took a moment to think about it and nodded in reluctant agreement. "That's... probably true."

"But." I raised a finger. "We won't be relying too much on this card. "Once I'm able to get into high society, we're ditching the card."

Once I seduced Mila and got ten times her wealth, I wouldn't need the card anyways.

I'll use father dearest to take the first step and ditch him after that. It would be pretty stupid to have a resource like this and not use it out of pride.

I can develop pride later, when I get the ability to spend 'fuck you' money.

"Okay. You've gotten Mila's attention. How are you planning to hold it and seduce her?" Matt asked.

"I'll keep myself on the same road. She's a social media influencer. All I need to do is to keep appealing to her sense of adventure."

I could sense that he was skeptical about everything, so I decided to explain.

"Mila's used to the parties, the resorts and the exclusive restaurants. Instead of following the same song and dance, I'll turn the money I have into a gateway to exciting adventures instead of using it as a status symbol."

"All I need to do is to keep building on the idea of exclusivity. Not by going to popular places but by creating one of a kind experiences."

"Shit." Matt shakes his head in wonder. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say someone gave you this idea but both of us know you've always been smart."

He licked his lips, thinking about all I've just said. "So, instead of using money to seduce her, you'll use those experiences. We both know the rich value exclusivity more than the price tag of something."

"Exactly. And there's no way Mila hasn't picked up that same preference after mingling with the rich for so long."

"So, when do we start?" He asked, excited.

"Before we start, there are three things that we'll keep in mind as we execute the plan."

"First, no one must know that I'm Logan Voss' son. If this gets out, it'll quickly spread through the grapevine to one of my sisters and the moment they hear of it, it'll inevitably get to my father. And that man is the biggest killjoy when it comes to me."

"True." Matt nodded.

"Second. To explain my wealth, we'll have to lean into the urban legend and make me that mysterious billionaire that no one knows but rumors are always flying around about."

"So, you'll be one of those silent, wealthy dudes?"

"Yes." I said. "And lastly, we'll be using Jenny's island."

"Dude! Are you crazy?" Matt almost stood from his chair before remembering where we were and seating back down. "You want to use Jenny's island?"

"Yes." I nodded.

Matt leaned back in his chair, not knowing what to say.

I know you guys are wondering. Who's Jenny and why did Matt react like that?

Well, Jenny is my step sister. My fifth step sister to be exact. She was also the sister who lived closest to me. 

And yeah. She was the one who got stuck in the washing machine but don't worry. We'll get to that story in the future.

Jenny also happened to have an island very close to us and only used it maybe once a year.

I've been there once before and still have access to the place, so I know I'll be able to use it.

But using Jenny's island wasn't the problem. The problem was making sure she doesn't find out because if she did, she'd definitely be mad. Unlike her twin, Jenny didn't like me. 

And why am I taking the risk you might ask?


Entering high society and getting Jenny's attention would make sure my name spreads even faster.

What can I say? It's a win-win for me.

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