Rain led Neil to the rooftop, where the view was expansive and calming. She ordered a bubble tea for him and then also bought a selection of snacks. Then she guided him to a nearby bench to sit. As Neil hesitated, she gently nudged the bag toward him.
Pushing the bag of snacks toward him, she added softly, "Go ahead, Neil. These are some of my favourites. Maybe they'll help you relax a bit."
Neil took it and then sipped on the bubble tea. Rain smiled warmly, trying to ease the tension. She sat beside him, giving him enough space to feel comfortable, but staying close enough to offer quiet support.
"By the way, I'm Prosecutor Rain Clayton," she introduced herself, offering him her calling card, which he accepted with a nod.
Neil was fifteen and a close friend of Liza, the victim. Henry had spotted him in the CCTV footage from the night Liza was abducted by five gang members called the Savage Skulls while she was running an errand for her mother.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: