
[51] Ascension Through Invention

I wake up before my alarm, my body already primed for action. The digital clock reads 5:30 AM. Perfect. I slip out of bed, careful not to wake my roommates, and change into my workout gear.

The common room is quiet as I head for the door. Just as I reach for the handle, a gruff voice breaks the silence.

"Damn nerd, how can I surpass you when you don't take days off?"

I turn to see Kacchan slouched on the couch, already in his workout clothes. His scowl doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"Morning, Kacchan. Care to join me?"

He grunts, pushing himself up. "Sure."

We jog to the gym in companionable silence. Once inside, we start our warm-up routines. I watch Kacchan from the corner of my eye, noting how he's adjusted his stretches to accommodate his still-healing ribs.

"How're the ribs?" I ask, keeping my tone casual.

"Tch. Takes more than that to keep me down." He rolls his shoulders. "What's your plan today?"

I outline my workout, emphasizing explosive movements and endurance. Kacchan nods along, then adds his own ideas.

"Your footwork's still shit. We should drill that."

I raise an eyebrow. "My footwork's fine. Your guard drops on your left side."

"The fuck it does!"

We spend the next hour pushing each other through a grueling circuit. Kacchan's competitive nature drives us both to our limits. By the end, we're drenched in sweat.

As we cool down, Kacchan breaks the silence. "So, how'd it go with Ponytail yesterday?"

I consider deflecting but decide against it. Kacchan's not one for gossip. "It was... complicated."

"Hah? You fuck it up already?"

"No! Well, maybe. I told her about Nejire."

Kacchan stares at me like I've grown a second head. "You told her about the other girl you're seeing? Are you fucking insane?"

I shrug. "Didn't want to lie."

"Christ, Deku. You're supposed to be the smart one." He shakes his head. "What're you gonna do now?"

"I don't know. Give her space, I guess. Focus on training."

Kacchan snorts. "Yeah, 'cause that always works out great for you."

"Oh, and you're suddenly the expert on relationships? Last I checked, you haven't even held a girl's hand."

Kacchan's face flushes red. "The fuck you say to me?"

"You heard me," I say, grinning. "Unless you've been holding out on us, Mr. Ladies' Man. Should I let Auntie know about this development?"

He lunges at me, but I sidestep easily. "Come on, Kacchan. We both know you're all bark and no bite when it comes to girls."

"I'll show you bite, you little shit!" He swings again, but there's no real heat behind it. We've done this dance too many times.

"Seriously though, what would you do? If you had two girls interested in you?"

Kacchan stops, considering the question. "I'd tell 'em both to fuck off. Too much hassle."

"Of course you would," I say, rolling my eyes. "But what if you actually liked them?"

He shrugs, grabbing his water bottle. "I dunno. Pick one, I guess. Or neither. Focus on being the number one hero instead."

I nod, mulling over his words. "That's... not terrible advice, actually."

"Don't sound so surprised, asshole." Kacchan takes a long drink, then wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. "Look, Deku. You've got bigger shit to worry about than which girl to take to the movies. We're gonna be pros soon. Can't afford distractions."

"You're right," I say, surprising myself. "But it's not just about dating. These connections... they could be valuable in the future."

Kacchan narrows his eyes. "The fuck you mean by that?"

I realize I've said too much. "Nothing. Just thinking out loud."

He doesn't look convinced, but lets it drop. "Whatever. You done being a sap? I wanna hit the showers."

We head back to the dorms, the conversation shifting to safer topics like upcoming assignments and hero news.

As Kacchan and I part ways in the dorm hallway, my phone buzzes. It's a text from Ai:

"Hatsume's in the support wing right now. Thought you'd want to know."

I type back a quick "Thanks" and head to my room. A hot shower helps wash away the morning's sweat and tension. As the water cascades over me, I consider my next move. Hatsume's inventive mind could be just what I need to take my hero suit to the next level.

After drying off, I stand in front of my closet, pondering what to wear. Something comfortable, but still presentable. I settle on a pair of well-fitted dark jeans, a forest green henley that brings out my eyes, and a pair of all white shoes. Casual, but put-together. I run a hand through my damp hair, giving it a tousled look. I grab the notebook Momo gifted me before heading out.

Stepping out into the hallway, I make my way to the common room. A few of my classmates are scattered around, some nursing cups of coffee, others sprawled on the couches.

As I enter the room, I nearly collide with Momo. She takes a quick step back, her eyes widening slightly.

"Oh! Midoriya, I didn't see you there."

"Morning, Momo," I reply, keeping my tone light. "How are you?"

"I'm well, thank you." She pauses, her eyes flickering over my outfit. "You look nice. Are you going somewhere?"

I nod, maintaining eye contact. "I'm heading to the support department. Hatsume's there, and I wanted to discuss some modifications to my hero suit."

Momo hesitates, her fingers toying with the hem of her shirt. "Would you... mind if I came along? I've been thinking about some upgrades to my own costume."

I consider her request. On one hand, it might be awkward given our conversation yesterday. On the other, this could be a chance to clear the air. Plus, having Momo's analytical mind in on the discussion could lead to some interesting ideas.

"Sure, I don't see why not. Two heads are better than one, right?"

Momo returns the smile, though it doesn't quite reach her eyes. "Indeed. Let me just grab my notebook, and I'll meet you at the entrance?"

I nod, and she turns to leave. As I watch her go, I can't help but wonder if this is a good idea. But then again, when has playing it safe ever gotten me anywhere?

"Ooh, Midoriya and Yaoyorozu, sitting in a tree," Mina sing-songs from her spot on the couch.

"Very mature, Mina."

She sticks her tongue out at me. "Just saying what everyone's thinking!"

Momo returns, and we set off towards the support department. The walk is quiet at first, both of us seemingly unsure how to break the ice.

"So… have you given much thought to your costume upgrades?"

"Actually, I've been considering some changes to my hero suit."

"What kind of changes were you thinking about?"

Momo frowns slightly. "Well, that's the thing. I'm not entirely sure. I know my current design is functional, but I feel like it could be... better, somehow."

I consider her current costume, running through its strengths and weaknesses in my mind. "Well, the most important thing is making sure you have enough exposed skin for your quirk to work properly, right?"

She nods, a slight blush coloring her cheeks.

"What about a crop top and shorts combo?" I suggest. "It would give you plenty of exposed skin while still being practical for movement. You could add elbow pads and knee pads for protection."

Momo's eyes light up. "That's not a bad idea at all. But what about temperature regulation?"

"Maybe a cape or coat over it?" I offer. "Something you could easily remove if needed, but would keep you warm in colder conditions."

She smiles, clearly warming to the idea. "I like that. It would add a bit of dramatic flair, too."

"Exactly," I grin. "And you know, I think green would suit you better than red."

"Green? Are you sure you're not just partial to the color?"

I laugh, holding up my hands up. "Guilty as charged. But seriously, I think it would complement your quirk nicely. Green is often associated with growth and creation."

She nods, considering. "I'll think about it. What about you? Any plans for your own costume?"

"Actually, yeah," I say, pulling out the notebook she gave me. "I've been working on a redesign. Now that I have a clearer picture of what I want to be as a hero, I felt like my costume should reflect that."

I flip to the page with my sketch and show it to her. Momo leans in, her eyes widening as she takes in the details.

"Wow, Midoriya," she breathes. "This is... impressive."

"Thanks. The white cloak is the centerpiece. See how it has short sleeves and an open front? And look at the green flame pattern rising from the hem."

Momo nods, her finger tracing the design. "And these kanji on the back... 'Evergreen Hero'?"

"Yeah, that's the hero phrase I'm considering," I explain.

"It certainly fits you," Momo agrees. "And the dark teal base with black accents... it's striking. The red belt really pops against the darker tones."

I nod, pleased that she's picking up on all the elements I'd carefully considered. "Exactly. I wanted something that would stand out, but still be practical for combat."

As we approach the support department, Momo hands the notebook back to me. "It's a fantastic design, Izuku. I'm sure Hatsume will have a field day with it."

I push open the door to the support department, and the scent of motor oil and burning metal hits me. Momo follows close behind, her eyes widening as she takes in the chaos of the workshop.

Mei Hatsume stands in the center of it all, goggles pushed up on her forehead, pink dreadlocks wild and tangled. She's bent over some contraption that looks like a cross between a jetpack and a toaster. Sparks fly as she welds something into place, oblivious to our presence.

I clear my throat. "Hey, Hatsume."

Her head snaps up, a manic grin spreading across her face as she spots me. "Midoriya! Perfect timing! I just finished the prototype for my new baby!"

She bounds over, dragging the device behind her. It clanks and sputters, leaving a trail of oil on the floor.

"Uh, what exactly is it?" I ask, eyeing the contraption warily.

"It's a portable gravity manipulator!" Mei exclaims, practically vibrating with excitement. "It can increase or decrease the user's personal gravity field! Think of the applications for hero work!"

Momo leans in, examining the device closely. "Fascinating. How do you control the intensity?"

"There's a dial on the side here," she explains, pointing to a small knob. "It goes from zero to ten, with zero being normal gravity and ten being... well, we haven't quite figured that out yet."

I raise an eyebrow. "You haven't tested it?"

"Of course I have!" Mei protests. "On inanimate objects. But I need a live subject to really put it through its paces." She looks at me hopefully.

I take a step back. "Maybe another time, Hatsume. We actually came here to talk about costume upgrades."

"Ooh, upgrades!" Mei claps her hands together. "What did you have in mind? Rocket boots? Laser vision?"

"Nothing quite that extreme. I was thinking more along the lines of improving the durability and flexibility of the material."

I pull out my notebook and show her the sketch of my new design. Mei's eyes go wide as she takes it in, muttering to herself and occasionally nodding.

"This is good," she says finally. "Really good. But we can make it better."

She grabs a pencil and starts scribbling notes in the margins of my sketch. "See here? We can reinforce the joints with a carbon fiber weave. And the cloak? We'll use a smart fabric that can change its thermal properties based on the environment."

I lean in, fascinated by her rapid-fire ideas. "That sounds amazing. What about the gloves?"

"Glad you asked!" Mei grins. "I've been working on a new polymer that can enhance grip strength while still allowing for fine motor control. We'll integrate that into the palms and fingertips."

As Mei continues to ramble about material properties and cutting-edge tech, I glance over at Momo.

"What do you think?"

Momo smiles. "It's impressive. I'm starting to think I should redesign my costume as well."

Mei's head snaps up at this. "Ooh, Yaoyorozu! I have so many ideas for your costume! How do you feel about retractable armor plates? Or maybe smart glasses for even faster creation?"

Momo looks a bit overwhelmed. "I, uh, hadn't considered anything quite that advanced."

I step in, sensing Momo's discomfort. "Maybe we could start with something simpler? Momo was thinking about a redesign that focuses on practicality and ease of movement."

"Boring," Mei pouts. "But okay, we can work with that. What were you thinking?"

As Momo describes her ideas for a crop top and shorts combo with a removable cape, I find my attention drifting. The support lab is filled with half-finished inventions and mysterious gadgets. Each one represents a potential advantage, a new tool in my arsenal.

My gaze lands on a sleek, black device sitting on a nearby workbench. It looks like some kind of advanced communication device.

"Hey, Hatsume," I interrupt, pointing at the device. "What's that?"

Mei follows my gaze. "Oh, that? It's a prototype for a long-range, encrypted communication device. It can bypass most signal jammers and has a built-in translator for over 50 languages."

"Does it work?"

"In theory," Mei shrugs. "Haven't had a chance to field test it yet. Why, you interested?"

I try to keep my tone casual. "Maybe. It could be useful for internships or future hero work."

Mei grins. "Tell you what. Help me test some of my other babies, and I'll let you borrow it for your internship."

I consider the offer. On one hand, being Mei's test subject is always a risky proposition. On the other, having access to that kind of tech could give me a significant edge.

"Deal," I say, holding out my hand.

Mei shakes it enthusiastically. "Great! We'll start with the gravity manipulator!"

As Mei starts strapping me into the device, I catch Momo's concerned gaze.

"Are you sure about this, Midoriya?" she asks.

I give her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. I trust Mei... mostly."

Mei flips a switch, and I feel my body start to lift off the ground. As I float upward, I can't help but think about how each new piece of tech, each new ally, brings me one step closer to my goals.

The device sputters, and suddenly I'm plummeting back to earth. Momo gasps, Mei curses, and I brace for impact.

Just another day in the life of a hero-in-training.

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