
[47] Weight of Gold

"Honestly, you two," Recovery Girl scolded, waving her syringe-shaped cane. "I just finished patching Midoriya up after that reckless stunt with Todoroki, and now here you both are again! What am I going to do with you?"

Bakugo clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Tch, lay off, you old hag. It's not my fault you can't keep up."

Recovery Girl's eyes narrowed behind her glasses. Before Bakugo could react, she rapped him sharply on the head with her cane.

"Show some respect! You may be talented, but you've still got a lot to learn about being a proper hero, young man."

I bit my cheek to keep from grinning as Bakugo grumbled and rubbed his head.

"Now then," Recovery Girl continued. "I can't fully heal either of you if you want to participate in the award ceremony. But I need to at least get you patched up enough to attend without bleeding all over the place."

She examined our injuries, her wrinkled hands gently probing the bandages. I winced as she checked the deep bruising along my right arm from blocking Bakugo's powerful explosions. Recovery Girl tsked under her breath.

"Reckless, both of you. Pushing your body and quirks so far at your age. You'll ruin your bodies before you ever become pros."

I started to reply, but a commotion at the infirmary entrance made me pause.

"Izuku!" Mom cried, rushing over to envelop me in a tight hug.

"I'm okay, Mom," I assured her. Over her shoulder, I noticed Mitsuki Bakugo also fussing over her son, who tried to wave her off.

"Let me look at you," Mom said, holding me by the shoulders. Her worried eyes took in the bandages on my arms and the lingering bruises on my face. I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Just some bumps and scrapes. Recovery Girl says I'll be fine for the ceremony."

Mom sat on the edge of the bed, one hand gently brushing back my messy green hair. Her touch soothed some of the lingering adrenaline from the fight.

"Oh, Izuku. I'm so proud of you, but I wish you wouldn't push yourself so hard," she said softly.

"He was incredible out there, Inko!" Mitsuki said brightly, giving me an approving grin. "You should've seen him take down that Todoroki kid. I knew he had it in him."

"Yes, he's getting so strong. Just like his father..." Mom trailed off wistfully. An old sadness flashed in her eyes.

Mitsuki's smile faded. "Have you heard from him lately?" she asked gently.

Mom shook her head, composing herself. "No, nothing for a while now. But I'm sure he'd be proud too, if he could see Izuku today."

Mitsuki shot me a sympathetic look before rounding on her son again.

"And you!" She jabbed Bakugo in the chest, eliciting a grunt. "Don't think I didn't see you almost kill yourself out there with that crazy final attack!"

"Get off!" Bakugo growled, shoving her hand away. "I would've been fine if not for that damn nerd."

Mitsuki ignored the outburst, ruffling Bakugo's ash-blond hair and further disheveling it. "You looked so cool though! But try not to destroy the entire arena next time, okay?"

Bakugo grumbled indistinctly, finally shrugging off his mother's enthusiastic fussing.

"Well, no more lazing around," Recovery Girl declared, interrupting the moment. "You two at least look presentable now. Time to go claim your prizes."

Mom helped me to my feet, steadying me briefly as I found my balance. The dull throb of my injuries had faded to a manageable level thanks to Recovery Girl's treatment and my accelerated healing. I felt ready to face the crowds again.

"Be careful out there," Mom said, brushing an imaginary speck of dirt from my tattered uniform. Her eyes glistened. "I love you so much, Izuku. You make me so proud every day."

I pulled her into a gentle embrace. "Love you too, Mom. Thank you for always believing in me."

We parted ways in the hall, Bakugo and I walking shoulder to shoulder towards the podium.

The metal platform beneath my feet creaked as it slowly rose, carrying me towards the roar of the crowd above. Bakugo stood to my right on his second-place podium, arms crossed and scowling. Momo was on my left, her posture perfect despite her obvious exhaustion.

I glanced around, frowning. "Hey, where's Iida? Shouldn't he be here for third place?"

Momo shook her head, concern etching her features. "I'm not sure. No one's seen him since his match with you."

"Probably chickened out," Bakugo sneered. "Couldn't handle losing to you."

I shot him a look. "Come on, that's not like Iida at all."

Bakugo's scowl deepened. "Whatever. Doesn't matter anyway. You and me, Deku - we can settle this right now. Round two."

My eyes narrowed. "Oh yeah? You sure you're up for another beating so soon?"

"Boys!" Momo's exasperated voice cut through our posturing. "Have you both forgotten the state you're in?"

I blinked, looking down at my arms. "Oh man, Recovery Girl might actually murder me if I show up in her office again today."

Bakugo snorted. "Weak. I could go another ten rounds."

"Sure you could"

The platform continued its slow ascent. I could hear Present Mic's voice growing louder, hyping up the crowd for the medal ceremony.

"Hey," I said softly, catching Momo's attention. "You were amazing out there. That strategy against Bakugo? Brilliant."

A light blush dusted her cheeks. "Thank you, Izuku. Though it wasn't enough in the end."

"Are you kidding? You had him on the ropes. A few more seconds and-"

"Oi!" Bakugo interrupted. "I'm right here, you know. And I won that match fair and square."

I grinned. "No one's denying that. But you have to admit, Momo gave you a run for your money."

Bakugo's scowl softened slightly. "Yeah, well... it wasn't completely terrible," he grudgingly admitted.

Momo's eyes widened at the unexpected praise. "I... thank you, Bakugo. That means a lot coming from you."

He shrugged, clearly uncomfortable with the moment of vulnerability. "Whatever. Just means I've got more extras to crush next time."

I laughed. "There's the Kacchan we know and tolerate."

"Fuck off, Deku."

Our ascent slowed, and I could see glimpses of the stadium through the gap above us. The roar of the crowd was deafening now.

"This is it," Momo said, taking a deep breath.

I nodded, squaring my shoulders. "No matter what happens up there, we should be proud. We gave it our all."

"Speak for yourself," Bakugo growled. "I'm not settling for second place next time."

"We'll see about that," I replied with a grin.

The platform locked into place with a loud clank. Bright sunlight flooded in as the roof above us retracted.


Thousands of faces looked down at us, a sea of excitement and admiration. Cameras flashed from every direction.

Midnight's voice came through. "Tenya Iida actually shares the third place podium with Yaoyorozu. Unfortunately, he had to leave for family reasons." She paused, her lips curving into a sly smile. "Gotta love those familial bonds, am I right?" With a wink to the cameras, she continued, "Now, let's bring out the hardware! There's only one symbol worthy of giving out these awards, and I think you know who it is."

A booming laugh echoed through the stadium. "HA HA HA HA!"

I looked up, spotting All Might's muscular silhouette against the sun. He leapt from his perch, cape billowing as he flipped through the air. "I AM HERE!" he bellowed, his voice carrying over the crowd's cheers.

All Might landed with a thud, cracking the ground. He flashed his signature grin to the cameras before striding towards our podium.

"You've all shown tremendous growth and potential. The future of heroism is bright indeed with young heroes like yourselves leading the charge!"

He pulled out three gleaming medals. "Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for. The bronze medals go to Tenya Iida and Momo Yaoyorozu!"

As he draped the medal around Momo's neck, he leaned in close. "Keep pushing yourself, young Yaoyorozu. Your quirk has limitless potential."

Momo nodded, her eyes shining. "I will, sir. Thank you."

All Might moved to Kacchan next, holding up the silver medal. "Young Bakugo. Your raw power and fighting spirit are truly impressive."

Kacchan's jaw clenched as All Might placed the medal around his neck. "I don't need a consolation prize," he growled. "Next time, I'll be the one standing at the top."

All Might laughed. "That's the spirit, young Bakugo! Always strive for greatness!"

Finally, he turned to me, the gold medal glinting in his hand. "Young Midoriya. You've come so far in such a short time. Your journey is only just beginning, but already you've shown the true heart of a hero."

As he placed the medal around my neck, I felt its weight - not just physical, but the weight of expectation.

"Thank you, All Might," I said, my voice steady. "I'll keep working hard to become the kind of hero you can be proud of."

All Might's grin softened. "You already are, my boy. You already are."

He turned to address the stadium, his voice booming. "Young heroes-in-training! Today, you've all shown incredible spirit and skill. Each and every one of you could have been standing on this podium."

I watched his gaze sweep across the crowd, meeting the eyes of my classmates and rivals. Uraraka stood straighter, her chin lifting. Todoroki's mismatched eyes gleamed with renewed purpose.

"The path of a hero is not an easy one," All Might continued. "It's filled with challenges, setbacks, and moments that will test your very core. But remember this - true heroism isn't about always winning. It's about getting back up when you fall, about pushing yourself beyond your limits for the sake of others."

I kept my face neutral, but inside, I was analyzing every word, every reaction from the crowd. This speech wasn't just inspiration - it was shaping public perception, molding the next generation of heroes.

"Each of you has something unique to offer the world," All Might's voice grew more passionate. "Your quirks, your skills, your hearts - these are the tools you'll use to shape the future. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't be a hero. The power to change the world lies within each of you."

I glanced at Kacchan, wondering if he caught the irony in those words. He had once told me I couldn't be a hero. Now here we stood, side by side on the winner's podium.

"So, young heroes," All Might raised his fist to the sky, "when faced with adversity, when the odds seem insurmountable, remember this - you have the power to…"

The stadium held its breath. I leaned forward, ready to shout along with everyone else.

All Might's grin widened. "GO BEYOND!"

And as one, the arena roared back:


The crowd erupted into cheers. Confetti rained down from above, a kaleidoscope of colors against the blue sky. I stood there, basking in the moment. But even as I smiled and waved to the cameras, my mind was already several steps ahead.

This win wasn't just about proving myself. It was about positioning, about setting the stage for what was to come. I had shown the world - and more importantly, the pro heroes watching - that I was a force to be reckoned with. The offers for internships would be rolling in soon, and I needed to choose carefully.

As we stepped down from the podium, I caught Momo's eye. She gave me a warm smile and I returned it.

"Hey, Deku!" Uraraka's voice came through. She bounced up to me, her eyes shining. "That was amazing! You were like, pow! And then whoosh! And then bam!"

I laughed. "Thanks, Uraraka. You were pretty incredible yourself out there."

"Oh, stop it. I didn't even make it to the podium."

"But you held your own against Kacchan," I pointed out. "That's no small feat."

She giggled, then her eyes widened. "Oh! I almost forgot. My parents are here, and they really want to meet you. Would you mind...?"

I hesitated for a split second. Meeting parents wasn't exactly high on my priority list right now. But I saw the hopeful look in Uraraka's eyes and made a quick calculation.

"Sure," I said. "Lead the way."

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