
[39] Clash of Elements

[Shoto Todoroki's POV]

I turned away from the ring, my footsteps echoing in the tunnel as I made my way towards the entrance. Of course Midoriya won. There had never been any doubt in my mind.

But as I rounded the corner, I found my path blocked by a figure that I knew all too well. A figure that seemed to radiate a palpable aura of intensity, of barely-restrained power.


My father.

He stood there, his arms crossed over his broad chest, his eyes boring into me. For a moment, we just stared at each other, a silent battle of wills that crackled with unspoken tension.

Finally, he spoke. "That green-haired brat. He's really starting to get on my nerves."

I felt my jaw clench, my hands curling into fists at my sides. Of course. Of course he would be fixated on Midoriya, on the one person who seemed to be outshining me at every turn.

"And?" I bit out. "What do you want me to do about it?"

Endeavor's eyes narrowed, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features. "What do I want you to do? I want you to crush him. To show the world that you're the true heir to my legacy, the one destined to surpass All Might."

He took a step forward. "You have the power, Shoto. The potential. But you're holding back. You're not using everything at your disposal."

I knew what he was getting at. Knew the unspoken accusation that lay behind his words. My fire. The half of my quirk that I had sworn never to use, the half that I associated with him and everything he represented.

"I don't need my fire, I can beat Midoriya without it. I can beat anyone without it."

Endeavor's face twisted, a snarl of frustration and contempt. "Don't be a fool, Shoto. Your fire is a part of you, whether you like it or not. And if you want to be the best, if you want to fulfill your destiny... you're going to have to embrace it."

How dare he. How dare he stand there and lecture me about my quirk, about my potential. As if he hadn't been the one to drill it into me, day after day, year after year, he's the reason this fire is a curse, a burden, a reminder of everything I hated about myself.

"I am not you," I hissed, my voice shaking with the force of my anger. "I will never be you. And I will never use my fire, not for you."

For a moment, Endeavor just stared at me, his expression unreadable. Then, slowly, a smile spread across his face, a smile that held no warmth, no affection. Only a cold, ruthless satisfaction.

"We'll see about that," he said, his voice a low, ominous rumble. "We'll see how long you can cling to your foolish ideals, how long you can deny the true nature of your power."

He turned to walk away, his footsteps echoing in the silence of the tunnel. But before he disappeared from view, he paused, glancing back over his shoulder with a look that sent a chill down my spine.

"Remember, Shoto. You are my masterpiece. My legacy. And sooner or later, you will embrace that legacy, whether you want to or not."

I stood there for a long moment, my breath coming in short, sharp gasps. The anger was still there, simmering just beneath the surface, but it was tempered now by a cold, hard determination.

I would show him. I would show everyone. I didn't need my fire to be the best, to be the hero I was meant to be.

And I would start by winning this match, by proving that I could beat anyone, even Midoriya, with the power of my ice alone.

With a final, steadying breath, I stepped out into the light of the arena.

It was time. Time to show the world what Shoto Todoroki was made of, time to take my place at the top of the podium.

[Izuku Midoriya's POV]

I strode into the 1-A booth, the roar of the crowd still echoing in my bones.

I entered the 1-A booth, still riding the high from my victory. My classmates' chatter died down as I walked in, replaced by a chorus of congratulations and excited exclamations.

"Midoriya, that was amazing!" Kirishima grinned, pumping his fist in the air. "You totally owned that match!"

Uraraka bounced on her toes, eyes shining. "Yeah, you made it look so easy!"

I smiled, accepting their praise with a nod. "Thanks, guys. Shinso put up a good fight, but I had a solid strategy going in."

"And that kick!" Kaminari chimed in, trying to imitate the move. "Bam! Right in the gut!"

Iida stepped forward, his hands chopping the air. "Your technique was most impressive, Midoriya! You've clearly been training hard."

"I have," I agreed, meeting his gaze. "It's paying off, and I'm glad it shows."

Jiro spoke up, her earphone jacks twirling absently. "Hey, I heard what you said to Shinso after the match. That was really cool of you, offering to recommend him to Aizawa-sensei."

I raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Your hearing really is something else, Jiro. But yeah, I meant what I said. Shinso's got potential, and his quirk could be incredibly useful in hero work."

Usually, I'd be stammering, deflecting praise, and downplaying my abilities. But why? What good did that really do? It didn't make me more likable or relatable. If anything, it probably just made me seem insecure.

No, it was time for a change. Time to own my accomplishments and abilities. Not arrogantly, but confidently.

"That's our class rep," Ashido grinned, slinging an arm around my shoulders. "Always looking out for others!"

I chuckled, gently extricating myself from her grip. "It's not just altruism. Having allies with diverse quirks and skills is valuable in this field. We're all going to be pros someday, after all."

Yaoyorozu nodded approvingly. "That's a very pragmatic outlook, Midoriya. I'm impressed by your forethought."

"Thanks, Yaoyorozu," I said, meeting her eyes with a smile. "I try to think ahead."

Bakugo scoffed from his corner, arms crossed. "Don't get cocky, Deku. You haven't won yet."

I turned to face him, my expression neutral. "No, I haven't. But I intend to."

A tense silence fell over the room as Bakugo and I stared each other down. After a moment, I broke eye contact, addressing the room at large.

"Look, I know I've downplayed my abilities in the past. But that stops now. I've worked damn hard to get where I am, and I'm not going to pretend otherwise anymore. I'm here to win, just like the rest of you."

The atmosphere in the room shifted, charged with a new energy. My classmates exchanged glances, clearly reassessing their perceptions of me.

"Well, damn," Jiro muttered. "Looks like Midoriya's finally showing his teeth."

I shrugged, moving to take a seat. "Just being honest."

As I sat down, I could feel their eyes on me, a mix of curiosity, respect, and maybe a little wariness. Good. It was time they saw me as I was – not just a friend or classmate, but a serious contender for the future #1 Hero.

The next round of matches was about to begin, and I had a feeling things were about to get very interesting indeed.

"Alright, folks!" Present Mic's voice boomed, cutting through the moment. "It's time for our next match!"

I leaned forward, my focus sharpening. This was it. The first glimpse of what Todoroki could really do.

"In the red corner, we have the prodigy of the hero course, the ice-cold powerhouse - Shoto Todoroki!"

The crowd roared, a tsunami of sound. I could feel the anticipation building, the crackle of excitement in the air. But looking at Todoroki he looked different from when we last talked. What happened?

"And in the blue corner, the master of tape, the king of capture - Hanta Sero!"

Another cheer, but one tinged with an undercurrent of nervousness. Everyone knew what Todoroki was capable of. Sero was strong, but against that kind of raw power...


What happened next was over in a heartbeat. A glacier exploded from Todoroki's foot, a wave of ice that moved faster than the eye could track. It engulfed Sero before he could even blink, leaving him a frozen statue, only his face free from the icy prison.

"Sero," Midnight called, her voice cutting through the stunned silence. "Can you move?"

A beat. Two. Then, slowly, painfully, Sero shook his head, his teeth chattering violently.

"Sero is immobilized!" Midnight declared, her voice ringing out over the stunned silence. "Todoroki wins!"

The crowd erupted, but I barely heard them. My eyes were locked on Todoroki, on the way he stood there, his gaze fixed on the horizon.

"Damn," Jiro breathed. "That was..."

"Ruthless," Momo finished.

I said nothing.

His display of power against Sero had been impressive, but also concerning. It was clear now - he intended to come at me with everything he had right from the start.

Which meant I needed to be ready.

I closed my eyes, visualizing my internal quirk status screen. It was time to review my options for countering that massive ice.


Current Adaptations:

Enhanced Strength (Lv. 5)

Accelerated Healing (Lv. 5)

Improved Stamina (Lv. 5)

Enhanced Reflexes (Lv. 5)

Heightened Senses (Lv. 4)

Mind-Body Synchronization (Lv. 4)

Heat Resistance (Lv. 3)

Cold Resistance (Lv. 2)

Kinetic Energy Absorption (Lv. 2)

Bioelectricity Manipulation (Lv. 2)

One For All Sync: 5.2%

Evolution Progress: 18%

Next Potential Adaptation: ?????

My cold resistance was still fairly low. Nowhere near enough to shrug off being frozen solid. But the kinetic energy absorption could be useful. If I timed it right, I might be able to redirect some of the ice's force rather than taking the full brunt.

It would take perfect timing though. No room for error against a relentless onslaught like that.

I glanced up at the schematics of the arena, mentally mapping the layout. Plenty of space, but not much cover. I'd have to keep moving, stay ahead of the ice. Use my agility to my advantage.

If I could get in close, stay inside the effective range of his quirk, that could limit how much power he could put behind it. Risky, but it might pay off.

I felt the familiar tingle of One For All thrumming through me, resonating with my growing power. If it came down to trading direct blows, I should be able to match Todoroki at 5%, maybe more. But I'd have to be smart about it, strategic. 

Todoroki was strong, no question. But he was also troubled, conflicted. I could use that to my advantage, get in his head. Throw him off-balance mentally as well as physically.


I looked left to see Momo staring at me, features drawn tight with concern.

"Are you sure about this?" she asked quietly. "Going up against Todoroki like this, it's..."

"Dangerous?" I finished for her. "It is. But I expected as much when I came here. We all did."

I rose, meeting her eyes. "I'll be okay, Yaoyorozu. I promise."

She searched my face for a moment, then nodded, shoulders relaxing a fraction. "Alright. Just...be careful."

I smiled. "Careful as I can be. We are fighting for glory here, after all."

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