
[2] Loading: Hero

The sun dipped low on the horizon as I made my way home, the day's events replaying in my mind. The crowd's cheers had faded, replaced by the mundane sounds of evening traffic and distant sirens.

A familiar voice cut through my musings, sharp and angry. "Oi, Deku!"

I turned, unsurprised to see the blonde - Bakugo, if I remembered correctly - stomping towards me.

I waited, hands in my pockets. "Can I help you?"

He bristled at my tone, closing the distance between us in a few quick strides. "What the fuck was that back there?" he snarled, jabbing a finger at my chest. "I didn't need your goddamn help. I was fine on my own!"

I raised an eyebrow, letting a hint of amusement color my voice. "Really? Because from where I was standing, you looked about two seconds away from becoming that thing's lunch."

His face contorted with rage, small explosions popping in his palms. "Shut up! I had it under control! You just got in the way, you quirkless loser!"

I sighed. "Is there a point to this little tantrum? Or did you just come to whine about how I saved your ungrateful hide?"

He grabbed the front of my shirt, yanking me close. "Listen here, you little shit. I don't know what's gotten into you, but don't think this changes anything. You're still a worthless, quirkless nobody. Got it?"

"Are you done?"

My calm seemed to infuriate him further. He shoved me back, hard. I stumbled but kept my feet.

"You think you're hot shit now, huh?" Bakugo sneered. "One lucky break and suddenly you're acting all high and mighty. Well, newsflash, Deku. You're still nothing. You hear me? Nothing!"

I considered my options. The old Izuku would have cowered, maybe even apologized. But I wasn't Izuku. And I was done playing the meek little victim.

"You know, Bakugo, I almost feel sorry for you."

He blinked, thrown off by the unexpected response. "What?"

"It must be exhausting," I continued, voice dripping with mock sympathy. "All that shouting and posturing. Tell me, is it overcompensation? Or are you just that insecure?"

His jaw dropped, genuine shock replacing anger for a moment. Then his face twisted into a snarl. "You little-"

I cut him off, my tone sharpening. "No, I don't think I'm 'hot shit'. I simply did what needed to be done. The fact that you're so threatened by that speaks volumes."

He lunged forward, fist cocked back. I sidestepped smoothly, letting him stumble past me.

"Careful now," I said mildly. "Wouldn't want to add assault charges to your growing list of endearing qualities."

Bakugo whirled around, chest heaving. For a moment, I thought he might actually try to hit me again. Then, to my surprise, he deflated slightly.

"What happened to you?" he muttered, more to himself than to me. "You're not... you're different."

I shrugged. "People change, Bakugo. Maybe it's time you did too."

He stared at me for a long moment, confusion warring with anger in his eyes. Then he spat on the ground at my feet. "Fuck you, Deku. Just... fuck you."

He stormed off, shoulders hunched. I watched him go, a mix of emotions swirling in my chest. Satisfaction, certainly. A touch of pity, perhaps. But mostly, a cold, calculating interest.

Bakugo was strong. Volatile, yes, but with potential. In my old world, I would have marked him as a potential asset. Someone to be molded, shaped into a useful ally.

But this wasn't my old world. The rules here were different. I needed to tread carefully.

Still. It was something to consider.

The confrontation with Bakugo had been enlightening in more ways than one. It confirmed what I'd already suspected - that the original Izuku had been a doormat, content to let others walk all over him.

Well. That ended now.

Suddenly, my vision blurred. A translucent blue screen materialized in front of me, hovering in mid-air like some sort of holographic display. White text scrolled across its surface:

[LOADING... 0.02%]

I blinked, certain I must be hallucinating. But the screen remained, the percentage slowly ticking upward.

[LOADING... 0.04%]

What fresh hell was this? Some quirk-related phenomenon? A sign that this body was finally rejecting my consciousness?

Before I could ponder further, a booming voice shattered the evening quiet.

"Young man! I've been looking for you!"

I turned to see the massive form of All Might striding towards me, that impossibly wide grin plastered across his face. The blue screen vanished as quickly as it had appeared, leaving me to wonder if I'd imagined the whole thing.

All Might came to a stop before me, hands on his hips in what I assumed was meant to be a heroic pose. "I wanted to thank you again for your incredible bravery earlier today! Truly, you embody the spirit of what it means to be a hero!"

I forced a modest smile, falling back into the role of the starstruck fanboy this body's memories suggested I should be. "Thank you, All Might. I just did what anyone would do."

He laughed, the sound like rolling thunder. "Nonsense, my boy! Few would have the courage to rush into danger as you did, especially without a powerful quirk to back them up!" He paused, curiosity evident in his voice. "Speaking of which, I don't believe I caught what your quirk was during all the excitement. Something strength-enhancing, perhaps?"

I shook my head, deciding honesty was the best play here. "Actually, I'm quirkless."

All Might's eternal grin faltered for a moment, genuine shock crossing his features. "Quirkless? But that's... I mean, to face such danger without any powers at all... that's even more impressive!"

I shrugged, affecting a mix of pride and resignation. "I've learned to make do with what I have."

"Remarkable," All Might murmured, more to himself than to me. He seemed to shake himself out of his thoughts, focusing on me once more. "I don't believe I caught your name, young man."

"Izuku Midoriya, sir."

"Well, young Midoriya, I must say I'm thoroughly impr-" All Might's words cut off abruptly as he doubled over, coughing violently. Blood spattered the pavement at his feet.

I took an involuntary step back, genuinely startled. "Are you alright?"

He waved off my concern, but the coughing continued. Suddenly, a cloud of steam erupted around him, obscuring his massive form. When it cleared, I found myself staring not at the Symbol of Peace, but at a skeletal figure.

The man before me looked like All Might's malnourished doppelganger. Sunken cheeks, hollow eyes, and clothes that hung off his emaciated frame like rags on a scarecrow.

"Well," the man said, his voice a raspy shadow of All Might's booming tones, "this isn't quite how I planned on revealing this."

I stared, my mind racing to process this new information. "All Might? What... how?"

He sighed, reaching up to wipe blood from his chin. "I suppose you deserve an explanation, young Midoriya. After all, you've shown me your secret. It's only fair I show you mine."

With trembling hands, he lifted his shirt. I couldn't suppress a wince at the sight. A massive, star-shaped scar dominated the left side of his torso, the skin puckered and twisted in a way that spoke of catastrophic damage.

"Five years ago," All Might explained, his voice heavy with remembered pain, "I suffered this injury in a fight that was never made public. Half of my respiratory system was destroyed, and I lost my stomach. The surgeries have whittled me down to this."

I studied the wound with a mix of horror and... grudging respect. Lesser men would have retired after an injury like that, content to rest on their laurels. But here All Might stood, still propping up the entirety of Japan's hero society through sheer force of will.

"How are you still alive?" I asked, genuine curiosity coloring my voice.

All Might barked out a harsh laugh. "Sheer stubbornness, I suppose. And a hell of a lot of surgeries." His expression grew serious. "I can only maintain my hero form for about three hours a day now. The rest of the time... well, you're looking at it."

I nodded slowly, processing this new information. "Why are you telling me this?"

He met my gaze, his sunken eyes burning with an intensity that belied his frail appearance. "Because you've shown me something extraordinary today, young Midoriya. The true spirit of heroism isn't about having the flashiest quirk or the strongest powers. It's about the drive to help others, no matter the cost to yourself."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. How sickeningly naive. Still, I had to admire the man's dedication, misguided though it might be.

"You've got a rare gift, my boy," All Might continued. "A heroic spirit that can't be taught or bought. And I think... I think you might be the one I've been looking for."

I raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued despite myself. "Looking for?"

All Might nodded. "You see, my quirk is a bit... unique. It's called One For All, and it's a power that can be passed down from one person to another, growing stronger with each generation."

I blinked, genuinely surprised. A transferable quirk?

"I've been searching for a worthy successor," All Might continued. "Someone to carry on the torch of One For All and become the next Symbol of Peace. And I believe, young Midoriya, that you might be that person."

For a moment, I was speechless. The sheer audacity of it all... to offer such power to a complete stranger based on a single act of perceived heroism. It was absurd. Reckless.

And absolutely perfect.

I forced my expression into one of wide-eyed wonder, channeling every ounce of the original Izuku's fanboy enthusiasm. "Me? But I... I'm quirkless. I'm nobody."

All Might's skeletal face broke into a grin that was a pale shadow of his usual megawatt smile, but no less sincere. "That's exactly why you're perfect, my boy! You've shown that true heroism comes from the heart, not from some genetic lottery. With One For All, you could become a beacon of hope for all those who feel powerless. A symbol that anyone can be a hero if they have the will and the spirit."

I let my gaze drop to the ground, feigning humility and inner conflict. "I... I don't know what to say, All Might. This is all so sudden."

He placed a bony hand on my shoulder. "You don't have to decide right now, young Midoriya. This is a big decision, and not one to be made lightly. Think it over tonight, and if you want to take me up on this offer, meet me at Takooba Beach tomorrow at 5:30 AM."

I nodded slowly, letting a mix of gratitude and uncertainty show on my face. "Thank you, All Might. I... I'll think about it."

He smiled, then glanced at the setting sun. "I should let you get home. Your parents are probably worried sick after everything that happened today."

I nodded again, realizing with a start that he was right. I'd need to face the woman who thought she was my mother sooner rather than later.

"Oh, and young Midoriya?" All Might said as he turned to leave. "Let's keep this conversation between us for now, alright? The nature of One For All needs to remain a secret."

"Of course," I assured him. "Your secret is safe with me."

He gave me a grateful nod, then disappeared around a corner in a burst of speed that seemed impossible for his frail form.

I stood there for a long moment, mind whirling with the implications of what had just transpired. A transferable quirk. The potential to become the most powerful hero in Japan.

It was almost too good to be true. A gift-wrapped opportunity to insert myself into the very heart of this world's power structure.

But something nagged at the back of my mind. That blue screen, with its cryptic loading message. What did it mean? And why had it appeared now, of all times?

I shook my head, pushing the thoughts aside for now. I had more immediate concerns to deal with.

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