
Across The Sea

(Third Person POV)

Dragon Eggs. 

Worth more than an entire castle, they say. Dragon eggs are items that can decide a person's fate, especially a Targaryen. Should a Targaryen Babe be lucky, the egg placed on their cradle will hatch, and the hatchling will eventually bond to them. When the child is old enough, they'll officially claim the Dragon, waiting until the beast is large enough to be ridden. 

Sometimes, the Eggs do not hatch; they lose their warmth and will sit there, in a state of stasis. This will prompt the Targaryen child to seek out another Dragon to attempt to claim it. 

Rhaegon Baratheon was the first child with Targaryen blood to have his egg hatch. While not in the cradle, his egg hatched the same day he was born, merely an hour later. Princess Shaena took the Obsidian Black egg from the Dragonpit in King's Landing and took it with her to Dragonstone during the River Dragon Rebellion. She had foresaw her own child riding a dragon born from the egg, which prompted her to take said egg. 

The Dragon hatched on the same day of Rhaegon's birth and would soon be named Morghul, The Black Lord. 

Morghul's egg was one of the Three Eggs that Aegon V had in his possession, the rest of the Targaryen's Family eggs were lost over the passage of time. 

There were three eggs; A Golden Egg, A Silver Egg, and an Obsidian Black Egg. The Golden Egg was Sundancer, the current source of House Targaryen's dragon eggs. The Silver Egg was Arraxes, King Rhaegar's mount. And the Obsidian Black Egg was Morghul, Prince Rhaegon Baratheon's mount. 

It was believed that these three eggs were the last of the remaining eggs that once belonged to the Dragons of House Targaryen. 

This is wrong. 

There were three separate eggs that were sent away during the conflict known as The Dance of The Dragons. Queen Rhaenyra sent her children to the safety of Pentos during the War, but due to some unforeseen events, they did no make it that far. But the Eggs did. Three eggs that belonged to House Targaryen were housed by an elusive and mysterious group of so-called sorceresses. 

They would house the eggs until the Fated Return of dragons. 

On the same day that Morghul hatched, another egg hatched. 

This one was black with a shade of crimson red, the dragon that hatched was not like Morghul, who was completely black with amber eyes. This dragon was black, yes, but it had a deep shade of red in its scales, and its eyes were blood red. 

This dragon, however, hatched on the other side of the sea. A certain boy eventually claimed the Dragon, riding it throughout Essos, and later on it became an integral part of the Dothraki Horde. 

The Boy and The Dragon were raised by a Dothraki Khal, who had a white-haired woman as Khalessi. One day, the woman was presented with an infant baby, but she already had the Egg in her possession. At the same time that Morghul hatched, this specific dragon hatched as well, to the exact second.

The Khal was hesitant to take the boy and the dragon in, but his Khalessi convinced him. The Boy was raised as his own son as his Khalessi was unable to grant him sons. The Khalasar was doubtful of the Khan's actions and some of his men demanded that the woman be exiled and the boy and beast be killed. 

The Khal killed them, saying that both the woman and the boy were his. The Dragon happened to be an extension of the boy, that is. 

The Boy was raised in the way of Horse-Riding as the dragon grew up larger. He was taught to fight by the Khal, using the Dothraki's arakhs and other weaponry. The Boy then eventually took to his dragon, which was a pivotal moment in that specific Khalasar. The Boy was the Khalakka, the heir to the Khalasar. While many shunned the idea of a boy who wasn't the Khal's blood son to be heir, they could not protest the sight of the dragon before them. 

The Khal used this to his advantage and conquered the other Khalasars in the Dothraki Sea, amassing more Dothraki to his own Khalasar and eventually forming the Great Khalasar. He was the greatest force that the Free Cities feared, his stampeding bloodriders and the massive Dragon that was believed to be a rumor.

Until one day, that is. 

One day, the Great Khalasar split into several hordes, to spread out and attempt to conquer more land, pillage more cities, and acquire more slaves. The Boy Khalakka led his own horde, going further East, while the Khal stayed within the close vicinity of the Free Cities. 

It was on this day that two more Dragons descended into the Dothraki Sea, a grey-silver one and an obsidian-black one. 

The Khal and his Horde were shocked by this, not aware that across the sea and to the West, the Dragons were more prominent.

Viserys Targaryen and Rhaegon Baratheon had made contact with the Great Khalasar, completely unaware of the magnitude of their actions. The Prince and the young Knight did not know about the Great Khalasar, they were not aware of the massive Dragon that the Khalakka rode. 

Viserys saw what the Dothraki did, pillaged and raped, and with a fit of rage, he burned the horse-savages as he called them. All while Rhaegon fought and killed several Dothraki on the ground, Morghul watching and keeping most of them off his rider with nothing but his gaze. 

The Great Khal eventually challenged the Young Knight to single combat, communicating with his broken common-tongue. His Bloodriders protested, claiming that he had already been in a vicious battle, fighting off rebelling Dothraki that attempted to take his life. 

The Khal ignored them, charging the Young Knight in an attempt to take his head off. 

Rhaegon was skilled, however, a level that no Dothraki had seen from any Western Warrior. While the Khal was holding his own, Rhaegon was untouched, unfazed by the power and skill of the Khal. He did notice, however, that the Khal had been exhausted, but it didn't matter. 

The Khal wanted an honorable duel and Rhaegon Baratheon gave it to him. 

Eventually, Rhaegon plunged his blade through the Khal's heart, killing him. 

After this, Rhaegon was satisfied and left, flying away atop Morghul as Viserys followed him atop his Moonfyre. 

The Great Khalasar mourned their Great Khal and when the Khalakka returned, to find his father dead, to say that he was enraged is an understatement. The Great Khalessi, who was with her son and his hordes, was also enraged and heartbroken. 

Eventually, she contacted a few old "friends" from her past and met with a certain man. At that point, she declared vengeance, to avenge her husband and destroy Viserys Targaryen and Rhaegon Baratheon. She offered the Great Khalasar to the Man's cause, claiming that her son was more than fit to lead them. 

The Man? Valerion Blackfyre, the Pretender was amassing power to invade Westeros. He had the Golden Company on his side, had recently purchased 10,000 Unsullied warriors, and had now attained the Great Khalasar, 100,000 Dothraki, perhaps even more. 

Valerion Blackfyre suddenly became one of the most dangerous men in the World, having so much power on the palm of his hand. 

What of the Khalessi? And the Khalakka who had just turned Khal? 

The new Great Khal was known as Khal Daegon, who rode a massive black dragon that was named in honor of his Father. 

The Dragons Name? 


[A/N: I might put all stories on this account on hold and focus on my Novels. One on my Main Account and another on this account; The first is Darkstone Legacy and the other is Cursed As A Dragon God.

Darkstone Legacy:


Cursed As A Dragon God

https://www.webnovel.com/book/30681650400196305 ]

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