

THE transformation, right before their very eyes caused Felis and Glit to freeze as it ripped through the warm flesh of the woman, snarling and screeching, tearing into her already marshed corpse with unbridled ferociousness. The little girl, with cute and dazzling features had grown into a seven feet monster with long slender arms made out of decaying white flesh. Anyone looking closely enough will see the evidence of yellow bones peeping from several gaping cuts in its body.

After it was done, it turned to both Felis and Glit then made a sound that was supposed to be laughter but only vibrated like broken screeches. They could see it very well now, its entire physiology, although humanoid was warped and twisted. As if someone wanted to make a caricature but instead of this being funny or insulting, it was monstrous.

Its head held no visible eyes, just a mass of swirling and squirming skin that looked like the formation of a brain and then underneath it was a wide jaw with obvious serrated fangs. The fangs will number up to a hundred, unlike anything Glit has ever seen in her life and she has seen sharks and other beautiful sea creatures.

It stumbled forward and glanced at the two. "Humans," it said, its voice sudden, the sound of it like the scrapping of metal against an ice sheet, it sounded more like the hiss of a snake than an actual word.

Felis already knew what this was and he wondered why this Island would choose something so vile to protect it. "What is that?" Glit whispered as they began to back away slowly.

"That is a Wendigo!" Felis replied with a whisper.

"Humans," it said again. "Delicious, greedy…" it coughed multiple times, before speaking again. "Cryptid…" it said, and before Felis could react it lunged once again. Its slender legs were like springs and it vanished before Felis' very eyes, even in this state that he was, it was hard for him to follow its speed much less react to it.

The long talons of the creature appeared beside him and before the captain could react, it sliced through Glit's arm, cutting it clean off from its elbow. The girl yelled, her screams drowned by a massive explosion, occuring in the other side of the forest, an explosion that was closely followed by a shriek.

The Wendigo glanced in that direction, distracted for a moment. Felis quickly carried the screaming Glit away, dashing deeper into the woods, putting a bit of space between him and the Wendigo. Anger seeped into his system, as he saw the severed arm of someone he'd sworn to protect.

He took off his shirt immediately wrapping it on the girl's arm as she kept whimpering, the pain crippling all her other senses. He touched her face and glanced at her as he assimilated more of the potion, up to one percent at once, filling his body with power. "You are going to survive this!" He told her before turning to the Wendigo which was now a mere distance from him.

"I naturally would go against, fighting the spirit of a forest, but you are no spirit," he said, walking towards the beast as his body began to emit steam, his hair dancing around on his head with every step he took. The creature could see the changes and it stopped, crouching low and studying whatever the hell was happening to Felis.

"All you did was out of wickedness and nothing but a primal satisfaction that you gain from ripping warm bodies to bloody shreds. You know you cannot satiate your hunger so you have stopped feeding in a long time, all you have in you is hatred!" He was closing the distance between him and the Wendigo slowly.

"At this moment, I heed you; take a deep breath and recall your fondest memories for this day shall be your last. Whatever hell hole you crawled from, whatever infernal hell you escaped from, I will send you back there and you will tell tales of the terror I wrought upon you to your god! For I have judged you unworthy of living!"

Felis vanished literally, his body appearing right in front of the monster, surprising it as it sprang backwards evading the captain's punch. It lunged forward, aiming a low slice at his knee caps but he was faster now. He shifted his legs backwards but it appeared like it went from one point to another without crossing that threshold of space. He struck his second leg forward, crashing it into the face of the Wendigo, the impact sending it flying into a nearby tree.

The beast screeched and was about to stand up but it had no chance to, Felis was right in front of it, streaks of blue lightning dancing around his eyes. When the creature glanced up, all it saw from the millions of microscopic eyes that made up its forehead was the shadow of an angry god with glowing eyes.

It shrieked, springing backwards before the captain's demolishing blow would hit it. Felis' fist crashed into the ground, sending a wave of tremor throughout the entire forest, the tree that was directly in front of the blow, splintered apart from the reverberation caused by the blow.

The Wendigo shrieked, splitting its jaw wider than normal as it lunged at Felis in anger, delivering multiple strikes at him, its ivory skin glistening in the moonlight as it aimed to rip him to bloody shreds. The cryptid dodged the strikes with relative ease and began to respond with his own blows. Soon enough, the beast and the cryptid were in a tussle of blows.

Their clash, causing sparks of light as they dealt blow for blow. The Wendigo's punches were feral and unpredictable, while Felis' was marked with precision and a calculated sequence. To him it was a dance, to the beast it was survival. Soon enough, Felis caught one of its long arms and snapped it in two with sheer force.

The creature let out a guttural scream of pain as the captain ripped the arm from its body, before it could react, he dug the arm into its head, allowing the talons to pierce through the skin. He then held its slender body, as it jerked endlessly from the pain. Felis could smell the fear coming from it as he ripped it apart with his brute strength.

He dropped the severed bodies on the floor, as he heaved a sigh of relief. He stopped assimilating the potion and he stood right there, taking deep breaths as he glanced at the disgusting body of the creature.

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