
Chapter 94

Mo Fan soon had his conflict with Nanrong Ni and others over Mu Ningxue's matter and was frozen from the team for two matches soon after.

Lin Feng's new soul seed was called Apollo's Light and had two special effects. One every light spell casted by Lin Feng would carry the purifying effects of a Basic Brilliant Light.

Second and more impressively his Light Element would have fifty percent more spiritual energy, which equated to being able to cast 50% more spells than any mage of his level, without any such talent.

Although both were auxiliary effects the cumulative value of the Soul seed was not small, especially at the Super level.

Mo Fan, Mu Ningxue and Lin Feng set off for Peru to help him obtain the Earth element Soul seed in the Desert valley.

Mu Ningxue had achieved tier two in both her elements while Mo Fan was a five element Advanced mage with second tier cultivation in the Fire element and two Commander level pets. They also possessed a Soul seed or its equivalent power in their Fire, Lightning and Ice elements.

As soon as they reached near the valley, Lin Feng gave both of them his best defensive spells and had them deal with the scores of Warrior level Rock Elemental creatures as they objected to him stealing their treasure.

Plummeting Rays Sacred Wall (x5.5, second tier, soul seed)

Eyes of the Rock Demon Mountain Guard (x 5, third tier, spirit seed, Baxia's blessings at two times effect)

Since Baxia's blessings were only effective for defensive spells he had to modify his Earth spell which was only possible with his cultivation and newfound fourth tier of mental strength.

Since they were attacked by Warrior level beasts in large numbers and they couldn't pierce his defences in one go the defences he set up would last until his Galaxies dried up.

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