
Chapter 55

Although it took three days Zhang Xiaohou and Lin Feng did meet up with Mo Fan only he was more wolf than man at this point still, he seemed to have only gone through a single Soul breakdown at this point.

" You're kidding right brother Lin, that sppedster is brother Fan?" asked Zhang Xiaohou.

" Of course he is , I told you about the demon element's side effects that should be it"

The demon reacted aggressively when he met his friends, it seemed it was still difficult to keep his sanity without first awakening the demon element.

Lin Feng opened the container and threw the commander level Soul Remnant at Mo Fan.

After sensing the remnant it's greed was aroused as the demon quickly caught it.

A scream of pain could be heard soon after, it seemed that with a Commander level Remnant Spirit and Little Loach pendant's help Mo Fan went through his second and third soul breakdowns that day itself although the process itself lasted three days.

Lin Feng and Zhang Xiaohou picked up the demon to a nearby cave that looked inhabited under scrutiny and waited out the process.


On the seventh of them setting out from Biyi City a female Commander made her way out of the HQ and quietly progressed into the marsh, she was ready for an ambush at the site mentioned in the letter and borrowed a powerful equipment from her sister.


" Your kidding right brother Fan, you still have one more of these things to go through and you need a commander level Remnant Spirit again and for that you want to hunt that Xuanwu Lizard" shrieked Zhang Xiaohou.

Somehow he felt trapped by his two brothers who wanted him to be the scout.

" Well no need to hurry the process, before coming here I sent a letter to the Army HQ about the Deathbringer of Dongting Lake being around here, the army will send atleast an Advanced mages, we can enlist their help as well" Lin Feng said as a matter of fact bringing a gleam in Mo Fan's eyes and hope to Zhang Xiaohou.

" Brother Lin you are still reliable as ever"

" Fengzi you seem to have thought things through?" asked Mo Fan.

" Well I talked to Zhan Kong at length about your problem and by the way you owe me 50 million" said Lin Feng.

He wasn't lying, he really did discuss things with Zhan Kong.

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