
Chapter 39: Sky High

~Kotaro Hakari~

"I know I am repeating myself here but your power are really bullshit." Setsuna said while looking up at my flying form.

That's right, I was flying right now. Although the dome training zone was a touch too cramped for flight it wasn't too bad. So, the million-dollar question of how I was flying right now?

After a bit of experimentation with Setsuna we decided on the best wings I could use for flight, and those were the wings of the Archaeopteryx, just scaled up to the human body. And lo and behold, I took off to the skies. This also taught me that, yes, I could transform into any dinosaur not just the default raptor body.

So, my arms were now replaced with giant 3 meter long rainbow colored wings. Flying with them was deceptively easy and instinctual, which I suspected was more about Scary Monsters fucking with physics slightly to make I could fly now that I had wings just because and not because I was a savant at flight or anything.

In addition, I was also a perfect flier sight thanks to the Byakugan and with perception and near 360 vision like that, it was almost impossible to hit anything while flying.

Even further experimentation showed that I could basically manifest any part of dinosaurs I wanted on my body. Club hammer tail with spikes aka. a thagomizer(According to Setsuna anyway) on it? Check. Bone plate armour? Check, it even stacked with Exoskeleton to create even stronger armor. Lungs from semi-aquatic dinosaurs to be able to dive for hours without discomfort. I could also erupt sharp bone spikes like that of a stegosaurus from any part of my body. And venom too.

Apparently, the restriction of my abilities started and ended at "vaguely reptilian or whatever". Setsuna and I found all of the cool shit I could do with my power for hours while also having a good dose of flirting in between.

Setsuna was really fun to hang around with, she was both playful and smart, constantly coming up with combinations of dinosaurs I could try together.

After I had come down from my flight Setsuna still looked at me with eyes of excitement. She skipped over to me again with a teasing grin again. I won't lie, I was excited to see what she was thinking of this time.

"Hakari, that's so frigging awesome! I didn't think you would actually fly, maybe glide but not fly." I de-transformed my arms as they turned back to normal human arms. Thankfully, the transformation kinda... merged my clothes into me? It was kinda weird but you could see the patterns of my clothes during my transformation.

"Pretty cool right? Hey, Setsuna-chan, how about a ride? I think I have an idea." Hearing my words Setsuna blushed a little and snickered.

"Oh I don't know, what kinda ride are you thinking about, you lecher?" She hit my side with her elbows while I decided to turn it on her, grabbing her elbow I pulled her in and grasped her chin lightly.

"I was thinking of a different one but the thought of you riding has never left my mind since we started." Setsuna looked stunned for a moment before grinning smugly and poking my pecs.

"How forward~ but now I'm curious, what did you mean by riding otherwise?" I released her and crossed my arms while putting on a thoughtful expression.

"I was planning on experimenting with a full transformation, and since you like dinosaurs I wondered if you wanted to get on my ba-" Setsuna clamped her hands down on my shoulders intensely and got in my face with eyes so intense I was taken back for second.

"I want to, I totally want to, I reaaally want to. I can't ride the ones around because they don't move for me, it's my dream to ride one of those. I'll do anything."

"I'll hold you to your words. Now, stand back and let me try." Setsuna nodded but couldn't stand still from the excitement. While I internally adjusted my ability list.

Let's see, Scary Monsters is definitely on. Byakugan for perfect vision while flying, Chlorophyll for energy preservation. And Phase shift for even more mobility. Alright, this transformation will probably take a lot out of me.

My body started getting larger, scales grew on my skin my muscles and bones changed their structures. My neck got longer and thicker, my jaws took on a reptilian shape as I lost all resemblance to my previous body. I fell on four thick muscled legs tipped with claws. Horns grew out of my head and large imposing wings grew out of my shoulders as I did a pose and flared my wings.

I was now a black dragon with yellow patterns all over me. I looked like the classic DnD black dragon with slightly larger wings and yellow patterns.

"What do you think?" My voice came out growl-like as Setsuna stood still stunned, in truth, of course, I wasn't a real dragon with any of its mythical abilities, I was even less than a drake, I was just a large lizard in the shape of a dragon and the fighting capacity of this form sucked ass too but it was cool as fuck.

"That's so unbelievably fucking cool." She approached me as if in a trance and stroked my scales in wonder. "Can I really ride you?" I nodded with my new reptilian head, my grin showing multiple razor-sharp fangs lining my mouth.

"You sure 'bout your wording?" Setsuna looked unphased as she turned to me.

"I don't care about wording right now, I wanna ride a dragon so bad."

"Then get on. And make sure to hang on, it's gonna be a bumpy ride."

Setsuna did not need to be told twice as she leapt onto my back, scooting closer to my neck she gripped onto my horns while vibrating in excitement. I enjoyed the feeling of her sitting on me but refrained from commenting on it as I flapped my powerful wings while having a running start, Offensive Form made flying easier as in just a few flaps I was in the air.

"Wooohooooo!!! This is amazing! I know I can kinda fly myself but it's nothing compared to this!" Setsuna threw her hands in the air as I flew with surprising speed around the arena, her legs tightly squeezing around my neck to keep herself stable.

I did tricks in the air, both to test my control over this form which was remarkably good and to further impress Setsuna. I did flips in the air, barrel rolls, and dives as Setsuna shrieked and whooped. Flying in the air was pretty damn fun, especially in an aerodynamic body like my current one.

"This is the best day of my life!" Setsuna screamed while I flew toward the top of the zone near my top speed. Then I flew in place and addressed Setsuna with a grin on my face.

"Alright, let's finish off this joyride with a bang. Point me in a direction Setsuna-chan you want me to blast." Setsuna quickly pointed at a small mountain on the corner.

"Hold tight!" I reared my head back and switched from Chlorophyll to Frost Flare, my mouth glowed a nuclear blue as I took some inspiration from the Dragon Nomu, the frostflare condensed into a ball that I bellowed out.


The concentrated ball of frost fire flew like a missile, hitting the side of the mountain and exploding into a glorious ball of freezing fire. When the fireball ended, that part of the small mountain was replaced with a sharp spiky glacier.

"Awesome...!" After that, I really had to come down from flying though since both the dragon transformation and frostflare spent my energy down to its last dregs and I didn't want to run out mid-air. Landing on the ground Setsuna hopped off my body and I transformed back into my human body. I missed the sensation of being bipedal.

Before I could properly regain my bearings I was tackled into a hug by Setsuna who hugged around my neck tightly, squeezing her breasts against me either on purpose or without knowing.

"That was so fun, you sure know how to get into a girl's heart quickly dont you, Hakari-kun, you li- giant heartbreaker." Setsuna looked deep into my eyes with a smirk as she said that. Heartbreaker? That went both ways, with me shattering ribcages and my tendency to go after married women.

...Yeah, I definitely still am not hero material no matter how I cut it.

"So, when you were saying you would do anything, did you really mean anything?" I threw a teasing grin back at Setsuna who took it in stride.

"Yep, I'm a gal of my word. I'll do a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g you ask me to, maybe this will give you some ideas." Setsuna pulled my neck down into a kiss with me and I instinctively wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in better. One hand slipped into her pants and cupped a handful of her toned yet soft ass while Setsuna greedily played with my tongue like a hungry predator but the real predator was in front of her.

As our lips separated after a few seconds of passionately making out Setsuna grinned at me teasingly again but this time a blush overtook her face. Catching her breath she put her hand on my chest.

"Woah, you really just go for it don't you, tiger?" ...Tiger huh... "So intense, it almost felt like you were trying to devour me, isn't that right, Mr. Scary Monster? How was my ass? I noticed your hands wandering you know." I smirked back, our faces were just centimetres away from each other.

"10/10, I could play with it all day, definitely recommend." I gave her a thumbs up with a serious as she snickered, punching my chest while covering her mouth.

"God, you're cheesy. But who knows, if you keep seducing me like this you may just get to play with this perfect ass all day." Setsuna struck a pose and smacked her own ass playfully "But it's getting kinda late even if I want to continue, I am always up for more fun together, don't forget that 'k?" I nodded to Setsuna before an idea came to my head.

"Wait, Setsuna-chan, gimme a second." I walked over to a young tree and grabbed it while channelling Scary Monsters and swapping out Phase Shift for Chlorophyll. I had an idea as to how I could use both together. Imbuing both into a newly created creature, a little baby raptor barely reaching my knees was born.

Since I used chlorophyll during its creation it should be self-sustaining, so it shouldn't get disabled if I get knocked out or switch out of scary monsters. A real self-sustaining creature, a perfect pet. Grabbing the little guy I presented him to Setsuna.


"What." Setsuna looked between me and the baby with a blank look while I put it into her arms that she gently took like it was a real child, she looked down at it with adoration comparable to how Toga usually looked at me.

"Well, since you like dinosaurs I thought you might like a baby raptor as a pet? I even made it dark green, like your hair. He should grow up healthy as long as you water and give him enough sun. If you can't take care of him I can take him ba-"

"Are you for friggin' real!? Seriously, no joke!?" I nodded to Setsuna who looked at the baby in her arms like it was the best thing ever. Then she turned to me and grabbed my collar and started dragging me with her much to my amused confusion.

"You know what? Screw all that about courting or whatever, I am bringing you back home. Come on, let's go Chibi!"

She already named it?

A/N: Scary Monsters proves why it's so scary now that Hakari has started experimenting with it with an expert by his side, his powers are literally anything dinosaur. I don't think I need to explain how broken that is when the Epic rarity is right there.

Of course, when you have ancient reptile powers you have to rip off a dragon, everybody knows that. Hakari may not be an actual dragon with dragon powers but it looks damn cool so it gets a pass. You just know Setsuna's panties got drenched when she saw him turn into a dragon. And now after being gifted her own raptor baby, she can't stop herself.

Also, Setsuna has been Hakari's most formidable opponent yet, she can both dish out flirting and take it. Do you guys like the dynamic between her and Hakari?

You can bet there will be some incredibly kinky sex with her quirk next chapter.


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