
Chapter 2: Tough Luck

I was never a religious man but at this moment I was a devout believer. Clasping my hands in prayer in the one god I could always place my trust in RNGesus I rolled the ticket.



An Epic Item!

[Deep Sea Knight's Anchor]

|Rarity: Epic|

An anchor imbued with the blessing of the hidden princess wielded by the knight of the deep sea. The weapon is unwieldy and immensely powerful. Wielding it doubles the strength of the user and boosts the power of all water abilities.


Alright, that's good... I think. It sounded very good but taking a second look at it, even though I am used to fighting with unconventional weapons that list hasn't included anchors yet. And I am not certain I can pick up a 2000kg+ anchor.

Fuck it, it's still an epic item, don't look a gift horse in the mouth lest it spit in your face. Next roll please.

RNGesus please!



A Rare Skill!

[Polar Channel Flow - Cellular Overdrive]

|Rarity: Rare|

Push every single cell in your body to their absolute limit drawing up every ounce of energy it has to drastically boost yourself. Places immense strain on the body and has a chance to permanently harm the body. 



This is a bit rough, isn't it? All I have right now is an anchor I can't wield and a skill that will probably leave me half-dead after I use it. Neither of these things seems like it would help me survive very much in a place like a hive world.

Shit, I don't think either will help me in basically anywhere. I don't think I like my chances against just any old man with a gun let alone a death world. I need at least one offensive ability to help me or I am fucked.

And I only had a single ticket left.

Come on RNGesus please have mercy on your lowly servant! I do not want to be dropped into 40k with nothing but an anchor and a suicide skill!



An Epic Trait!

[Wind Resistance(Expert)]

|Rarity: Epic|

You are resistant to all wind-based abilities. All wind-based attacks will deal significantly reduced damage to you.

"Like a mighty oak in the storm."


Uh... great...?

I mean yeah! Wind resistance! That was just what I needed! You know me so well!

Hopefully, I drop into a world dominated by wind magicians. Maybe if I reincarnated as a fire nation soldier during the extermination of the air tribe it could be helpful!

Holy shit, I am fucked, aren't I?

No offensive options, just a big-ass anchor I can't lift and a skill that injures me and probably the worst elemental resistance possible. I am barely better off than I was before I even got the gacha.

How the hell did I roll two epics and a rare and still get nothing useful?

Shit, do I have to start from zero or something?


Are you ready?


No. No, I am not ready in the slightest. How am I supposed to make do with abilities like this? I need at least one offensive option other than my fragile body. Because if the worse scenarios come to pass I do not want to be the guy stuck with wind resistance and an anchor in Toaru.


Do you want to take [Penalties] in exchange for more rolls?

You can take on one curse in exchange for one roll. This action can be repeated indefinitely. Access to this function will be sealed off once you awaken.

|Yes| |No|


Shit, I have to don't I? One is potentially bad and the other can be certain death. I would much rather face a curse than to die in my first week because I am facing off against an ogre with only the clothes on my back.

Plus, I have always tended to risk it.

So give me one!


[Major Curse of Lust]

You will find it harder to restrain and quell your lust. Every day you spend without release you will get weaker, your own touch will not count.

A Major Curse! You get an advantage roll.

[Uncommon Power - Emergency Exit]

Passive, teleports the user to a random location that is considered safe when they are grievously wounded. Once used it goes on a cooldown for 24 hours. The range is 1000 meters.


[Uncommon Power - Talking to the Dead]

Allows you to call forth a spirit that is dead upon interacting with their corpse, depending on the date of death and the willingness of the spirit the more energy is spent.



Uh... for some reason I feel like the system is taking a dig at me with that sin. And it seems really, really inconvenient. But not debilitating, I can live with it, after all, I am not a blushing virgin. Chances are if I play my cards right I can probably score without too much trouble. Or just take my ass to a brothel.

Wait... fuck. If this world is something like an abandoned world such as Darksouls I am pretty screwed if I don't do some... dubious actions.

Still, I feel like I got really screwed here. Two uncommon powers? Neither are that good either. One would help me survive if I am injured and the other one would help me if I wanted to become a spirit detective.

Fuck it, I am taking emergency exit. Better have a get-out-of-jail card than talking to dead people because chances are I would be joining them without emergency exit.

But I still need a combat ability. The 24-hour cooldown will not help me in a death world. Prepare for the worst. Besides, this curse wasn't too bad. I think I can handle another one.

Come on! Give me something good!


[Major Curse - Horrible Night]

Tonight just couldn't get any worse. You will be starting the world in one of the worst conditions possible.

"Good luck. You will need it."

A Major Curse! You get an advantage roll.

[Common Item - Cleaning Stone]

A smooth stonethat slowly cleans everything within a 10-meter radius of it


[Uncommon Power - Momentum]

The longer you run the faster you will go.


Which god did I piss off?

I am being serious. 2 Major curses and not a single rare roll from either of them. It's starting to feel like it's personal. And the worst part? I have no choice but to continue. It's starting to become sunk cost fallacy.

If I give up now, I am dropping into a random world with the worst start possible and no combat ability.

And if I keep rolling there is a good chance that I will get a curse like ball stabbing or something.


I guess give me momentum. Maybe if I get another mobility power I can outrun my troubles.

Well, I don't have much of a choice now. I need an offensive or defensive power especially if it's a world like Darksouls or a grimdark world.

Please. Just please give me any offensive ability, I am willing to settle for fireball.


[Intermediate Curse - Yandere]

She is after you. You will encounter her and it will not be very pleasant.

A Rare Perk!

[Kakyoin's Blessing]

|Rarity: Rare|

Milf hunting is in your blood. Older women are more attracted to you and it is easier to start a relationship with them


There is no god.

Reality is just one cosmic joke.

There is no winning.

Whelp, considering my rolls seem to be getting worse with every roll I feel like I should just cut my losses and grit my teeth.

Maybe, just maybe. I will be able to pull through.

No, I will pull through. I always have.

If I could have been taken down with just a single bad roll of luck I wouldn't have made it as far as I have in my life.


Fuck it, we ball.


Are you ready?


Yes. I only hope I will end up in a world that does not screw me over majorly.

But I can take it.

Let's go.


Initiating Transmigration...


Okay, but to whe-

Everything went black.



It hurts.

It's cold.

It feels like I drank too much and was getting my organs harvested. Everything felt like it was in a haze.

My eyes fluttered open, I could see a blurry metal ceiling with desolate lights. Like that of a laboratory. I first noticed the cold sensation beneath me and the fact I couldn't move.

Restraints, I was bound by restraints that felt like leather.

What the hell is happening...?

"Oh? You woke up? I was sure I put you under enough anaesthesia. Don't you worry, let me just adjust that for you. Before you know you will wake up in a form much more powerful than before." I felt a sharp pressure get taken off my abdomen as I turned my slightly forcefully from the restraints.

What greeted my sight was an old man dressed like a doctor wearing goggles, the smile he wore sent a shiver up my spine.


From facing many dangerous situations I had very good situational awareness and was very good at realizing the danger I was in.


And if I did not do something right now, I would be dead.


So do something!

I felt knowledge in the back of my head. Almost like it was downloaded into my brain and integrated into my body. A technique I could execute by simply by willing to do so.

'Polar Channel Flow - Cellular Overdrive'

I felt a surge of power flow through my body giving me almost a high, I felt like I could tear apart a mountain with my bare hands. Squeezing all the power from my cells I forcefully tore apart the restraints and sat up. Much to the shock of the doctor.

"Wh- What!!? But your quirk shouldn't be able to do that!" His hand moved behind him but I did not let him as I moved at speeds faster than I have ever in my previous life and hit him square in the face, hearing a crack and sending him across the room.

"Gahahhh!" *Bam!*

His back hit a shelf full of equipment as he slumped slightly. Quickly choosing between whether I should follow up on him or escape, I quickly decided on escape.

He might have some ability I don't know and I probably won't get as lucky the next time. Better run for it, I jumped off the cold metal table as my eyes darted around in panic trying to find something I could use.

Seeing a door I quickly grabbed a scalpel from the table next to the operating table I was on and darted toward it.


I slammed the door open and saw a hallway, several doors littered the hallway, but no exits were labelled.

Fuck! What do I do? Try all of the doors? That will take so much time.

"Ugh...! He is escaping? Johnny!" The doctor called out a name as the panic settled in further.

Shit! What do I do? What can I do? His reinforcement is about to arrive!

My mind scoured for anything I could before I remembered an ability.

'Status or fucking whatever! Where is my ability!?'


-Abilities (1/1)-

[Uncommon - Emergency Exit]


[Uncommon - Momentum]

Remembering the ability's effect I made a split decision. My body was already littered with wounds. It shouldn't take much more. I grabbed the scalpel and jabbed it into my left arm and stabbed it repeatedly with superhuman strength and let go of Polar Channel Flow, immediately feeling pain spread through my entire body as blood gushed from my nose and I felt like a wrung towel.

Tell me this is enough please...!

[Emergency Exit has been activated!]

Immediately my view shifted from the laboratory to the middle of a street with a ton of people surrounding me gawking at me as I looked down at myself, covered in wounds and only wearing boxers.

What a shitty hand.

A/N: I should probably explain how I do rolls. The rolls from the Gacha are actually random, I use a script and a list of abilities, items, perks, and Familiars. I spent a few months gathering the gacha randomly, currently, there are 400+ unique powers(600+ including variants) 150+ items 80+ perks 80+ summons and over 40 curses. The list will expand as time goes on.

The only non-random parts are that I can veto some rolls if I think they break things too much or just wouldn't be fun to write. I also decide the curses when he rolls(I roll a D20 each time he uses a ticket Gold or below Rarity), I just don't decide their intensity.

I have a completely custom Python Script and have personally rated the rarity of every item on the list by hand between 0.1 - 9.9 but I am always open to recommendations for the gacha, it can literally be anything and it would fit into one of the categories so feel free to get creative!

Also, what did you guys think about the chapter? One of the most important abilities you need to have when relying on luck is resourcefulness, because if you want to be reckless you need the skill to back it up. And if he wasn't resourceful things could have turned out for him much worse than they already have. I also wonder whether you guys will recognize where what abilities/skills/items are from.

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