
CH19- Forever Guest

-Isaac Allen's View-

Once Cisco and Caitlin finished their checkups, coincidentally, "Harrison Wells" appeared to greet me. Of course, I was the only one right now in the entire world who knew who he is and where he comes from.

"Mr. Allen. I'm glad to see that you've awaken. Unfortunately we're still waiting on your older brother Barry here, to wake up." He said, wheeling his ass over here.

'Faking being crippled is crazy work.' I need to figure out a way to stop his time paradox bullshit. After Eddie killed himself, Eobard was erased from existence, but a part of him hid inside of the Negative Speed Force somehow.

"Dr. Wells. It's great to meet you. My brother is probably your biggest fan. He's read your autobiography. Twice." I said with a neutral smile.

"Well, I believe you guys have all the tests you need right? I'll let you know if there's any developments." I said, getting off the bed and standing on my feet. I almost fell over from not walking in a month, but Caitlin caught me.

"Thank you, Caitlin." She looked slightly surprised.

"You know who I am?"

"I mean I know both of you. Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon." I stated, causing Cisco to raise his eyebrows.

"You both have said each other's full names many times over and I've picked up on your voices over time." They both nodded in realization.

"Well, I'm sure I'll be back soon. See you." I bid the three goodbye and stepped out of Star Labs. I called a cab to my house since I didn't have my car and decided to surprise whoever was there at this time.

I saw Iris and Joe's car outside, so this was the perfect surprise I could give them.

'Hopefully Thawne didn't tell them I was coming here, or better yet awake.' I pulled out my house key and unlocked the door.


Just when I was about to open the door, I heard something behind it, so I carefully opened the door to avoid getting shot for the third time in these lives.

'That was definitely a gun sound. He took the safety off the gun.' I didn't even need the Byakugan to see that. And yes, I'm calling it the Byakugan. I'm not gonna say "Ocular Eye Power" for the rest of my life.

"Joe put the gun down!" I yelled from the other side.

I peeked my head through the door and saw Joe standing a few feet away from the door while putting his gun back into the holster with a sigh. Iris was standing behind him and they shared the same relieved face.

'Why are they so vigilant?'

I saw Joe and Iris's eyes widen in realization.

"Get in here boy!" Joe said as he pulled me into a hug after I fully entered the house.

"Yeah, it's me Joe." Joe rarely visited me at Star Labs, only when I was at the hospital. He never trusted Wells, just like I thought. This is the first time Joe has seen me in a while.

Once Joe finished hugging me, Iris hugged me too. Then I heard small but fast footsteps running down the stairs. I looked over and saw the best boy in the world, my German Sheperd, Cosmo.

'He's getting big.' He ran up and started barking repeatedly, begging me for pets. I couldn't help but succumb to his dog magic. It worked everytime!

'He has another scent on him beside Iris and Joe. It's unfamiliar. Who else has been here?' Before I could ask, Iris spoke.

"When did you wake up Tate?" She asked.

"A few hours ago. I came straight here to surprise you guys. Speaking of, why were you two so vigilant when I was opening the door?" I asked in confusion.

Joe and Iris shared a complicated look.

"You know how you and Barry as a child, and even now he said that a man in a yellow suit and a lightning storm killed your mom?" Joe asked. I nodded slowly, trying to figure out where he was going.

"He said something that was impossible, well now I've seen something impossible. Well, I've met something that me in the past would think is impossible-"

"Friend Iris, friend Joe! Who is this?" My eyes immediately shot over to the staircase where a taller woman with a light orange skin tone, long fiery orange hair to accompany it, and beaming green eyes that reflected curiosity had came down.

'What... the fuck?'

"Kor-Kori… sigh. I'm sorry I still can't say your name." Joe admitted. Starfire smiled and floated down the steps.

"It's Koriand'r friend Joe." She said. Joe backed away with a tint of red on his face as she neared him. He's embarrassed?

"Right. Well, this is Isaac. The kid I was telling you about." Starfire gasped and quickly enveloped me in a bone crushing hug.

"You are friend Isaac? How wonderful it is to meet you! I hope you are as nice as those two!"

"Yes, Koriand'r it is wonderful to meet you too." She backed away and looked at me amazed.

"You are the only human to say it correctly on the first try! Friend Isaac is the amazing!" Starfire exclaimed.

'She's even more outgoing and kind than Thea.' I thought wryly.

"Isaac, as you can see Kori…"

"Can we call you Kori?" I asked her. I almost laughed at how hard of a time Joe was having.

"Of course friend Isaac! What an amazing name!"

"Anyway, Kori is here because… well here's what happened."


Joe was sitting on the sofa, watching Family Feud on the TV. Meanwhile, Iris was in the kitchen cooking food for the two of them.

"Iris. When's the food gonna be ready?" Joe called out from the living room.

"20 more minutes Dad." She replied.


The house shook as if a mini earthquake had occurred.

"Iris get down!" Joe yelled as he rushed into the kitchen. He dragged Iris under the dining table and covered her body with his own to protect her. The lights flickered and the power went out for a few seconds before coming back on.

A few paintings and picture frames broke after falling to the ground.

"Iris. Stay inside." Joe demanded. He stepped out from under the table and grabbed his gun that had fell on the floor.

"Dad where are you going?" Iris asked in urgency.

"Stay here!" Joe said calmly.

He ran out of the house and walked with haste for probably half a mile before making it to a large crater, about the width and depth of a car.

Joe covered his mouth with one hand to not inhale the smoke fumes and kept his other hand on his gun, trained to the crater.

The smoke slowly dissipated and revealed a beautiful orange skinned woman with long pink hair. Her eyes opened and revealed bright green orbs that could woo any man. Well, almost any man.

Joe wearily came closer to her with his gun aimed at her, clicking the safety off.

"Who are you and why are you here?" He yelled out. In reality, the real thing he wanted to know was why the hell did this girl fall out of the sky? And why did she look so strange?


"Long story short, she was injured so out of the kindness of my heart, I brought her into the house and she's been here." I looked at Joe suspiciously after hearing his story.

'He definitely left something out. That story wasn't long at all!'

"So that's it?" I asked.

"No, she's an alien and was fighting her sister in outer space. She lost when her sister used a powerful attack that accidentally launched her onto Earth." Joe said.

I nodded in understanding, finally getting the full picture of this situation.

'I don't specifically remember this happening in any media.'

"She wants to return to her planet as soon as possible before anything bad happens. Her sister is a tyrant."

"Okay, so if you're fully healed, why hasn't she gone back yet? It's been enough time." Joe and Iris once again shared a look, but Starfire spoke up first.

"Terra is wonderful! I never want to leave." She admitted in bliss.

Now Joe, Iris, and I all three shared a look. At this point in time, I had no where near enough control of my power to get her out of here. No amount of cops or cups of coffee would get her out either.

'So she has to stay here.. for who knows how long…'

This could be fun.


(A/N: Finally got at least one chapter out. Marvel fanfiction is so hard to write 😔. Anyway, let me know if it was worth the wait)