



I felt like I had swallowed a frog, were it possible I would have fainted right then and there. Freya/Nicole crossed her arms and glared at me. How had I not seen it, her mannerisms had changed drastically. 


"Now you remember." She scoffed. 


"But how?" She stared at me as if I were stupid. "What do you mean how? Last I remember we were in a hospital 'cause you collapsed, then I woke up in this big ass house with you calling me 'Freya'." 


"Nicole, I-" I didn't know how I was going to explain anything to her. She had never been a believer in the supernatural. So I doubted that whatever I said would be taken seriously. She glared at me expectantly.




I took a deep breath, sparing a glance at Amelie who understood the unspoken command as she took Anna's hand and led her out of the room. Motioning to a chair I sighed again before pinking the bridge of my nose. What followed was a solid three hours of me recounting everything that had happened up to that point. From Morgana turning me, to my subsequent life of wandering until I found a place to settle down. Surprisingly Nicole was silent up to the point when I mentioned Mystic Falls. 


"So let me get this straight," I nodded for her to continue. "You got turned into a vampire by Morgana fucking Le Fay, we're in a universe where 'The Vampire Diaries' is the reality, you also somehow collected a harem, and now Merlin is out to get you." 


"Yeah, that about sums it up." 


She glared at me incredulously. "Seth, you must think I am retar-" 


I used my vampire speed to zoom right up to her. I didn't know what I was expecting, but I didn't expect for her to react violently. Just as my knee touched the ground at her feet, she kicked out her foot with a yelp. The kick connected with my nose which promptly broke with a spray of blood. I was sent flying backwards crashing into the wall. Nicole ran to me only to slam head first into the door. I would have laughed at the absurdity of it all. Feeling my nose reset and heal I slowly got up and helped her to her feet. 


"What. The. Actual. Fuck." 


"I told you." She slapped my chest. "Yeah but I didn't think you were serious." 


"When am I not serious with you!?" 




I quickly covered the distance and held her in a tight embrace. I felt tears run down my cheeks, it had been a while since I had cried. Nicole held me just as tight. 


"Seth, are you okay?" 


"No, what kind of a question is that?" Despite that I let out a small chuckle. "Nicole, I- I just thought I'd never see you again." 


"Well I'm here now, so stop crying. You're making me feel bad." 


I excused myself before heading to the bathroom. I quickly cleaned off my face and sighed as I looked at the mirror. I remembered the note I had forgotten to read. Taking it out of my pocket I opened the door and sat on the bed next to Nicole. I opened the rolled up paper and began to read. 




I know you have so many questions. I'm sorry but I will not be able to answer them. If you are reading this than Myrddin or as you know him in the modern day, Merlin, will have erased me from existence. We have always been equal in terms of power, though he is much more cunning than I. I apologize again Seth for dragging you into my mess, but you must stop him. Myrddin cannot be allowed to run free. He sees you all as nothing but play things. If he were to have his way then he would eradicate all life in the multiverse just to keep himself entertained. I cannot assist you any further, but I can leave you with a one last gift. Everything I am, you will be Seth.  




I knew Nicole had read the note over my shoulder. I looked at her and sighed. 


"This has pretty much been my life since getting here." 


"When she says Merlin, does she mean-"


"Yeah, I'm a hundred percent sure she means The Merlin." 


"And he's evil." 


"Apparently, yeah." 


"And you're supposed to stop him?" 


"Looks that way." 


"But isn't he-"


"Stupidly powerful? Yeah, he is. But I'll figure this out. I haven't failed yet." 


"Seth, why don't we just leave."


"Honestly, I don't think we can. Morgana was the one that knew how to jump between worlds and I'm pretty sure Merlin knows how too. That and I've already sort of drew his attention so no matter where I go he's probably just going to follow. I'm the biggest threat to him now that Morgana is gone after all." 


"Damn it Seth, what now then? We obviously can't just fight him unprepared as we are." 


"We need information, then we need allies, I have a suspicion that Morgana was up to something." 


"Well I can do the research if you want to help feel free." 


"I need to ask around as to how you're here, don't get me wrong. I'm glad that you're here. It's just strange that several months ago that body belonged to Freya Mikaelson." 


"Wait… you've been sleeping with my doppelgänger?" 


I winced at her tone, "When you put it like that."


"It makes you look like a total scumbag?" 




"Get out. I need some time to think." 


Sighing I nodded, I had some things to take care of and knowing Nicole, space to think was a wise decision. I walked out of the room and shut the door behind myself. Amelie greeted me at the bottom of the staircase. 


"Trouble in paradise?"


"If by trouble you mean my supposedly dead ex girlfriend is now in the body of one of my girlfriends, then yes. I'd say so." 





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