
Chapter 06 Birth of the Primordial Dragon pt.2

After they heard the new voice at the entrance of the cave and when they turned to the sound of the voice they were beyond shock to say the least. Cause the three people at the entrance of the cave was no other than Great Red,Lilith, and Orphis and they can see the hurt expression on her face when saw my prone body that was laying stiffless.

When she saw me she suddenly appeared right in front of my body as a single tear fell from her eye so did Lilith's. As she and Great Red slowly made their way towards everyone else Great Red ( y'all did a excellent job keeping him alive and you even separated Elisha's soul from the Sacred geer Liliana but his body is two damage to support his soul) Kalawarner ( is there anything you can do for him)? She asked with a hint of sadness in her voice while holding a crying Raynare.

Great Red ( Yes I'll dispatched two peices of my flesh to mold both Issie and Elisha and new body) Orphis ( and I'll give him one of my snakes for the added power to stablize his body but we need to find someone or someone's to mate with him and mend his broken heart but he warned after his evolution he will become a new dragon and no longer an devil so you'll be marked by him and if you already been marked by him it will make you a dragon or you can become one).

As the four girls heard Great Red's and Orphis's plans they couldn't help but be left speechless. The three dragon gods ignored the surprise and shocked women they began the process of bringing me back and resurrecting The Red Dragon Empress Elisha Lilith ( while they are working on healing Ise we need someone to find the one's who still care for him and that haven't betrayed him for the next part).

Raynare ( I'll do anything for him and to redeem myself to them so I'll go and look for the members of the Gremory group but if I find the one's responsible for this I don't know what I'll do) she volunteered in between tears. Kalawarner ( I go with her to make sure everything goes well) hearing both Fallen Angels Lilith just nods her head in agreement. Persephone ( I'll go to the underworld and see who I can find while I do that mother why don't you stay here and continue to help Issie)? Liliana ( sounds like a plan but be careful) Persephone ( I will) .

With everyone's decision made the three of them left for their respective destination Persephone to the underworld and both Raynare and Kalawarner left for the city of Koah.

Scene Change: Bus Station

Meanwhile we can see a sad and depressing scene the once smiling two women and child was now sad and angry towards a certain group of girls while the latter was very disappointed in her little sister betrayal to the red dragon emperor Issie. While the little Kuno was crying into her mother's embrace soon they felt an similar presence from the past but only Akeno recognized both of their presence.

Akeno's thoughts ( why am I sensing their presences now especially hers)? Right after she was asking herself that question two individuals made their presence known but to her surprise the one she recognized and the one who introduced her beloved dragon into the supernatural world had a sad expression on her face that had matched her own earlier. Raynare ( Akeno Ise needs your help)! She exclaimed in a desperate tone).

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