
Mother Son Bonding.

When Hecate and Constantine reappeared in her endless mansion, she turned to him with a beautiful smile. Though, Constantine could swear that smile was not just Motherly. 

'Vritra, I feel in danger.' 

'She is Greek you know. Might want you for herself in the future.' 

'I would be down.' 

'Of course you would, you're Greek.' 

They focused back on what she said. 

"I will get my attendants to set up your room. While that happens we can talk and I will answer any questions and you two answer some questions I have. While I knew about you Vritra, there are gaps in my knowledge since I can't exactly read your mind.

I could tell you possessed an adult soul and memories, but they were protected."

That did get his attention. 

"Mother my soul and memories are protected?" 

"Yes, they are. I couldn't see much of anything other than Vritra, that sword and gun you had in there. Speaking of which, may I?" 

This was an actual request, not an order, not a demand, just a question. He nodded and handed over The Black Sword of Sigismund which he just called The Black Sword these days. 

Once Hecate held it, she could tell it was extremely heavy. She began to run her hand down the edge surprising her that her finger began to bleed golden Ichor. Not many weapons other than Celestial Bronze, Imperial Gold, or Stygian Iron could harm gods. 

Then again, the other Pantheons did have their preferred metals as well. 

"What do you know about this sword? This material is unlike anything I have ever seen before. This blade carries a powerful intent, the being who made this was powerful. Stronger than me by leagues, it is like a fragment of their mind is inside this blade."

"That sword was forged by a Man simply called The Emperor a potent Psyker of unimaginable power. He forged that blade for a man that would be his Champion. As for how I came to possess it, it was all by coincidence."

Hecate nodded and handed his sword back. 

"I would like to study this sword with you in the future. Before we lose ourselves in magic talks, how have you been? How has your life been with Max?"

As they began to walk through her mansion, Vritra and Solomon walked alongside them. 

"My life has been peaceful, my great-grandparents trained me in my youth and then I trained alongside Vritra for the rest of that time. I only left home because after I formed my Divine Dragon Heart, my power would begin to draw attention to my family.

I did love the ranch life though." 

Hecate smiled as she heard that. 

"You never felt angry that I left?" 

"No. I am not like a child, I understood you had to leave. In the end, I didn't suffer, I lived good with a loving Father." 

Hecate smiled sadly as she remembered her time with Maxamillion. She had gotten with him just for the reason of giving birth to Constantine, but she did enjoy their time together. 

Now though, he had moved on which was for the best. Eventually, Hecate led him to her bed chambers where she did her research in magic, rested, and even made her elixirs and potions. 

The room was massive, larger than a football field, but she had a section where she had her bed, dresser, and walk-in closet. Even a large bathing room where she took her baths in luxury. The rest was like a library full of books on magic, alchemical stations, and more. 

He suspected that this was only a small portion of his Mother's living quarters. Even Vritra and Solomon seemed curious, but Hecate grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the bed. 

With a motherly smile, she wrapped her arms around his chest and placed her head on his chest. He allowed her to do as she wanted as she focused on the beating of his heart. His heart was a unique creation in this world as several Immortal and Mortal races led to it. 

Vritra returned to his soul state and returned to Constatine's soul. Solomon did the same thing as they wanted to give him the time he needed with his Mother. Hecate closed her eyes as she focused on his heart. 

The mixture of his Divine Heritage and Draconic Power resulted in his mana taking on the best aspects of both. That was not all as she focused on it closer. She could feel the Titanic Energy of the Titans added in with the mixture and something else mixed in with the Draconic Power. 

"The prophecy I saw didn't mention this, I was curious what it was. This single thing here has derailed every prophecy the world over. This thing is something that should not exist." 

"Well, you could call me the biggest hybrid. I am part god, Titan, Human, Dragon, and Asura. Vritra is both a Dragon and an Asura and is considered the strongest of his kind."

"So you have Hinduistic Blood running through your veins as well. That I did not know, and the Hindu gods are the strongest with all their believers."

He wrapped his arm around her and relaxed as she felt calm under the powerful beating of his heart. When she had enough she sat up slightly, but she kept her arms around him. 

"I did have a question, son. Why do you hate Zeus, and the Greek gods so much? What made you determine they needed to die? What makes you turn into the Twilight of Zeus, the Black King."

He just smiled. 

"The gods are far too immature, Athena, Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Zeus, Poseidon, all have committed their fair share of sins. I wish to make them know that they are not the only ones who can punish others for a perceived slight. 

I will be the punishment of the gods and their evils." 

She smiled.

"I understand that. Now then." 

She sat up and clapped her hands. From the walls of her room, and the floor 100 ghosts appeared and lined in before them. All were women and quite beautiful ones at that. The finest of Greek beauty and they all were dressed in purple and gold tunics and cloaks. 

"Pick out 10 from them and they shall be your servants. They will be in charge of feeding you, clothing you, serving your needs if need be."

Constantine stood up and he started to walk around the 100 ladies. They all sat respectfully waiting to be chosen. His eyes suddenly turned dark purple with amber sclera and split pupils. 

He looked at these ladies, souls looking for the ones most talented in magic and the strongest souls. He snapped his hand and from his shadow, a holographic black dragon appeared above ten of the ghosts. 

The ones chosen smiled and walked out of the formation of 100. The ones who did not get picked sighed as Hecate dismissed them. 

"This is my son, Constantine. From this day he is my heir, treat him as if he were a god. Introductions can wait, for now, go and set up the room in front of mine." 

"Yes, Lady Hecate." 

The ten Greek beauties he had chosen turned into ghosts again before flying out of the room to get that done. The 90 that had not been picked huffed before leaving as well. When they were gone, Hecate turned to him. 

"You picked them based on who had the strongest souls and talent right?" 

"Yes. If they are to serve me, I need at least Battle Maids that can fight. I will be very busy as I have much to learn." 

Hecate also informed him of something interesting. 

"Like your friend Janet?"

That got his attention. 

"Who is her Divine Parent? A Greek?" 

Hecate shook her head. 

"No, Norse. Her Father is Vidar, the god of Vengeance." 

Constantine started to chuckle as that explained a lot. Every time she got mad at someone, terrible things happened to them. Someone made fun of her hair once, and by the next day, the girls' hair had fallen out. 

He had once made fun of her mispronouncing her words and he had to actively defend himself from her vengeance. She didn't do it on purpose as she didn't even know what she was. Speaking of Janet he might recruit her to his group since Vidar was a powerful god. 

The one who would avenge the death of Odin by killing Fenrir personally. 

"Interesting. Is Queen Scathach still around?" 

Hecate smiled as she heard that. 

"The first God Slayer and the ruin of the Celtic gods. Yeah, in Scotland in the Land of Shadows. She made her self famous during her time as the first mortal to slay a god. She bathed in so much blood and divine blood she became something like a Demigod but without the mortality aspect. Why?"

"I would like to learn the Runes she knows and her skill with the Spear is legendary. While I am not a spear user, learning from such a warrior would be beneficial. Plus, anyone that can slay gods is an ally."

"If you want to learn magic, why not go to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." 


"So, Wizards exist? What are they?" 

"Wizards, mages, and witches are quite literally just legacies of gods and monsters that formed communities. We Greek gods and even the Norse follow the light of Western Civilization and wherever we go we sire Demigods. 

A lot of Demigods and those Demigods more often than not marry each other. The children then, often marry other Legacies in closed communities sometimes between Demigods of two Pantheons. 

 Mutations and new genes cause descendants that gain the ability to gain magic. As the Titaness of Magic, I hold control over the Wizards here in the United States, but the Wizards in other parts of the world are managed by their respective Pantheon. Ilvermorny is in Massachusets and their research is something that makes me happy."

He nodded to himself as if that meant that Harry Potter existed in this. 

"What of the Deathly Hallows in Britain?" 

"Those things? 'Death' was just Thanatos angry at the Pervile Brothers. Holding all three won't make you the Master of Death as is claimed. They just bring misfortune for cursed power. Except for the cloak as that is the only item lacking true curses." 

"Interesting. Are there monsters that do not go to Tartarus?"

"Yes, natural monsters or evolved animals. They were natural creatures that had their ancestors either be produced by a god, or they consumed magical herbs. Maybe they just mutated by abundant magic." 

Constantine sighed. 

"I forgot Zeus, Poseidon, and other Greek gods took animal forms to have children. Are you saying they did that too with animals?"

"Oh yes, Poseidon once raped Demeter when she turned into a horse by turning into one himself. Kronus did the same thing which is how Chiron came to be. Sometimes a particular horny god will turn into a dog, horse, wolf, or anything else and have at it.

The same thing happened with the Wizards who are not all that strong. Even Dumbledore before his death was not all that strong. If a simple curse on the Resurrection Stone left him near death, he didn't deserve his status. 

Voldemort and Grindelwald were also strong. In some ways, Wizards are more versatile than Demigods, but Demigods are superior in other ways. Some monsters like the Thunder Bird are Zeus' Divine Eagles. 

The Phoenixes are Hestia's so it is all about perspective." 

"This has been quite informative, Mom. This will be quite interesting to learn about. I would like to go to Ilvermorny, but not as a student. I just want to read their library and learn a few things. I might even go to England as I have some business over there." 

"Mind me asking what?" 

"I want to see The Philosopher's Stone, I have an idea on how to make use of it." 

"Do tell?" 

"A Philosopher Stone is many souls and magic gathered together correct? But as you can see from Nicolas Flamel and his wife, using it keeps you alive, but makes you extremely withered. 

I am wondering if I can make one, in a perfect state to fuse with my Divine Dragon Heart. I would have the Elixer of Life flowing through my body. I could in theory also use it to increase my magical talent and grant me true Immortality." 

'Taking note of Cha-Yeon-Woo and Arimane both.' 

(MCs from Second Life Ranker and Life Hunter)

Hecate hummed as she thought about it. 

"How didn't I think of that? I think we will get along well, my Black King." 

He smiled a little at that title. 

"Mom, stop." 

"I can't help it, I can never be this close to my children without the Divine Laws forcing me to leave." 

Constantine was quite happy with Hecate as his Mother because she didn't care he was a reincarnator at all. She had given birth to him because of a chance of who he would be. He stood up as he decided to go check up his room. 

He also would need to pick up Medusa and bring her with him to the Underworld. 

"Mom, I have a question, if I eat will I be trapped in the Underworld?" 

"Ah, almost forgot." 

She waved her hands and a wave of Divine Energy flowed through his body as she blessed him. 

"There we are, now you can eat without issue. It should apply to Vritra and Solomon too." 

"Thank you, Mom. We will have more time to talk, but I will check out my room." 

Hecate smiled. 

"Go easy on the girls ok? I made sure to pick girls who died virgins." 

"Still 10 remember." 

"Age is just a number, just like Incest is just a word and rape is just a pass time of gods."

She smiled at him as if she was inviting him to think about it. 

"Good to know." 

Hecate nodded. 

"If you want, I can teach you the ropes through your body. A bit of skinship between a mother and her budding son." 

He gulped as he looked at Hecate up and down. She was beautiful for one and her Divinity just made her more alluring. However, he resisted the urge. 

(Image Here.)

"No thanks, I am not saying that is not on the table, just not as an 11-year-old. That is too creepy even for me." 

"Aww, such a tease, fine."

He smiled as he walked to leave her room. 

"Anytime you wish to share in my bed, I am here. I won't turn you away, my King in Black." 

He liked that name and he hadn't even come up with it. When he stepped out of her room, Hecate smiled as she touched her face. She would make sure to be her son's first and maybe give birth to a powerful child to serve as Prince or Princess of the new Olympus.

Only a Mother should have that honor. 

(Damn Greek gods and their love of Incest, oh well, nothing wrong with cousins marrying. Percy Annabeth and other Demigods. Also, I made an Ichigo without trying. Titan, God, Dragon, Human, and Asura are all in one. 

Six weapons baby, like Siegfried Balance Breaker.

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