
Chapter 64 Acceptance

  Moore finished the can of beer, lit a cigarette, smoked it leisurely, and then slowly stood up while holding onto the tree trunk.

  "Can you do it?" Carl was really helpless when he saw Moore, who could barely stand.

  "Shit, you little brat, do you deserve a beating?" Moore glared at Carl fiercely.

  Carl curled his lips. This guy Moore was really unreliable to the extreme. Carl doubted what he could learn by having this guy as a teacher.

  "Damn it, don't you want to learn throwing knives? Do you have a dagger?" Moore walked in front of Carl, holding the tree trunk.

  "I have it." Carl took out the Doomsday Snake from his waist.

  "Wow, not bad." Moore took the Doomsday Snake from Carl's hand without hesitation, played with it for a while, and then directly inserted it into the tree trunk.

  "It's really good. What brand is it? I've never seen it before."

  "It's custom-made. If you've seen it, it's weird." Carl was helpless. "Can we start quickly? If we keep dawdling like this, it will be dark soon."

  "Fuck, hurry ...

  Moore unhappily threw the Doomsday Snake at Carl's feet, and it just stuck to the tip of Carl's shoe and pierced into the ground.

  "follow me."

  Carl picked up the dagger helplessly and followed Mor.

  Moore took Carl to a small open space in the woods. Moore leaned against a tree trunk and said lazily,

  "See that tree?"

  Carl nodded.

  "Watch it."

  Moore smiled, took out a cigarette and lit it, then when he put down the lighter, his right hand flashed like lightning, he pulled out the dagger from his waist, and threw it out quickly.

  The dagger was inserted straight into the tree trunk, and the handle was still trembling slightly.

  "How is it?" Moore smiled, "Did you see it clearly? Come and try it."

  Carl resisted the urge to scold More, but he felt helpless. This More was indeed unreliable.

  "Brother, you are here to teach me, not to show off your skills. How can I watch you like this?"

  Moore said nonchalantly, "It's almost the same. You try it first and let me see if you have talent."

  Carl nodded and thought for a moment, then he held the handle of the dagger, making the blade perpendicular to the ground. Then he thought for a moment and threw the dagger out suddenly.

  "Heh..." Moore did not hide his ridicule, "It seems you don't have any talent?"

  The dagger thrown by Carl naturally did not penetrate the tree trunk, but went far away.

  Carl ignored Moore's attack. This thing was much more difficult to use than a pistol, and he was nearly ten meters away from the tree.

  It's normal to miss the target at such a long distance, and it's normal to miss the target the first time. It would be abnormal if you hit the target in one go.

  Carl picked up the dagger without changing his expression, returned to his original position, and looked at Moore firmly.

  "Shit, come on, who asked me to promise you?"

  Moore threw the cigarette butt aside and walked up to Carl.

  Karl reminded calmly, "You'd better put out the cigarette butt."

  "Fuck, it's the end of the world and you're still telling me this."

  Even so, Moore returned to his original position and stepped heavily on the cigarette butt, and then said to Carl,

  "You want to learn how to throw a knife? Then you have to learn how to use it first, and then how to fly. How can you fly if you can't even hold a knife properly?"

  "Please teach me, Teacher Moore." Carl joked.

  "Fuck, what a bullshit name. Put your hands up, I'll teach you how to catch and stab someone."

  Moore grabbed Carl's arm and fiddled with Carl's fingers, making Carl hold the dagger properly with the blade facing down.

  Carl had a strange feeling. It seemed like the gangsters were teaching their younger brothers how to stab people.

  But no matter how strange it was, Carl still listened carefully to what Moore said.

  The afternoon passed quickly, and except for the first time, Carl did not throw the dagger again that afternoon.

  What Mor taught was not throwing knives, but various ways of using daggers, stabbing, slashing, jumping, spinning...

  When it was dinner time, Moore and Daryl obviously had no intention of returning to the camp to eat, and Daryl got a rabbit from somewhere.

  "Why don't you go back to the camp to eat?" Carl frowned slightly.

  "Fuck, we have barbecue to eat, but we have to go back to the camp and eat those pig food?" Moore sat by the fire with a look of disdain on his face.

  "Little brat, you should go home for dinner, otherwise your mother will come looking for you." Daryl said lightly while flipping the barbecue.

  Karl thought about it and said, "In fact, you don't have to think of yourself as outsiders. In such an environment as the end of the world, we can still gather together by chance.

  We should support and help each other. There is no need to be too formal. We should be a big family, and you are one of them."

  Moore said angrily, "You don't need to worry about us. Go away now. I'm afraid if we wait any longer, Lori will point a gun at our heads."

  Carl hesitated for a moment, then said, "See you tomorrow," and turned and left.

  When we got back to the camp, it was indeed dinner time and we were all getting ready to eat. The camp now has a big pot of food and more than ten people eat together.

  While eating, Sophia looked at Carl several times, as if reminding him of something. Lori also looked at him many times, and Sean also glanced at Carl a few times.

  "Carl, were you staying with Moore and the others this afternoon?" Sean finally couldn't help but ask.

  Carl nodded, "Yes, what's wrong?"

  "We discussed it and decided to go out tomorrow to find some daily necessities. The seasoning pots and bowls we use are all lent to us by Hershel.

  I think it would be safer if Maul and Daryl came with us."

  Hearing what Sean said, everyone who was eating in a circle couldn't help but look at him.

  Andrea asked, "Who are going? Who did you discuss this with? How come I don't know?"

  Sean frowned slightly, but still explained, "I'll prepare a few of us men to go, me, Glenn, Moore and Daryl, T-boy and Dale will stay behind.

  Although it seems safe now, we cannot let our guard down. There must be men left in the camp."

  "You should have discussed this matter with all of us first. I was totally unaware of it before this!"

  Andrea seemed a little dissatisfied and even wanted to say something, but Amy pulled her arm, and Andrea shut her mouth awkwardly.

  Karl asked calmly, "If I say I want to go too, will you agree?"

  "No." As soon as Carl said this, Lori refused without any hesitation.

  "Okay." Carl shrugged, not feeling any reluctance. It didn't matter whether he went or not. Under normal circumstances, Sean and the others shouldn't be in danger. It would be nice for him to continue practicing on the farm.

  "Moore and Daryl are in the woods behind the farm. You can go find them there. You just need to tell them. They won't refuse.

  But you can't treat them as outsiders and want their help, you have to accept them."

  When Karl said this, his eyes swept across the women, and then he said nothing more and ate his meal in silence.


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