
Chapter 114

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"Senpou: Mokuton: Banpai no Jutsu!"

Seeing Hiruzen's action fail and the Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique breaking through, Hashirama could only clap his hands together once more.

Four wooden shields shaped like grotesque faces with fangs instantly rose from the ground, enveloping him and the other three Hokage completely.

Blinding white light blossomed within the Four Red Yang Formation.

Everything quickly returned to calm.

After the light dissipated, Gensou looked ahead again.

The four battered but still somewhat intact wooden shields split in two, and Hashirama and the others swiftly emerged.

The Banpai no Jutsu, which could defend against the attacks of the enhanced Susanoo, managed to block the Dust Release's damage under the power of Sage Mode.

However, the expressions of the four Hokage were far from good.

"It's over."

Noticing that Hashirama's body had significantly faded, Gensou calmly clasped his hands together once more, and the blinding white light appeared again, with the Dust Release reemerging.

Hashirama scratched his head with a bitter smile.

With nowhere to escape, the other three Hokage silently accepted their fate.

In the next moment, the light of the Dust Release blossomed once more.

The forms of the four Hokage quickly dispersed.

Gensou looked at everything before him calmly.

To be honest, Hashirama's true strength was absolutely not inferior to Madara, who had been resurrected using the Rinne Rebirth Technique, infused with Hashirama cells, and had awakened the Rinnegan.

He was known as the number one under the Sage of Six Paths.

However, apart from the battle at the Valley of the End, every fight after his death, including now, he was unable to exert his full strength.

Even in the original work, his power never reached its peak state, despite using White Zetsu infused with his cells as a sacrifice.

It could only be said that the God of Shinobi had some bad luck.

Tobirama, Hiruzen, and Minato were the same.

If they were all alive at this moment, the outcome of the battle wouldn't be decided so quickly.

No, Hiruzen was at his peak in the Edo Tensei state.

Not constrained by an aging body and with nearly infinite chakra, he could fully perform as a ninjutsu cannon.

Hiruzen was definitely the only Hokage whose strength increased rather than decreased in the Edo Tensei state.

As the four shadow clones disappeared, the high-standing sealing barrier dissipated.

The howling wind blew away the smoke on the devastated battlefield.

"Still didn't succeed?" Tobirama, in his soul state, looked at Gensou and frowned.

Hiruzen could only sigh.

Minato felt a bit regretful, not just because of Gensou, but also for not being able to learn about Naruto's current situation.

Unfortunately, it seemed there wasn't enough time.

Just as he was about to look at Hiruzen to inquire about Naruto, he noticed their souls emitting white light, and could only shake his head in regret.

"Impressive! Gensou, you win this time!"

At the last moment, Hashirama congratulated his old opponent with a calm smile.

"Still needs some improvement." Gensou, with the Yin Seal restored to his forehead, smiled lightly, not arrogantly.

Hashirama wanted to say more, but time was up.

In an instant, the souls of the four Hokage were completely enveloped in white light.

In the blink of an eye, they disappeared, not returning to the Shinigami, but completely returning to the underworld.

Thus, from the First to the Fourth, in the battle among the four Kage, Gensou was the last one smiling.

The Shinigami's perfect plan completely failed.

Feeling his body and soul fully restored to peak condition, Gensou no longer let out an Uchiha-style maniacal laugh as before.

Having planned everything in advance, he could achieve the final result step by step.

Although the unexpected appearance of the four Hokage was a surprise, the outcome did not change.

"Let's try again to see if I can summon the Shinigami."

Gensou, full of anticipation, formed hand seals again.

The Shinigami, whom others avoided, was now seen by him as a great supplement.

He had already deeply experienced the benefits of a strong soul when he ignored Tobirama's Dark Release: Inhaling Maw technique.

Gensou really wanted to cut some more flesh from the Shinigami.

But to his regret, this time, after performing the Reaper Death Seal, the Shinigami did not respond, and the connection with the technique was abruptly cut off.


It made sense; the Shinigami had lost an arm, then four high-quality souls and a bead containing life force.

Even after all that, it couldn't defeat Gensou.

Now, sensing the same summoner, no matter how furious, it wisely chose not to respond.

Too bad.

Gensou shook his head in regret.

He couldn't exploit it any longer.

It was time to move forward steadily on his own.

Now, having achieved the first and second small goals since his rebirth, it was time to focus on the final and most important goal from the beginning: achieving the Kekkei Mora!

He had almost mastered the five main chakra natures: fire, earth, water, wind, and lightning. His real shortcoming lay in the yin and yang chakra natures.

In the research of yang chakra, thanks to medical ninjutsu, he had made significant progress and expected good results with further study.

As for yin chakra, recalling the Mangekyou Sharingan he took from Uchiha Shisui, Gensou pondered and had an idea.

"Just in time, there's a good experimental material here."

Gensou suddenly looked at the ground and stomped his right foot hard.

Crack, crack~ A huge crack spread from the ground, extending downward.

Soon, amidst the violent tremors of the splitting earth, a white Zetsu with a pale exterior, positioned right at the center of the crack, looked up in confusion at Gensou, who was now bathed in sunlight after the dispersal of the clouds.

"One stomp creating a crack over ten meters deep, that's too much!"

The white Zetsu swallowed hard and quickly tried to use the Mayfly technique to escape.

But just as it turned around, a hand instantly grabbed the back of its head and squeezed, causing it to faint.

Gensou had captured white Zetsu before.

Although these creatures were highly secretive, to someone proficient in earth chakra like him, the ground was also his domain.

Any creature moving underground was as visible as if it were walking right before his eyes.

Thanks for the generous gift.

In the shinobi world, the best experimental material was undoubtedly white Zetsu.

After securing the white Zetsu, Gensou didn't linger and headed back toward the village.

(End of Chapter)

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