
1st World: A/B/O: 13


The Chef x The Movie Emperor 

A/N: Stellar Year 2422, Luna Bellflower - smallest of the 3 moons also known as the suburbs of the capital planet Tarra Anka PXD2422 of the Golden Dragon Star Nexus Empire, also known as G.D.S.N. 

MC- Phoenix, Nix, Mama Phoenix, Mama Nix

Beyol Bong Tae-Hwan- the name of the shell Nix has taken over. Since his name and nick name already included the name phoenix in it, MC-Phoenix has no problem going by Phoenix or Nix. I just wanted to make sure to make a key so that hopefully no one gets confused because honestly, I am the author and even, I have notes to keep everything straight and maintain continuity as much as possible. 

Also, this is technically the beginning of chapter 2 of the first arc but since I originally wrote this in the format of a traditional novel it took much longer to get here through several small updates. Please bear with me as I never expected it to take this long but as I wrote and got more and more into it, all this detailed information just kept spewing out and I decided to go with it and make the world hoping arcs longer. They technically could be considered whole books in themselves seeing that I am already past 50 thousand words written and published thus far. I also have been considering taking the contract for this novel and going premium with it, but I am still on the fence about it. 

Nix's P.O.V,:

Phoenix decided to stroll around the private garden before heading into the tea house to see his mother or rather the host's mother. Looking around he could not help but think this garden fit his taste perfectly. He would love to have something like this back in his little space pocket.

'Guess I will have to name it soon' thought Phoenix with a light chuckle. He gathered his thoughts and prepared himself to meet the host's family but knew it had to be done sooner rather than later.

 Stepping into the traditional style tea house Phoenix could control the smile that crept up his exquisite face with a single dimple on his left cheek.

It had been over three hundred years since he had been inside a tea house. He could see the similarities along with the differences between the two dimensions. He noticed that this dimension seems to have more Eastern influences whereas the dimension and prison he was in all had Western influences. Well, that is if one compares it to the ancient Earths of both dimensions.

(A/N: this is the only way I could think to describe it so that everyone would get the feel for it without going into a bunch of details that I assume my readers do not want since it has already taken this long to get this far.)

He pondered on why for a moment while walking and looking through the private rooms.

 He found the shell's; no, she is now his new mother, placing a single orchid plant on a pedestal in one of the private rooms.

The host's or rather his new mother was a petite woman, in both stature and height. She is very beautiful for a beta, no for a woman period. Despite her being in her fifties she looked to still be in her mid-twenties.

She had shoulder length black hair, peach blossom eyes with the slightest of wrinkles at the corner of her sterling bule-gray eyes that almost looked amethyst in dimmer light, when she smiled. Her full plump cheeks beckoned one to reach out and pinch them. She has soft pink full and plump heart shaped lips and pale but bright skin.

Tae Eun-Kyung exuded an air of gracefulness, pose and sophistication. At the same time, she had this aura of a warm hearted and nurturing woman. She instantly made Nix not only feel safe and strangely he had this sense of familiarity that he could not shake so he chalked it up to ruminants left over from the host.

One can see where Beyol Bong Tae-Hwan got his looks from. Nix stood there transfixed by an unfamiliar and overwhelming feeling that he could not quite place nor describe. He could not stop himself from wondering what it would be like to have a mother who cares about him. Never, not once did he have a loving family, so he is not sure what to expect but he knew he did not want her to dislike him.

'I can't believe I am nervous to meet the hosts family or anyone really since it has been at least a 10 thousand years since anyone made me feel this way. Not even when I knew I was about to be beat, tortured and or killed did I feel anything other than numb. I am not sure why she feels... familiar in a way...'

Solaris watched on as his Mama Nix stared the hosts mother Tae Eun-Kyung feeling just as complicated as Phoenix but for different reasons and with different emotions. His heart ached for his poor Mama Nix and the weight of the knowledge he was forced to bear but unable to share weighed heavily on his little heart.

'Soon, Mamma I will be able to tell you. I just hope it is sooner than later. As hard as it is for me, I know it is harder for you, but I promise you will understand soon.' The little phoenix dragon thought to himself while blocking his thoughts from his Mama Phoenix.

When Mrs. Beyol (Tae Eun-Kyung) was satisfied with the placement of the flower, she turned to see her son. She stared at this beautiful son of hers and could not help but smile. "Oh, good morning sweetheart. Did you sleep well?" asked Mrs. Beyol with a lyrical voice.

Phoenix was a tad taken back because the warm fuzzy feeling hit him straight in the heart and was blooming in his chest, was a completely new feeling. Though Nix could not recall ever feeling this warm fuzzy feeling in his heart before he again could not shake the inexplicable feeling of familiarity.

He just smiled gently and nodded his head yes.

"That is good. Have you had breakfast yet? If not go wake you little brother up and we will all eat down here in the restaurant before the both of you have to head to class and the rest of us to work." she replied with a bright and sincere smile while walking down the hallway leading to the restaurant.

"Yes ma'am" was all Phoenix could reply before heading up the stairs to go wake his new little brother. He could not help but think that this was a great feeling and that he could not wait to meet the rest of the family now. 

The Beyol Family lived in a home above the hot pot and barbeque restaurant and tea house that they owned and ran. It was only recently that they were able to add the addition of the tea house and two more bedrooms and another bathroom upstairs.

Growing up the host lived in a small but quaint apartment above the restaurant. He spent his middle and high school years here on Luna Bellflower and though his original room was more spacious he was grateful for what little they had after moving to Luna Bellflower because he understood that everything was not only different then his small country town but that everything was a lot more expensive the closer one moves to the capital.

A family of six living in a small 3 bed 1 bath apartment would either be tight knit or absolutely hate one another. 'Thankfully for this new family of mine, it still feels strange thinking of them that way, are all close knit. Ot they never would have been so happy and continent to make it work.' Nix thought to himself without carrying to block his thoughts because honestly, he did not mind if Solaris heard him or even had an opinion too. 

Phoenix was unaware of the gentle smile that graced his ethereal jade like face, nor was he aware of the affect it had on others. Even Solaris's pupils were blown wide and his heart even sped up a little bit while taking in the breath-taking beauty of his Mama Nix. 

If Nix could see Solaris at this moment, he might just have caught a flash of something strange and unknown that passed through Solaris's eyes as he gazed up at him. But unfortunately, for Phoenix and anyone else Solaris still had his cloaking up.

Nix continued to make his way up to his to wake Beyol Joon, as he continued to ponder on the house's renovations and the bond of his new family. Honestly, he was not sure how they managed to stay close and not end up constantly fighting with one another. 'I guess that is what true familial love and bond does. It also most likely helped that their ages were spaced out because three teenage boys sharing a single small room would be a nightmare.' Nix thought to himself while gazing at the family photos lining the hallway. 

Not that the three of them sharing it growing up was easy, but it was easier when his older brother went to university.

The host always looked up to his older brother, seven years his senior, athletic, smart and popular. Standing tall at six foot three inches or seventy-five inches tall (190.5cm), dark blue eyes and hair, almond eyes, straight nose, high cheek bones, a strong jaw and chin with soft red thin lips, how could he not?

Though Beyol Bong Tae-Hwan was not the youngest of his siblings, he has always been babied and overprotected by all his siblings and his parents. He was not just the only an omega in an all beta in the family he was an extremely rare and heavily sought after dominant omega. He looks alone where so beautiful and ethereal while maintaining an aura of innocence and naivety that called to the predator side of all alphas and even most betas.

They just wanted to keep their sunshine safe, happy and pure as long as possible. Which led him to being so naive that, that fake white lotus real black lotus green tea bitch, Lee Eun-ae, the host thought was his best friend was able to completely, destroy him and his entire family.

Upon thinking about Lee Eun-ae, Nix's eyes turned deadly sharp and equally dark. 'I cannot wait to take that fucking bitch down and out like the rabid mange devoured mutt that she is! I may not be the original but I sure as hell will not allow her to harm the Beyol family in any way and I do not care who stands in my way, I will protect this new family of mine even if it is the last thing I do in this life!' he thought to himself while the gentle smile that was gracing his beautiful face turned into a sinister one that left even Solaris feeling cold and a bit shaken.

Before he realized it, Phenix was already standing outside of Beyol Joon's bedroom door and stealing himself to wake up this new little brother of his. He was worried that the host family would realize that something was wrong with him. What if they realize I am not the real Beyol Bong Tae-Hwan?


He began to panic for a moment before Solaris quickly told him that no one would be able to tell because they would see it as how he had always been. Sighing in trepidation, Phenix reached for the door handle and went inside his little brother's room.


Upon seeing the host's little brother sleeping he could not help but notice that he is also very good looking. He had stunning olive toned skin, black hair, smooth skin, a straight nose, pouty dark pink lips, a strong chin and long muscular arms and legs of a swimmer.


Phoenix knew from his memory or rather the information of this world he downloaded, that this little brother of his also had silver blue eyes like their mother and a six pack of abs.

'Fuck, this shit just aint fair' Phenix thought and grumbled to himself as he looked from his new little brother, then to himself in the full-length mirror on the wall. He could not help but scowl at his slender, lithe body and its delicate but long and toned muscles that resembled a professional dancer's body. Though he increased the body's muscle composition and put it in the optimal condition he still long for a big strong, muscular and tall frame of a beta. He knew he would in this life he would never come close to an alpha but even his younger brother who is a beta has a stronger and more masculine body then he does. 

'Solaris, am I really destined to never have to strong muscles and body I yearn for? It really is not fair; I am stuck in a world full of alphas and even some betas that have the body types of my dreams and yet here I am a lowly omega. Tsk, well I guess we all can't be as luck as Choi Yongbok, that man actually has the body of my dreams.' Phoenix rhetorically asked through their shared mental link.

He could not see the mix of emotions plastered on Solaris' face as he listened to his Mama Phoenix's cute, amusing and a bit concerning internal whining. It left Solaris looking as if he was constipated with joy and mirth in his eyes. If he could see Solaris right now, he would fall over laughing for sure.

-Solaris - '...' (=^ ◡ ^=) ヽ(°〇°)ノ (¬‿¬ ) ε===(っ≧ω≦)っ ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴ 

* 'Mama Nix is so cute, he is in for a major surprise he just doesn't know it yet. But I am not sure how he will take it...' the little phoenix dragon thought to himself making sure to keep his thoughts private. *

Hello my lovely phoenixed and dragons,

1st Thank Yall for you continued support, in reading, commenting and in powerstones! Thanks to yall I am considering signing a contract and going premium with this novel, though I am still on the fence about it. Let me know your thoughts on it please, as one of my concerns is losing the readers I currently have if I go premium. There are both pros and cons and I am trying to weigh them wisely.

Huricane Bryl has offically made landfall, and though my state is not in the direct path we are still getting a ton of nasty weather and their is even a tornado warning for my county as I type this. All this means that my internet and cell phone service may be down and I may not get to post as quickly as I would like. I ask that you all please bear with me as I am continuing to work hard to get updates for this novel written and posted while also taking care of my children who are and always will be my top priority. That said I am working on stock piling a few chapters just incase of an emergency.

Mrs_TNTcreators' thoughts
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