
Chapter 46: The Crafting of Skyforge Weapons

Outside the chamber, gentle plumes of smoke wafted from the entrance, signaling the intense activity taking place within. The smoke curled upward, visible from a distance, indicating that the fires inside were burning steadily. Within the chamber, five furnaces stood in a neat line.

Clansmen moved briskly around the furnaces, each person carrying out a specific task. Some were focused on feeding logs into the fires beneath the furnaces, ensuring a continuous supply of fuel to maintain the optimal temperature. The logs crackled and burned brightly, with flames licking up towards the bases of the furnaces. The intensity of these flames was crucial for melting the Skyforge Crystals, and the clansmen diligently worked to keep the fires well-stoked.

Meanwhile, other clansmen were positioned strategically, using makeshift giant leaves as fans. They vigorously fanned the fires, the large, sturdy leaves directing airflow towards the flames. This increased oxygen supply intensified the heat, making the flames burn even hotter. Despite the 270-degree walls surrounding the furnaces, which left only a 90-degree gap for access, the clansmen found it easy to maneuver and fan the fires. The rhythmic motion of the fans created a steady draft, enhancing the efficiency of the fires and ensuring that the heat was consistently strong.

While the other clansmen diligently maintained the fires, Elan focused on another crucial task. He stood with a group of clansmen, teaching them the delicate process of using their Spiritual Energy to protect the weapon molds he had crafted. These molds were essential for shaping the melted Skyforge Crystals into weapons, and they needed to be carefully shielded from the intense heat to prevent any damage.

Elan explained the technique in detail, demonstrating how to channel spiritual energy to form a protective barrier around the molds.

"By concentrating your energy and projecting it onto the molds, you can create a shield that absorbs and dissipates the heat," he explained. "Here's how you do it: First, close your eyes and focus on your core, where your spiritual energy resides. Visualize it as a bright, warm light. This light is your energy, and you need to guide it to the surface."

He continued, "Once you've visualized your energy, take a deep breath and slowly exhale, imagining that light flowing through your body. Direct it towards your hands, letting the energy gather there. You might feel a slight warmth or tingling sensation—that's a good sign. It means your energy is mobilizing."

Elan then raised his hands towards the mold and demonstrated, "With your energy concentrated in your hands, extend it outward, imagining it forming a barrier around the mold. Think of it as creating an invisible shield, one that wraps around the mold, covering it entirely. This shield will absorb the intense heat from the molten metal, protecting the mold from damage."

He added, "The key is to maintain a steady flow of energy. If you let your focus waver, the shield might weaken, and the mold could crack under the heat. Keep your breathing steady and your mind clear. Remember, this isn't just about protecting the molds; it's a technique you can use for various purposes, including shielding yourself in combat."

Elan watched as the clansmen practiced, their expressions a mix of concentration and determination. He moved among them, offering pointers and encouragement, ensuring they understood the process. "Feel the energy, see it in your mind's eye, and control its flow. The more you practice, the more natural it will become. This technique is a valuable skill, one that will serve you well in many situations."

The clansmen listened intently, their expressions a blend of concentration and curiosity as they absorbed this new information.

Many were surprised and impressed by the versatility of the technique. "So, it's not just for the molds?" one clansman asked, his eyes widening in realization. "We can use it to protect ourselves too."

Elan nodded, smiling at their enthusiasm. "Exactly. It's a valuable skill, not just for this task but for your safety in general. With practice, you'll find that using your spiritual energy in this way becomes second nature."

Reflecting on this new knowledge, Elan thought to himself that if he had known about this ability earlier, he wouldn't have struggled so much against the Sabreclaw. He had always believed that spiritual energy was only useful for sharpening weapons, not realizing it could also be used for defense. Curious, Elan asked Arion why he had only mentioned this technique now.

Arion responded simply, saying he had forgotten to mention it.

Elan found it difficult to believe that a sentient AI could forget something so important. It seemed almost impossible, given Arion's advanced capabilities and vast knowledge. He considered the possibility that, because Arion was sentient, he might experience the same kind of forgetfulness that affects ordinary people. However, Elan chose not to dwell on the issue. The key takeaway was that they now possessed this valuable knowledge, and Elan was determined to make full use of it.

As Elan continued to teach the clansmen, Arion remained focused on monitoring the furnaces. Using his advanced scanning abilities, Arion constantly checked the status of the Skyforge Crystals, ensuring they reached the necessary melting point. The process required precise timing, as the crystals needed to be thoroughly melted before being poured into the molds.

Arion's voice occasionally echoed in Elan's mind, providing real-time updates. 'The crystals in Furnace Three are almost ready,' he would report, or 'Furnace One is still a few degrees short of the melting point.' These updates allowed Elan to coordinate the next steps with precision, ensuring that the casting process was perfectly timed.

After teaching his clansmen how to use their Spiritual Energy to protect the weapon molds, Elan couldn't shake a growing sense of worry. It was already noon, and despite their best efforts, the Skyforge Crystals had not yet melted. The clansmen had been tirelessly fanning the flames for nearly three hours, and Elan was concerned that the heat might not be sufficient to reach the required temperature.

Sensing Elan's concern, Arion spoke up, 'Don't worry, Elan. The crystals will eventually melt. While it's challenging to reach the 800-degree mark needed to melt the Skyforge Crystals, it's achievable with the setup you've created. The 270-degree walls and covers you've made are doing an excellent job of concentrating the heat, and the clansmen's vigorous fanning is making a significant difference. Without these measures, reaching the necessary temperature would be impossible. But rest assured; it's working.'

Hearing Arion's reassuring words, Elan felt a bit more at ease, though he couldn't completely shake his concern. He knew the situation was under control, but the stakes were high, and a part of him was still worried.

True to Arion's words, an hour later, Elan heard Arion's voice in his mind: 'Elan, all the Skyforge Crystals inside the five furnaces have finally melted and are ready for use.'

Elan almost jumped with excitement at the news. He quickly instructed his clansmen to stop fanning and to carefully remove the covers from the walls and then from the furnaces. The clansmen moved swiftly, using their bare hands to lift the covers. Thanks to their Spiritual Energy, they felt only a slight warmth as the energy shield protected their skin from the intense heat.

Once the covers were removed, Elan and the others approached the furnaces. They gazed in awe at the molten state of the Skyforge Crystals, now boiling and glowing inside the furnaces. The sight of the shimmering, molten metal brought wide smiles to their faces, a clear sign of their success.

Elan then called for the other clansmen to bring the forty-five weapon molds and makeshift cups made of rocks to scoop up the melted Skyforge Crystals. He instructed his clansmen to carefully scoop the molten Skyforge Crystals and pour them into all forty-five weapon molds.

With great care, his clansmen used the makeshift cups to scoop the glowing, molten crystals from the furnaces and carefully pour them into the weapon molds. Elan emphasized the importance of channeling their Spiritual Energy during this process, reminding them to create a protective barrier around the molds. This would ensure the molds remained intact and the molten metal flowed smoothly into the desired shapes, preventing any imperfections or damage to the newly cast weapons. The clansmen, fully understanding the significance of this step, worked diligently, focusing their energy and attention to detail as they poured the precious molten metal into each mold.

After pouring the molten Skyforge Crystals into all forty-five weapon molds, Elan said to Arion, 'Arion, please inform me as soon as the molten Skyforge Crystals have solidified.' Elan's voice carried a note of anticipation and urgency.

'Alright, no problem,' Arion replied, acknowledging the task.

Elan then turned to his clansmen, instructing them, "Keep fanning the fires, but gently. Just enough to ensure the metal doesn't solidify too quickly." The clansmen diligently followed his instructions, maintaining a gentle and steady airflow over the molds to keep the temperature consistent.

Nearly an hour later, Arion's voice echoed in Elan's mind, 'Elan, the molten Skyforge Crystals inside the weapon molds have now solidified.'

Elan's face brightened with excitement. He turned to his clansmen and announced, "The molten Skyforge Crystals have solidified in the molds! Let's see the results!"

Without hesitation, the clansmen moved to follow Elan's lead. Though curious about how Elan knew the exact timing, they trusted his judgment implicitly and did not question him. 

Together, Elan and the clansmen carefully removed the top halves of the weapon molds. As the casted weapons were revealed, there was a collective gasp of awe. The weapons were impeccably formed, with smooth, flawless surfaces devoid of any rough edges or imperfections. The clansmen were visibly stunned by the high quality of the craftsmanship. They marveled at the seamless finish and precision of the details, understanding that the use of Spiritual Energy during the casting process had been instrumental in achieving such perfection.

The newly forged weapons lay before them, gleaming with a pristine finish. The clansmen couldn't help but admire the remarkable results, filled with excitement at the thought of wielding these finely crafted weapons made from the Skyforge Crystals.

"Quickly, everyone, let's remove the weapons from the molds," Elan instructed, his voice carrying a sense of urgency.

He guided his clansmen through the process, reminding them to handle the newly forged weapons with care. Once the weapons were safely removed, he directed them to pour another round of molten Skyforge Crystals into the weapon molds to begin crafting a new batch. This routine continued tirelessly, with the clansmen pouring and setting the metal, producing a total of five hundred weapons: one hundred and twenty-five swords, one hundred and twenty-five spears, one hundred axes, one hundred halberds, and fifty staffs. Although only Lyra currently wields a staff, Elan thought it prudent to have more, anticipating that others might choose the staff as their weapon in the future. The more variety, the better.

The process extended well into the next day, with the entire group working nonstop to complete the monumental task. By the end, Elan and his clansmen were utterly exhausted, their energy drained from the relentless effort.

Observing the fatigue etched on his clansmen's faces, Elan addressed his clansmen, "Let's take the day to rest and focus on replenishing our Spiritual Energy. You can all cultivate under the Serenity Blossom Trees; the environment there will help you recover faster."

Upon hearing Elan's suggestion, his parents and the clansmen were overjoyed and quickly headed toward the Serenity Blossom Trees with their new weapons at their hands. The only ones who stayed behind were the women with young babies, who promised to join the others after attending to their children.

Elan watched in amazement as the group rapidly dispersed, leaving him and the mothers with all the children under twelve. The kids began to complain, feeling somewhat neglected. They voiced their frustrations, noting how their parents had seemingly forgotten about them at the mention of cultivating under the Serenity Blossom Trees. Even Elan's two younger siblings expressed their displeasure.

The mothers, smiling sympathetically, reassured the children, promising to feed them after they had tended to the babies.

With no other choice, Elan took charge of the situation. He gathered his siblings and the other children around him. "Come on, let's get you all something to eat," he said, leading the way. Elan knew he couldn't leave the mothers to handle feeding all ninety children on their own. He led the group to ensure that everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, was well taken care of.


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