
Strength not so easily Attained...

~Omniscient Pov, A week later, 8:34 Pm~




"Hey, come on! How are you that good at this?" Amber pouted, crossing her arms in what looked like mock frustration.

Picking up on it, Ezra simply laughed, shaking his head, waving his finger in a; no motion, "I guess I'm just the whack-a-mole champion. There's no shame in losing to the champ."

Amber waved her hands, "Yeah, yeah... No one likes a pompous winner anyway," she also shrugged, trying to hide her smile.

Ezra grinned, "Well, I wasn't the one who gave the pompous winner their number, so..."

She playfully punched his arm, "Alright, you win this round. But next time, I'll be the one bragging."

"Sure, sure..." he replied, still chuckling, "I'll be ready for your comeback."

They continued to walk through the carnival, the sounds of laughter and excitement filling the air. Amber glanced at Ezra, noting how much more relaxed and happy he seemed compared to when he had initially arrived in the first place.

'Maybe he's gotten used to the place...' She thought offhandedly.

"So~ what do you want to do next?" she asked, looking around at the rest of the attractions. Ezra thought about it for a little while before answering, "How about the Ferris wheel? I've always loved the view from the top." Amber smiled, "OOh~ Sounds perfect." He smiled, glad she was having her fair share of fun too.

Amber, on one hand; couldn't help but reflect on the past week while they made their way to the Ferris wheel. Ezra had opened up about his experiences, and despite the initial shock, for some odd reason, she found herself more drawn to him than ever... His little change had only highlighted his resilience and strength, qualities she was starting to admire...

They quickly boarded the Ferris wheel, and as it slowly ascended, Amber reached out to hold Ezra's hand. He glanced at her, surprised but pleased, 'She's pretty bold, I like that.' he thought, and gave her hand a gentle squeeze in return, being extra careful to hurt her on accident.

He was still growing stronger even as the moon was out. After the ride had ended, he gave her hand a silent nudge... "Thanks for being here with me, Amber," he said softly.

Amber looked into his eyes, feeling a warmth spread through her body, "Alright, no need to sound so, cringe about it... But, I appreciate the sentiment. It's, sweet ya' know..." She shyly said, quickly turning away. Seeing her reaction, he just chuckled lightly at her embarrassment, finding it cute even.

Feeling the moment, they both looked at each other, and as the moment passed, their faces slowly came closer, and close-

"Hey, fucker!" a voice suddenly interrupted.




Ezra turned his head sharply to see a large man seemingly threatening someone smaller nearby... Slightly annoyed someone had to ruin the moment like that, without a second thought, Ezra released Amber's hand and stood up.

"Ezra! What are you doing?" Amber whispered seeing that he was likely going to do something monumentally stupid. Being slightly concerned, and a bit disappointed. He sighed a bit, "I can't just sit here and watch that happen," he said, his tone slightly serious. "I'll be right back."

Having a feeling she couldn't change his mind, Amber followed closely behind him, worried but still supportive.

Ezra on the other hand had taken the time and walked towards the commotion, "Hey man, just leave him alone," Ezra called out.

The larger man turned to face him, towering over Ezra. "Who the hell do you think you are?" he sneered.

Ezra simply shook his head, and stood his ground, not in the least bit phased by the guy's size, "Just someone who doesn't want this to escalate any further than it already has... Plus, don't you think this is the wrong place to do this kind of thing?" 

The man glanced around, then looked Ezra up and down, somewhat surprised by his boldness. "You think you can take me on, pretty boy?"

That served to irritate Ezra lightly, 'You have got to be kidding me...' He thought. His eyes then narrowed slightly. "Listen... I don't want any trouble man, but I'm not going to let you just hurt the guy."

Agitated. The man took a threatening step forward, but before he could do anything, Ezra moved with both speed and agility that surprised the people in the crowd, positioning himself protectively between what seemed like Hulk himself, and his victim.

"Last warning," Ezra said, his voice low and steady. "Walk, away." He looked the man dead in the eyes.

The man hesitated, then, seeing the look in Ezra's eyes, he grumbled something under his breath and backed off, deciding it wasn't worth the trouble either.

Ezra turned to the person he had helped, "You okay?"

The person nodded, visibly shaken but grateful. "Y-yeah, thanks." And he ran off right after...

Amber approached, taking Ezra's hand again. "Whoa... That was, really brave of you." Ezra shrugged slightly, a smile playing on his lips. "I was just doing what I thought was right."

Amber quickly grabbed and squeezed his hand. "And incredibly dumb... But, that's why you're amazing."

However, just as she finished, Ezra glanced back at the man he had saved, 'Hmmm... I know I've seen that guy before. Yeah... He's definitely with them...'

Amber, however, noticed the slight change in his expression, it was easy. Ezra's face could hold emotions well, as well as the lack of them, "E-Ezra? What's wrong?" she asked, a bit interested in what seemed to be going on.

Seeing this, Ezra shook his head slightly, trying to push the thought aside. "It's... Nothing. Let's just enjoy the rest of the night, maybe the Ferris wheel again?." However, Amber wasn't stupid. She picked up on small facial cues like that one easily, since Ezra's expressions were very easily distinguishable...

But for now, she let it go... Deciding it would be best if she agreed to the ride to take her mind off of it, and that's exactly what she did.

As they boarded the Ferris wheel again and it ascended, Ezra couldn't shake the nagging feeling that there was more to the man he'd help, and having recognized him from his criminal records... 'I knew the guys who kept using the serum were connected, but even past the border...?' 

Ezra on the other hand, didn't know who specifically was behind the whole operation, but they were either brave, or incredibly stupid beyond redemption to even operate in a city where the heroes could end people like them if they deemed it remotely fit.

For now, he'd enjoy his ride with her while it lasted...





~Omniscient Pov, A few days later, 1...~




Last week, Ezra had purchased a home that could easily supplement his training, serve as a base of operation under the quiet, as well as to create new technology he'd be designing in the near future...

Down below in an open courtyard, miles away from life, Ezra moved swiftly through the training area. His body was a blur of motion as he sharpened his skills. The sound of his strikes cutting through the air echoed around him sharper than before with growing strength and precision...




'A solid punching technique should allow me to make my strikes 2-3 times stronger at most... But, now? I'm consistently getting out forces that are at least 8 times stronger.' He continuously pierced the air with just his casual punches...

He was likely well beyond what she had in her database for normal peak humans at this point. Currently, she was delving into hypotheticals that would bring out what seemed to be unreasonable amounts of power, at least from a human-like physiology.

Ezra's new body automatically remembered the stances, as well as the exact motions he needed, and his mind-muscle connection grew even as he practiced. All his techniques improved rapidly as well... His initial technique power output was already impossible by normal standards, but with ECHO micromanaging his training, his growing mind and body are easily capable of handling it.

He felt as if he was growing even faster than before. Ezra's thoughts bounced around different martial arts, and while he did so, his body responded beautifully to its commands. He felt the power behind each of his punches and kicks, 'This isn't just training anymore; it's practically a micro-evolution.'

[Master, your angle is off by 2.31 degrees.] ECHO chimed. Ezra adjusted immediately, feeling the difference in power and efficiency already. With that, he let out one final punch that slightly shook the area around him, causing shockwaves to easily form around the area...

After doing so, he made his way out of the Sun, and sat in the cool of the shade, 'I should be a bit careful when practicing...' He noted to himself and looked around seeing some of the things he had purchased on the floor because of said shockwaves.

After a few minutes, his hair returned to its normal shade of red... He looked down at his hands for a moment, thinking, 'Hmmm... I don't even feel the least bit tired.' As long as he was under the sun, his body didn't really need any rest, much less actual food. He was absorbing solar radiation far faster than the energy his body was naturally consuming.

On the topic of solar radiation... He placed his hand under his chin, 'Still, this shouldn't be possible... My physique is growing separately from my solar storage. Wasn't Superman's strength tied to how much solar energy he had at any given moment? And not separately?' Now he was just questioning himself about his own understanding of the hero...

But he decided it wouldn't be too wise to think on the unknowns, "ECHO, could you show me my statistics..."

[Will do, here;

Physical Age: 16 years / 8,369.21 Years --> 22,342.11

Height: 6'1.5" / 6'11.3"

Weight: 389.22 kg (Effectively 149.44 kg)

Physical Strength: 52.96 kilotons --> 1.04 Megatons / ♾

Physicality: 254.1 --> 279.3 / ♾

Perception/Reaction speeds: Mach 54,231.3 --> Sol 58.18% / ♾

Movement-Speed: Mach 421.8 --> Mach 6,824 / ♾

Intelligence: Mid Genius / ♾]




'Not bad.' He thought, satisfied. He was growing much stronger as the days passed, he hadn't unlocked any of Superman's signature abilities, other than flight at the moment. Other than that, this is what his life has been like.

Training and pushing himself...

He sighed, "I might as well just continue my trainin-"



'Hmm?' Just as he was about to finish his sentence, he felt a weird rumbling from the earth itself... 

Ezra paused, and in a literal sense began to scan his surroundings. Widening his radius of 'senses', soon after, the ground beneath him trembled again, and this time the vibrations were even more powerful than before. "What the hell?" he muttered...

ECHO's voice then buzzed in his ear, [Massive seismic activity detected... The epicenter is approximately 11.52 kilometers, northeast of your current location.]

"I know... Judging from the waves, it's coming right from the city too..." Without thinking too much, he ran towards his basement. He was already grabbing a hold of his suit, and putting it on. 

'I've been bit bored out of my mind, so I might as well get in on the action.' Without wasting another second, he headed out of his home, and as soon as he did, he launched himself into the air, breaking the sound barrier countless times over, flying towards the source of whatever caused the disturbance...




"DAMN IT!!!! WHAT ARE THESE THINGS!?" A man reloaded his gun, blasting creatures that held onto technology decades if not centuries ahead of Earth's own. It was clear the man was some sort of soldier based on his attire, and behind him were some civilians holding onto dear life.

The scene around was nothing short of chaotic. Both soldiers and civilians alike were struggling to fend off the invaders, whose advanced weaponry and armor made them practically unkillable. The air was thick with the sounds of gunfire, explosions, and the inhuman screeches of the creatures.

Ezra landed nearby, surveying the battlefield a bit... He could see the desperation in the eyes of the defenders, and it vexed him. Ezra could see and smell the blood of countless people nearby, buildings toppled, and one massive ship entering through a portal...

"DAMIAN! LOOK OUT!!!!" A soldier shouted as the man in question turned around, his eyes widening.

Only to see a hulking creature lunge at the man, its weapon raised. Without a second thought, Ezra propelled himself forward instantly, effortlessly intercepting the creature mid-attack, and tanking the hit meant for the soldier effortlessly. In response, he delivered a powerful kick to its side, splitting it in half in the process...

Without wasting any more time, he looked towards another set of them coming, "Get yourself, and the civilians to cover, NOW!" Ezra yelled to the man, who nodded, eyes wide with confusion, shock, and relief.

Before the man could say anything more, he saw his savior's figure disappear into what seemed like an afterimage. And the hordes of monsters that were around began to turn into what looked like piles of blood, brain, and intestines. All in the process of a second.

Hundreds, if not thousands of those things had died in a mere second, or less.

Ezra on the other hand, swiftly turned his attention back to the battlefield and straight towards the skies, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. The massive ship was clearly the source of the invasion, and taking it down could likely stop the portal from being left open any longer.


Launching himself into the air, Ezra dodged the energy blasts and projectiles flying through the air. The battlefield was a chaotic mess, but his focus remained sharp. He aimed for the ship's underbelly, where he spotted a hatch that could be his way in, If not.

He'd make one himself...




"W-who was he, Jack? A new hero or something? I thought they were securing the south sector of the city?" Damian asked.

"You think I care, the guy was fast enough to wipe out the area of them with ease. I don't give a damn who he is, he saved my life... ALL our lives for that matter." Jack said. However, the man was nothing short of frustrated, that dozens of his team members he'd known for years, and some decades had been wiped out...

Damian knowing the look, decided not to say anything other than to glance around; seeing the civilians who were saved during their scuffle earlier on the field, their expressions a mix of relief and confusion... Damian could hear the echoes of the cheers and cries of gratitude from his friends from afar.

"We probably need to figure out who he is and why he's here," Damian insisted, his voice steady but his eyes betraying his worry. "Someone with that kind of power could be a great ally or a potential threat... What do you think Cecil will think?"

Jack shrugged, still catching his breath. "You know, Cecil; he's always got a plan, but even he might be stumped by this one. We can't afford to sit around and wait for answers, though. We'll need to get these people to better safety first." He looked behind himself, still seeing the terror in their eyes...

As they began guiding the civilians towards a safer part of the city, a sharp voice crackled over the comms, "HQ to field team, report status. We have unidentified superhuman activity in your vicinity. Do you require assistance?"

Damian pressed the comm button, but in his mind, he was cursing them. Of course, they needed the assistance, but he knew in his heart that would never come... With a heavy sigh, he answered back, "HQ, this is Damian. We encountered an unknown individual with extraordinary abilities. However, he neutralized the threat and saved numerous civilians... We're currently moving them to the safe zone now."

"Understood, Damian. Keep us updated. We're sending a recon team to your location."

Jack glanced at Damian, a hint of worry in his eyes, "Do you think Cecil will trust him?"

Damian sighed. "I don't know, Jack. But we'll need to handle this carefully. Cecil will want to interrogate him, maybe to find out where he's from, as well as find out his motives, maybe if he's from the other side of the border... Until then, we'll just have to stay alert."




With a burst of speed, he flew towards the hatch, landing with a thud inside the alien ship. The interior was filled with strange, advanced machinery and more alien guards. They reacted instantly, firing their weapons at him...

Ezra moved quickly, weaving through the hail of energy beams and bullets. His fists struck with precision and power, instantly taking down the aliens instantly, one by one. 

Soon he reached what seemed a control room, where an imposing alien figure stood at a console, manipulating holographic displays. The figure turned to face him, its eyes glowing with malice...

"You are too late, human," it hissed. "This world will fa-RHGGFF!!!" 

Before it could finish its sentence, he appeared in front of it, grabbing its face, squeezing it... Slowly, he rose himself off the floor, while lifting it as well, "Listen here. You'll close the portal behind us, or... I kill you, and every one of your little friends on this damn ship." His tone was not in any mood to mess around...

However, Ezra did not want to negotiate with this thing, at all.

Looking behind the creature, ignoring its groans of pain and gile; he used his vision to see the control panels and countless wires attached to each other. Instantly. Feint crackles of electric energy began to take shape in his right hand.

Crimson red lightning, to the form of a large spear... He pointed it in the direction of the control panels, and instantly, a large form of energy began materializing on the tip of it. Without hesitation, he fired it.





Soon the entire power of the ship shortcircuited, and not long after, the entire thing was powerless... Ezra flew instantly and made his way out of the maze-like ship. As he looked outside, one out of the two portals was gone...

He looked towards the creature, and slowly, he squeezed tighter, and tighter, until its head exploded in his arms. Ezra through the corpse down as if it was less than nothing and focused on something else entirely...

'I guess I didn't need it after all.' Still, he had one more thing to do. The ship the aliens came in was massive. In fact, it might have been the size of an entire mountain, or even bigger than that...

Still having his spear in hand, he had an idea... Without barrier-shattering speeds, he headed straight down towards the ground landing. 'Let's see if this works...' He aimed his spear at the falling ship. With the spear charged with both solar radiation and electrical energy, the thing was vastly more powerful than it had any right being in his hands at the moment...

In a swift motion, he threw it, with the seer force causing shockwaves around himself. The spear flew towards the ship with speeds far surpassing the sound barrier, and slowly but surely, it reached... But nothing had happened...




'3... 2... 1...' As he finished counting down, a small speck of energy could be seen at first. Soon after, a massive electrical orb of energy instantly engulfed the ship completely, with the size of it being similar to that of an entire island.

In just a few more seconds, the energy imploded on itself. Leaving nothing behind, not even a piece of metal...

Ezra turned around, and flew towards his next objective, 'Now... For that other portal...'










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