
The coup plot and its aftermath Roxanne(+18)

After talking to Ellera, I put her in the bedroom of the unity building because she was drunk. I needed to think a bit more about what Ellera had said, but after all that had happened, I had definitely made a decision on one thing: I must keep Ellera by my side no matter what. And fortunately, Ellera didn't seem opposed to staying with me. Since she was very drunk today and it would be difficult to talk to her, I planned to speak with her again tomorrow.

But for now, I wanted to use my free time to sit at my desk and evaluate my work. When I got to my desk, a letter from Isabella that she had sent a few days ago caught my eye. It appeared that Richard had started bothering Isabella lately. The more Isabella stayed away from the palace, the more Richard seemed to be interested in her. I hoped this situation wouldn't escalate and cause a problem. If Richard's persistence led him to try touching Isabella, I might need to bring the coup forward.

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