
Clear Your Schedule

Selene stared at the young man seated on the couch, his shoulders tense as he sat upright, every muscle seemingly on edge. The spectacles perched on the bridge of his nose made him look younger than his age. 

She couldn't help but notice the way he fiddled with his hands, betraying his nervousness despite his attempts to appear composed.

As if the young man could feel the stares of Selene, he turned to look at her.  

"Ms. Selene, good day to you ma'am," he greeted as he gave a curt bow. 

"Good day to you too, Leo. What do you have for me today?" She asked, taking a seat opposite him. 

Leo was the mole Xavier had planted in the Harrison Company, tasked with keeping an eye on Robert and reporting back to them whenever he noticed something suspicious happening.

It was the first time Leo would be making a report. 

Selene sighted Xavier striding down the stairs. He was in his usual hoodie and sweatpants. 

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