
Chapter 34. Contest for Heir

Tensions ran high following my acceptance of Cracker's challenge for my position.

Besides Cracker, more Ministers rose to challenge for the heir title in spite of Cracker's assertion that he had called it first. In addition to that, some other siblings argued that it was against Mama's will and demanded Cracker withdraw the challenge.

Arguments nearly turned physical, before the currently oldest among us - Charlotte Compote - intervened and proposed a diplomatic approach to the issue.

No one could argue with her. Not after the hidden potential she had just displayed while competing against Mondee. Compote - now acknowledged as Big Mom's incarnate by everyone, including me - first proposed a divide.

Those who wanted to challenge for the position were to be cast on one side, and those who desired I remain unchallenged were to remain on my side. Fearful of Big Mom's wrath, no one moved to Cracker's side immediately, and they all chose to remain on my side

"…and it looks like the Minister of Biscuits dug his own grave for challenging the prince! Will he be buried where his first island sank? Or will he actually manage to climb the ranks?…" the commentator had quite a lot to say about the situation.

Seeing how a healthy challenge had quickly transformed suicidal, I opted to shift the scales in favor of Cracker's fate.

"…all our brothers stand with Cracker and side with him, while all our sisters remain on my side," I demanded after reminding everyone this was a Davy Back Fight, and that no one should feel guilty for wanting something.

Once their was a level of perceived balance following my order, I added. "Cracker, you are free to discard those you don't want from your side and bring them to mine. In addition, you may claim those you desire from my side until you feel comfortable with the balance."

Cracker accepted, and made his choices.

Several moments later, the commentator announced, "Alright folks, the competition for who will become Big Mom's heir is now ready to begin. Here is what you need to know:-"

"-On Cracker's side are the following Charlottes: Oven, Mondee, Effilee, Opera, Counter, Gala, Custard, Angel, Brulee, Nusstorte, Dosmarche, Mash, Cornstarch, Laurin, Marnier, Tablet, Citron, Saint-Marc, Basans, Dacquiose, Bavarois, Kanten, Kato, Chiboust, Mobile, Marble, Joconde, Raisin, Panna, Mascarpone, Yuen, Newichi, Newji, Newsan, Newshi, and, Newgo.-"

"-On Keki's side are the following Charlottes: Compote, Amande, Hachee, Cadenza, Cabaletta, Zuccotto, Broye, Basskarte, Noisette, Moscato, Compo, Mont-d'Or, Mozart, High-Fat, Smoothie, Cinnamon, Melise, Poire, Snack, Prim, Praline, Montb, Chiffon, Lola, Myukuru, Maple, Brownie, Joscarpone, Nutmeg, Akimeg, Allmeg, Harumeg, Fuyumeg, Nougat, and, Pudding.-"

"Those currently unable to participate in this climax of sibling rivalry are: Perospero, Daifuku, Katakuri, Moscato - following various unpleasant incidents - and Galette who has been absent throughout the event. If anyone knows where she is, now is a great chance to save her from Mama's wrath.-"

The commentator kept the audience updated as the stakes were reviewed.

"-This healthy sibling rivalry is to determine if Keki remains the heir to Big Mom's throne. However, in the spirit of honoring the game's rules, Cracker has offered Keki to ask of anything suppose he loses. Even his own exile from Totto Land!"

"-The contestants have agreed to a one-coin format… The game has been selected!"


"The gun shot you've heard and the speck you see flying to the coast is the signal that this anticipated climax of sibling rivalry is ready to start. Giddy up for the game of this suicidal challenge!"


Coincidence or not, the game of the challenge was the obstacle course: Donut Race!

Normally, this competition involved members from opposing sides using given limited construction materials - like barrels - to build their own boats. Each team would then use their boat to complete one lap around a designated part of the island, with the first to reach the finish line declared the winner.

The Charlotte special was no different, albeit a few… minor changes.

First, all present siblings were required to participate, thus putting no limitation on the number of team members that could be included in the game. However, team members could participate from the sidelines by offering support during the race.

During the ship building process, each team presumably made the best choice on who among them could make the best ship from just three barrels and two oars.

The commentator didn't miss a detail on the happenings during the ship-building process:

"…Kato's speed puts Cracker's vessel on an enormous head start! Look at him move in a flash! Cracker's vessel is nearing it's completion just as it starts. What a momentous opportunity to plot against their rivals!"

"Keki's vessel isn't behind either. It may be a slower building process, but it's solid to establish Prim and Praline as the mortars to the three giant barrels of rum. Their mer-abilities gives them a competitive advantage against their opposing siblings."

"…Speaking of rum, how did the mighty prince swallow twenty giant barrels without so much as a stagger!!!? They might have provided the resources for this event, but it's still astonishingly astounding!!…"

Another subtle difference was the rewards at the end of the game. Instead of claiming (or losing) crews, treasures, or symbols, only points were awarded or deducted, based on the judgment of the panel of well-established referees. These points were called Pirate Points, and as the name inferred, they favored the team that did more pirate-worthy acts over the other.

Without neglecting the finish line, a hundred pirate points would be awarded to the team that finished the donut race first, but the number of pirate points accumulated throughout the race would affect the gross points earned.

And finally, the gross number of pirate points of each team at the end of the challenge would determine the winner, and thus, heir to Big Mom's pirate and Totto Land's throne.

After rapid, smart, and tactical moments of the ship-building process, the contestants were set to begin the race as everyone, even the giants waited in anticipation.

On Cracker's team, the number of siblings who would board his Underdogs Wagon was around twenty, give or take, with Cracker among them.

On my team, the number to board my Royalty Barrels was within the twenties figure, but I wasn't aboard the vessel, given my gargantuan size. All I could do was play support from the sidelines.

"Alright, here is the objective:-" the commentator announced as the completed vessels waited impatiently on the coast of Love Island. They were both enormous enough to fit all the participating members, but had varying heights, girth, depth and design.

"-Reach the cleavage of Love Island from either direction while acquiring as many pirate points along the way as you can!" the commentator declared after an explanation of Love Island's topography and how it had transformed since the Fight started.

The island was shaped like a heart, but since the crack that had developed during Compote's fight (spreading through the entire island) the island now resembled a broken heart. The developed crack ran from the cleavage (meeting point at the top), all the way to the wrecked bottom.

Following a bang, the race officially started.

The unsaid rules were in our heart, and just as the race started, the violence began.

"The two ships charge forward simultaneously!! Team Cracker engages in support fire as Newshi transforms into a hulk and swings his giant scythe at the Royalties!" The commentator informed boisterously.

"Compote manages a desperate deflection which does little to stop the Underdogs from taking the lead!"

"The judges are impressed by the Underdogs lack of mercy and award them twenty pirate points!"

"On the sidelines, Nutmeg leads her sisters to stop their decuplet brothers from causing more damage to the Royalties!"

"Things got intense quickly," I thought aloud as I watched my team (the Royalties) charging for their own attack.

"Whoa! What was that!" the commentator gasped in awe as a part of the Underdog's Wagon sliced apart and immediately sunk in the sea leaving only a trail of smoke.

After careful observation, I followed the trail of smoke to Hachee's cigar just as she was inconspicuously letting go of her grip on her sword. Piecing other minor details together, it was evident that she was the one who had performed the disastrous attack.

Awed, I wondered, 'She's fast! A true swordswoman!'

Unlike her quadruplet - Amandee, who cut things very slowly - Hachee was pretty quick with the blade. When she acted, it was nearly impossible to notice her, let alone counter her. How she was not the best swordsperson in the world was something I hadn't come to terms with yet - the reason being just unacceptable!

"Adding to the mysterious attack against the Underdogs is High-Fat with his lethal Heart-Attack slash- Oh Blast me with a cannon!! Tablet jumps to counter his twin and neutralizes the lethality of the attack!"

Watching the splash of neutral colors from High-Fat's clash with Tablet, I was starting to see how things could go extremely wrong. As healthy as this competition was, the execution was lethal.

"Judges award twenty points for the mysterious slash to the Royalties, just as the Royal Barrels speeds ahead of the Underdogs Wagon!"

As the race continued with the Royalties trailing in position but not in points, more catastrophes were abated as siblings tried all they could to drown each other.

"Blimey!" the commentator's voice became a timid squeak from all the fireworks. "Where did the cannonballs come from!!??"

The more the time passed, the clearer it got that this wasn't just a competition. It was a war that showed just how much Big Mom's children were adrenaline junkies.

Bullets ricocheted as fire arm users from both teams dangerously shot at each other.

Despite the danger, points were still awarded, but not always.

While Smoothie used her dehydration blast to create a gaping hole in one of the barrels of the Underdogs Wagon, Nusstorte's wind threw the Royal Barrels off course.

While spinning from Nusstorte's wind, Basskarte fell overboard from the Royal Barrels. Within the disarray, none among the Royalties was in a position to help him. Given his fire abilities, Basskarte could have drowned if not for the kindness of his brother, Dacquiose, who, despite being part of the Underdogs, swooped in and saved him.

"A good gesture from Dacquiose but the judges see the act of saving an enemy non-pirate and deduct forty points from the Underdogs!!"

"The Royalties are now on the lead with more Pirate Points, but the Underdogs lead in the race!" the commentator updated. "If the Underdogs cross the finish line first, they win the competition!"


'What a lovely sunset,' Prince Loki observed dreamily as evening encroached, the golden sun rays concentrating on Lola (on the sidelines), making her beauty panoramic to his eyes.

"What are your thoughts on this pirate game, captain?" a giant standing close to Loki asked him, casually.

The giants had been keenly observing the Davy Back Fight, alternating between moments of being impressed and internal criticism. However, the general impression was that this was a competition worth their time.

Speaking closely to his first mate, Prince Loki replied, "It's wonderful that they think we know nothing of this game. The giants were there when it was founded and have watched it evolve over the years."

"If they knew what we are capable of, they wouldn't dare to compete against us," Loki added mischievously.

"This is the only time when pirates are truly honorable," Fenrik the First Mate noted with a smirk in his face. "We will win the princess in a landslide."

"I doubt not your confidence when I say this, but, they still are vicious pirates, who are more spirited than we anticipated. Just look at the current competition, and how they are going at each other in spite of their blood relation." Loki mused. "We'll succeed in getting my bride. However, it will be anything but a landslide."

His eyes fell back on Lola and his heart skipped a beat. There was no sense of foreboding that things could go wrong. He could already picture their marriage.


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