
Chapter 6: The Wing Flap

Shirou headed to the reception desk to acquire knowledge of his classroom. After taking his admission papers the lady at reception assured him that his student ID would be ready in 3 days and then was directed towards his classroom.

Entering the class the teacher, a young woman in her mid 20s smiled at him and instructed him to introduce himself.

"I am Shirou Emiya, nice to meet you all," said Shirou after writing his name on the blackboard.

He was instructed to sit in a free seat near a blue-haired boy. Shirou took his seat and observed the boy beside him, his messy blue hair was like seaweed. Perhaps noticing Shirou staring he turned to the side and met his eyes.

Looking at his face Shirou felt a deep disgust inside him, as if he was looking at trash. Burduren with this unexplainable feeling turned his head away. Shirou felt confused by this internal discord, on one side he was feeling deep disgust as well as pity on the other side towards someone he met for 1st time and these feelings were harmonious with no sense of dissonance contradicting their abrupt nature.




Time passed and it was lunch break in the blink of an eye. Shirou decided to accompany his new deskmate during lunch as he noticed how he was eating alone.

"Hi, I am Shirou Emiya," said Shirou with his hand in a handshake position.

The boy eating alone looked at Shirou`s outstretched hand and rudely ignored him.

Shirou feeling awkward was about to turn away but he heard,

"I am shinji matou.".

Smiling Shirou sat down near him and they continued to talk.



After school, Shirou was picked up by a tired-looking kiritsugu. Taking in his father`s hunching shoulders and a little raspy voice Shirou silently followed him home.

In the emiya residence that evening Shirou overheard kiritsugu talking to Mr. Fugimura about sending his granddaughter starting next week. After taking a bath shioru quickly prepared dinner under Kiritsugu`s instruction.

After a quick dinner kiritsugu took Shirou to his bedroom. Upon entering the room Shirou was shocked, the room`s walls were filled with papers. The papers struck on the walls gave a chaotic feeling as the age and size of each were different, some even were yellowed and crumpled.

Before Shirou could ask kiritsugu explained,

"This is a bounded field Shirou, I am a mediocre magus so this is the best one I can make in this short period of time"

"Now sleep here and this will help me analyze and record the possible reason for your dreams." continued the older emiya ignoring the confused look on the younger one`s face.

After some more talking Shirou fell asleep. Looking at his son`s sleeping form Kiritsugu Emiya opened his circuits after using his trigger.





Shirou woke up in the familiar dark world, with the familiar out-of-body experience. This time he stayed and maintained his calm and waited till the world began spinning in a swirl and his vision disappeared.

This time his view was above a small city, as he slowly descended he was shocked. The small city was Fyuuki, he recognized it by the presence of the great bridge. When he focused around he saw various familiar sites and he suddenly accelerated and plunged into a mansion estate and arrived at the basement.

As his vision stabilised the 1st thing he saw was an old man with a hunch. The old man had wrinkly skin and looked terrifying, if raiga Fujimura was 1 on the scale then this old man was 11.

Looking around Shirou saw a dark damp room whose walls were filled with holes. He saw dead bugs spread around the floor and the old man smiling maliciously making him feel creeped out.

Then his eyes fell on a magic circle on the floor drawn with what he assumed to be mercury, this circle looked like the one from the previous dream but was made of silvery liquid instead of chicken blood.

A sickly-looking man with white hair was standing solemnly. One of his eyes was white suggesting that he was blind. He was wearing a beat-up hoodie and half of his face had its veins bulging like they were about to burst.

The man started chanting with his hands outstretched.

"Fill, fill, fill, fill, fill!"

"Repeat five times."

"But destroy when filled"

"I hereby purpose" 

The man`s blood vessels under his eyes started bulging like worms were crawling in them.

"My will shall create thy body and thy sword shall create my fate."

"Abiding by the summon of holy grail, if thou does accede to this will and reason, answer me!"

Blood started polling in his eyelids, yet he soldered on.

"An oath shall be sworn here!"

"I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven. I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell! "

"But let chaos cloud thine eyes." the veins started spreading across his face.

"Thou, who art trapped in a cage of madness. And I, who doth hold thy chains" Ignoring the pain of bursting blood vessels he kept chanting with a maddened gleam.

"Thou, clad cloud with great trinity, come forth from the circle of constraint."

"Guardian of heavenly scales!"

A light flashed and the man was panting while holding his hand. As the smoke cleared the material used to make the circle was absent, instead the floor was burnt black and the circle was traced on it.

 A tall armored knight was standing in the circle, black smoke was being released from it and instead of having his eyes visible, his eyeholes were releasing a red light. 

Shirou felt that this knight was more impactful than the man from the last dream. But he felt unsettled in this basement.

His vision started twisting and turning before going dark.



Shirou expected to wake up in his bed but finding himself back in the dark space he was fidgety. He was trying to control the panic as he did in his nightmares.

While struggling with himself his vision started blurring again and it went blank.




Shirou found that he was back on top of Fuyuki City.

It was late into the night and was snowing heavily and his vision descended toward his house. This situation had his heart gripped by horror and anticipation. he saw kiritsugu leave home carrying a large bag.

Shirou`s eyes followed him moving through the road silently. He was avoiding people and not leaving any proof of his movement. Reminding himself to be determined and ask kiritsugu to teach him how he does this, Shirou focused back on him.

They reach the Mount Enzou of fuyuki, and then kiritsugu dashes off the road. He stealthily approached the Ryuudou Temple stairs and climbed them silently. to Shirou's amazement the older emiya`s feet begin to radiate a blue glow and circuit-like patterns start surfacing on his skin.

Following the release of the circuits, his father abruptly speeds up making his point of view speed up to keep up. 

On reaching the temple the man jumped and climbed on the roof of temple buildings. Wandering through the temple unseen by people kiritsugu swiftly entered the backyard pond before proceeding into a naturally occurring cave hidden there.

The cave ended into a giant cavern. The caravan was dark and had water dripping everywhere on gray rocks. Kiritsugu dropped his bag and started searching inside, and brought out a flashlight.

Shirou watches as his father takes out wooden boxes from the bag one by one and then throws multiple pacers on the ground. The papers were similar to the ones struck on the bedroom walls.

The glow on his feet climbs onto his back and after some time his hands are also glowing alongside his feet.

Due to lack of light, Shirou`s visibility was obstructed hence he wasn't able to take a look at the contents of the boxes. Shirou observes as kiritsugu looks around the area and starts burying the open boxes into the ground one by one.

There was a sparkle of blue light after each burial as the circuits on kiritsugu flashed with a brighter glow. while watching kiritsugu bury the boxes in a pattern around the center of the carven Shirou's visions started twisting and the world went dark for him.




Looking at a sleeping Shirou kiritsugu activated his circuits and connected himself to the bounded field inside the room. He observed Shirou for hours and found no change in either his expression or in the ambient mana. 

He waited till Shirou's expression started changing to frowns and smiles as well as disappointment, then he observed the boy along with the power of the bounded field but found no disturbance in the greater source.

He continued to observe various parameters of the sleeping boy till his expressions stopped changing and were fixed on a normal sleeping face. After recording the last observation he too went to bed.

<there was no disturbance in the greater source and lesser is completely still as normal with those without any ability to move mysteries.>

<something beyond my knowledge is happening, well it's as I expected. just hope it can be suppressed and he doesn't need to learn about consciously controlling it.>

< I will observe him for 1 week and within that time contact that magi and mother saved as a contract and returned him his magic crest.>

This was the last thought in Kiritsugu`s mind before he fell asleep.

and this is the 6th chapter and the plot started kicking up as I told you guys. this will give the reason for Shirou to be groomed as a fighter instead of a half-baked magus.

next chapter will provide some insights for the reasons of this dream sequence.







Fickle_as_lightcreators' thoughts
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