
Ch - 77 Man in Yellow?

After storming out of S.T.A.R. Labs, Barry went to Iron Heights Prison to talk to his dad, hoping to vent his anger and frustration.

Swayam wasn't worried about Barry in the slightest. He knew that Barry wasn't one to give up easily, no matter how difficult things got. What concerned Swayam was the events that were about to unfold. He couldn't clearly remember what had happened in the episode where Barry confronted the Reverse Flash, which only made him more anxious. His other concern was Caitlin, who had been acting strangely for a while now.

The next night, after all preparations for the trap were complete, Joe arrived at S.T.A.R. Labs with members of the CCPD, including Eddie, who had been assigned to this case by Captain Singh. Though Joe knew they wouldn't be of much help against the man in yellow, he had to include them.

As they prepared to trap the man in yellow, alarms went off across Central City, signaling numerous incidents happening simultaneously. Everyone was astonished, suspecting the man in yellow was behind it, though they had no proof.

It was only when the alarms sounded that Swayam realized Eobard Thawne (disguised as Harrison Wells) had already planned to keep him occupied while he executed his real goal: stealing the tachyon device from S.T.A.R. Labs. Although Swayam understood what Eobard was doing, he couldn't ignore the emergencies happening across the city. He quickly left the lab and rushed to help the people in need.

Barry was also informed of the situation and immediately joined Swayam in dealing with the chaos.

With Swayam and Barry both occupied, Eobard's plan proceeded smoothly. He projected a realistic hologram of the man in yellow into the force field trap, convincing everyone present—Joe, Eddie, the CCPD officers, and even himself—that the man in yellow had been caught.

Joe, believing they had finally trapped the man responsible for Nora Allen's murder, approached the force field and demanded, "Fourteen years ago, you murdered Nora Allen. I wanna know why. Why?"

But the man in yellow was merely a pre-recorded projection. The hologram, sticking to its script, replied, "Dr. Wells, we meet at last."

Harrison Wells, fully aware of the ruse, kept up the act and engaged in the conversation. "What do you want with the tachyonic particles?" he asked, playing his part.

The pre-recorded hologram answered, "My goals are beyond your understanding."

The fake exchange continued until the force field "malfunctioned," allowing the holographic man in yellow to "escape." He then "attacked" Harrison Wells, pulling him into the force field and delivering staged blows. The CCPD officers, believing the fight was real, panicked and shouted for Cisco to disable the force field.

Seeing Wells' "bloody and beaten" state, Cisco shut down the trap. What no one realized was that Harrison Wells had orchestrated the entire scene. He had given himself superficial injuries to sell the ruse and, using another pre-recorded hologram of himself, seamlessly swapped places with the man in yellow's projection.

Once the force field was down, Eobard, posing as the man in yellow, attacked the CCPD officers. Just as he was about to go after Joe, Swayam and Barry returned, having taken care of the incidents across the city.

Though only a few minutes had passed since the alarms went off, it was enough time for Barry and Swayam to handle the troublemakers and return to S.T.A.R. Labs just in time to stop the man in yellow from harming Joe.

The moment they entered the lab, chaos unfolded around them. Both spotted the man in yellow about to strike Joe. Without wasting any time, they sprang into action. Swayam landed a punch on the man in yellow's side, while Barry used his speed to whisk Joe to safety, relocating him near Caitlin and Cisco, who were observing the scene from another room.

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