

[Chapter 176]

[Baek Myeonsang (5)]

Eunha stopped activating the gift.

The recoil wasn't severe.

Perhaps because he hadn't overexerted his body, his shoulders just felt a bit heavy and his mana manifestation speed slowed slightly.

But he couldn't be too happy about it.

After a day passes, he'll experience the recoil from <Time Witch>'s magic and <Amplification >.

He'll need to drink a potion.

He needs to take care of his body in advance.

The intensity of the recoil from Priscis Memory's magic is determined by the difference between past and present body conditions.

Moreover, he had used <Amplification > too.

He had to prepare for the recoil.

Meanwhile, Eunha approached Baek Myeonsang, who was almost buried in the ground.

He was still alive.


Yes, you won.

Do as you please now.

Part of the remaining face wearing a shattered mask was revealed.

The appearance of Yoo Inhoo, who had first introduced himself to Eunha.

A boy of about 8 or 9 years old was lying spread-eagled.

Baek Myeonsang didn't move even as Eunha approached.

"Why did you return to Yoo Inhoo? If you're thinking of begging for mercy by taking a child's form, give up."

Eunha sneered.

Baek Myeonsang just stared up blankly.

He closed his eyes as if even arguing was tiring now.

Then he sent a thought.

I'm not entirely without such feelings.

But even if I appeal for sympathy, it won't work on you at all.

"Then why did you take that form? You could have left a stronger form, so why did you leave the form of a powerless child?"

Han Changjin stepped on Baek Myeonsang's shadow, completely immobilizing him.

Nevertheless, 3rd tier overrank.

Priscis Memory, who couldn't let her guard down against Baek Myeonsang's power, layered her magic on top of Han Changjin's.

Kang Hyeonchul was prepared in case he broke the seal.

Then Baek Myeonsang answered.

─Because this is my true form.

No, it's the form I wanted to become.


You're right. I have no true form. I'm just a fake who can only act out other beings.

None of them are my form. I'm just a being who takes someone else's place and continues to act out that existence.

There's nothing that can properly define me.

Baek Myeonsang opened his eyes.

He seemed to grasp the magic thoroughly binding him and gave a bitter smile.

His face said he didn't care either way.

This form can be said to be the body that somewhat defines me.

This body has a name.

Not the name the original owner had, but a name given solely to me.

Yoo Inhoo, that's me.

Hearing Baek Myeonsang's thoughts.

Eunha belatedly recalled his memories from before the regression.

In his previous life too, the form Baek Myeonsang showed when he died at the end was that of a boy like now.

He seems to have an attachment to the name Yoo Inhoo.

What a strange one, for a monster.

Meanwhile, Eunha felt grateful for the fact that he was obsessed with his name.

Thanks to that─.

"─That's your downfall. As a monster, you should have just been immersed in the instinct to crave mana while plausibly imitating humans, why did you try to become a real human? That's why you were caught."

From the beginning... I was caught?

"Because your acting was inadequate."

I was... inadequate?

Me, who completely changed my appearance, voice, personality, and mana to be like a human?

You're saying I was inadequate?

"Of course."


"Because you're a monster."


"Monsters can't become human. No matter how much you act human, as long as you're a monster, you're nothing but a monster."

If Baek Myeonsang hadn't used the name Yoo Inhoo, Eunha wouldn't have noticed his existence.

He might have been fooled by his friendly approach and been devoured while off guard.

But he made a very critical mistake.

He took a human name.

A monster whose purpose was to mix among humans, act human, cause confusion among them and devour them, became immersed in pretending to be human.

He truly wanted to become human.

That was his downfall.

A monster that should kill humans ended up losing its identity.

Perhaps that was─.

─This guy has a hundred faces, so he also has a hundred thoughts, emotions, and memories.

So his identity became confused.

While acting human, he really wished to become human.

It's truly ironic.

Nevertheless, Eunha was cold.

Even if a monster wants to become human, a monster is just a monster.

An enemy of humanity.

A target players must kill.

He couldn't show sympathy or mercy.

The weak had nothing they could bestow.

Humans were weak to monsters.


─You really...

Don't you have any hesitation at all?

"You're a beast, a monster. Why should I hesitate against a monster?"

Eunha stabbed Baek Myeonsang's chest.

Then he tore open his chest.

As if to prove he was a monster, red blood didn't flow.

White mud flowed out.

"Look at this. This is proof you're a monster."

Eunha said as if to show off.

He was trying to imprint it on Baek Myeonsang.

At the same time, he was declaring to the people present.

That monsters can't become human.

That they're nothing but beasts wearing human disguises at best.

So don't hesitate to kill them.

He seemed to realize that too.

Damn you.


Eunha rummaged through his body.

As he cleared away the white mud like that, he finally found the mana stone.

"You may look human on the outside, but in the end when you're torn open, you're a monster. There's a mana stone embedded like this."

A mana stone emitting blue light.

A faint green light was flickering in the center of the mana stone.

It meant it was the core stone forming Baek Myeonsang's main body.

Eunha tried to reach into his body and pull out the mana stone.

Yes, take it.

But is this really the end?

He couldn't easily pull out the mana stone buried in the mud.

When Eunha gripped the mana stone and tried to tear it out forcefully.

Suddenly he said.

Even if you take my heart, don't you think there might be my heart remaining somewhere else?


You see, I'm meticulous by nature. Perhaps there's another me outside the barrier, fleeing from you all.

So, what do you think will happen?

You'll never find me again. Since you've discovered my identity, I won't use the name Yoo Inhoo anymore.

I'll live as someone you don't know, in a place you don't know, and eat humans indiscriminately.

He touches human psychology.

He sows seeds of doubt.

Eunha glared at him and.

He just cackled.

Perhaps I'm already living beyond the barrier.

I might be hiding in your human society!!


People fell silent.

Baek Myeonsang was right in front of them.

Whether his words were lies or not.

It wasn't something that could be ignored.

They had no choice but to doubt.

That's what he was aiming for.

The people present couldn't not know that.

But they couldn't completely deny the possibility of 'what if'.

Hehe, it'll be so fun. Until the moment you're certain I've really disappeared, you'll eternally search for my existence.

Yes, in a sense, my existence will be proven and remembered by that.

You'll never forget the fear of me, and you'll split and fight among yourselves.

As if it was truly delightful.

Baek Myeonsang, who had read people's expressions, cackled.

But his mockery didn't last long.

"─What nonsense."


Eunha sneered.

He gradually peeled off the white mud that kept clinging as if not to let go of the mana stone.

"It doesn't matter whether you exist elsewhere or not. I have your main body."

The mud stretched like tentacles drops off with a plop.

Eunha put even more strength into his arm.

"The reason we couldn't find you was because we had no clues to find you. But now that I have your main body in hand, finding you is a piece of cake."


Eunha raised the corners of his mouth.

Did he really think he hadn't considered that too?

In his previous life too, Baek Myeonsang had uttered similar words at the moment of death.

Because of that, the recapture forces' morale had almost plummeted greatly.

Fortunately, he had figured it out.

'If we just have the mana stone that becomes the core, we can use that as a clue to find him. The remnants that are just parts of Baek Myeonsang will have to react to the core stone.'

Isipo's gift <Shadow Step>.

His gift was extremely good at tracking mana.

Also, the more certain the clue, the more outstanding its effect.

So there was no need to worry.

"Don't worry. If it's observed that you're still alive, we can just kill you then."

So just die now.

Eunha peeled off the last mud.

The mana stone completely separated from Baek Myeonsang.

Damn it...

The fate of one who lost their mana stone was predetermined.

Baek Myeonsang's body disappeared into mana particles.

Only a fist-sized skill stone fell where he had been.

But Eunha didn't let his guard down.

"─I told you."

He uses Yekyung's providence.

Eunha waved his hand not holding the mana stone through the air.

Waves arose centered on him.


"─Changjin hyung. Over there."

"Uh... okay."

Eunha pointed to a spot.

Han Changjin, whose name was suddenly called, nodded.

He spread out mana threads.

The mana threads from his fingertips dug into the spot Eunha pointed to.

Soon when he pulled the threads─.

─H-how on earth...!!

Baek Myeonsang popped out from the ground.

He had been hiding until Priscis Memory released the barrier.

He made a flustered sound as if he hadn't expected to be caught.

"I said we'd kill you then, didn't I?"

Eunha didn't answer him.

He unleashed a sword strike like a whip using the chilling winter's properties.

Baek Myeonsang, bound by mana threads, vanished without any resistance.

It's thanks to applying Yekyung's providence.

So it can be used like this.

I should gradually master it from now on.

Like how a bat perceives space with ultrasound.

Eunha also made a similar attempt by applying Yekyung's magic.

It was considerably more precise than detection networks.

While picking up the skill stone.

Eunha was greatly satisfied.

It was different from before the regression.

In his previous life, what came out of Baek Myeonsang was a mana stone and the mask he was wearing at the end.

The mask had the effect of being able to transform into the person who touched it when processed into an artifact.

At that time, Isipo had taken the mask. But this time a skill stone came out.

What providence is contained in it?

When Eunha infused mana into the skill stone, it emitted a yellow light.

It was compatible with Eunha.

"Not bad."

Eunha was satisfied.

Of course, the credit for defeating Baek Myeonsang didn't belong to him alone.

But there was such a thing as priority.

Since the skill stone reacted to him, it was as good as getting priority, but.

It was then.

"─Hey, but how did you know that kid was actually Baek Myeonsang?"

Kang Hyeonchul suddenly spoke up.

Eunha, who had been captivated by the light emitted by the skill stone, snapped back to his senses.

Han Changjin and Priscis Memory were also looking at him.

To this, Eunha answered─.

"─I saw it by chance. Him transforming into Baek Myeonsang at night."

"Hmm, I see. Then shouldn't you have told us in advance?"

"That's true, but I wasn't sure about telling the Blaze Clan Lord even if I could tell others."

"What? No, why?"

"Because it might show on your face."

"Damn... Hey, I'm not that..."

"Even you think it would show on your face?"


Fortunately, he had a prepared answer.

The reason wasn't important in the first place.

The most important thing was that Baek Myeonsang had been defeated.

In fact, people didn't try to question Eunha any further.


"Why are you giving this to me?"

"Just check it once."

Meanwhile, Eunha held out the skill stone to Kang Hyeonchul, who was clenching his fists trembling.

To this, he snorted.

"Forget it. I'm satisfied with just fighting that guy, so I don't need it. It seems to be reacting to you anyway, so you use it."

"Then I'll use it."

"This guy never declines... Hey, at least give me some of the mana stone's value. I need to save face with our administrative officer."

Leaving behind the grumbling Kang Hyeonchul.

Eunha held out the skill stone to Priscis Memory and Han Changjin.

Then those two also declined like Kang Hyeonchul had.

"I'm not interested. The Pandora Clan Lord should use it."

"You use it, Eunha. I didn't do much compared to you."

"...Then I'll use it."

Thanks to the two declining.

Eunha was able to become the owner of the skill stone.

With that, the skill stone distribution was over.

The remaining problem was Baek Myeonsang's mana stones scattered here and there.

If even one is left behind, troublesome things could happen.

If bias occurs in the mana stones, Baek Myeonsang might be revived.

It's a shame Isipo isn't here.

If Isipo were here, we could easily gather the mana stones.

Eunha agonized.

Then he recalled Priscis Memory's magic.

"<Time Witch>. Can you perhaps use magic to find all the mana stones scattered here?"

There was Yekyung's providence.

If he just practiced somehow, he could easily search for mana stones.

But it would take the effort of having to search one by one.

So he asked Priscis Memory if there was a way.

"Don't worry about that."

Priscis Memory gave the answer he wanted.

She tilted her staff.

The mana gathered at the tip of the staff spread, and over dozens of mana stones floated up.

"It's just a matter of filtering out substances that appeared in the area based on when the battle started."


Although she explained as if it was nothing.

The people present knew well how difficult that was.

They couldn't say anything.

"...Changjin hyung."

"...Uh... yeah, yeah, okay."

They were momentarily dazed.

Soon Eunha, who came to his senses, instructed Changjin.

Han Changjin dazedly opened a bundle.

Priscis Memory controlled her magic, making the mana stones floating in the air instantly enter the bundle.

Even after doing this, we need to consider the possibility that Baek Myeonsang's mana stones might remain.

I should ask Isipo to track his mana as soon as we get back.

The situation was settled for now.

They relaxed their tension.

Eunha decided to leave the hole.

Han Changjin followed behind Eunha, carrying the large bundle.

Priscis Memory released her magic, allowing them to exit the hole.

"Then, since we'll have difficulty moving due to the recoil after a day passes, let's quickly..."

There was no reason for them to stay in Uijeongbu any longer.

Eunha was about to suggest his opinion to those who had come out of the hole.

Right at that moment─.

─Meow meow

Such a sound was heard.

The sound of a cat.

Everyone fell silent.


Of all things, they were caught right by Gyesini.

And that's not all.


Behind Gyesini.

A dragon soaring into the sky far away.

A huge dragon roared, boldly revealing its presence.

3rd tier monster Ishimi.

The one who had made Yangju area its territory revealed itself along with its forces.

"─Don't look back and run. We're leaving Uijeongbu right now."

There was no one who objected.

Seeing the forces approaching from far away, that's all they could say.

It seemed they would have to run without sleeping until they died.

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