
Day 2

Hikigaya's Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected

"Do what you do and mean it every second of the day. If you don't, you are living someone else's life." - Corey Taylor.

Kiyotaka's POV

On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… One class that was clearly full of delinquents and troublemakers.

Oh wait… it was only the second day of school…

The first day of school, despite it being hectic and full of new things, was only half long. Classes began at 9am, and ended at 2pm. However, classes on the first day ended only at 10:30am, and counting the beginning of the ceremony, it ended at 11am.

Therefore, today was the first full day of class, or the second day of school.

And many students were surprised, or even disappointed by the friendly vibe the school gave. Most likely they were all accustomed to being directed to rules, and however strict they were, they would have to follow.

Why may I be asking and assuming this?

Well, it's simple. People are most likely going to act out erratically when they realize they are suddenly free.

Kiyotaka looked on as the teachers didn't seem to be grilling them. Even when Sudou, the tall redhead with clear anger issues, would spend most of his time falling asleep, Sae didn't even bat an eye towards him.

Not even when Ike was being a nuisance, or Yamauchi was just annoying, Sae didn't say anything regarding their behaviour, or poor.

While it was up to the individual student to choose whether he or she wanted to listen in lass.

But still, was this the treatment and dedication many teachers gave to them, interacting with them once compulsory education was left behind?

Kiyotaka was intrigued, as the atmosphere was relaxed. It was soon lunchtime, and it seemed that many of the students had already made strong connections. It made sense, as new acquaintances became fast friends, and fast friends became eating buddies.

Kiyotaka watched as some of these new friends began to leave to get some food. As for Kiyotaka himself, he knew he wouldn't really have that luxury of making fast friends due to his mess up during his introduction.

He had stumbled, made a fool of himself, and could even see Ike and Yamauchi giving him a degrading laugh. Kiyotake knew what his place was going to be, and sadly, he was right.

He felt a bit envious of them, really wishing he could befriend someone in this new class.

As if nature wanted to degrade or make Kiyotaka suffer more, he heard a small laugh, a derisive laughter.

"How pathetic." Kiyotaka silently groaned but steeled himself as he turned to the source of that female voice. However, he steeled himself and turned to face the black-haired woman, whom he had learned prior that her name was Horikita Suzune.

"What? What is pathetic?" Kiyotaka asked Suzune with a bit of confusion. In truth, he really didn't want to be involved with such a demoralized conversation. Why couldn't she just leave him to suffer alone?

"I want someone to invite me along, I want to eat with someone! Your thoughts are like an open book," Suzune said in response to Kiyotaka's confused questions.

Kiyotaka sighed before asking, "Since when did you be so retorting? You didn't seem like the kind of girl to do that."

This seemed to earn him a small glare, as Kiyotaka then sighed and brought up another point. "But regardless, aren't you alone as well?"

Suzune, instead seemed boastful about this and began to respond, "Well yes. That's right. I prefer to be alone thank you." She responded without a hint of hesitation, "How come you stop worrying about me and worry about your sorry excuse of a social life."

Kiyotaka looked at Suzune with a small apathetic expression. "She really doesn't have to be rude."

He sighed, as he continued to focus on his own thoughts. "I wasn't proclaiming in wanting to be social. Regardless of what I want, I likely won't be able to make any friends."

Suzune looked at Kiyotaka with only what appeared to be a pitiful expression before she turned back to the front of the class.

All while this was going on, the end of class bell rang, and thus some began to move.

Or the few that chose to remain, or those who were currently asleep and didn't even hear the bell ring.

"Anyways, I was thinking of heading to the cafeteria. Anyone want to come with me?" The popular boy, Yousuke announced, standing up, as Kiyotaka was hesitant, but willing to take the chance.

… only for the girls to ruin his chance, their sheer amounts walloping on Yousuke as he was beginning to be dragged to the cafeteria.

"Did he already have that plot of a boy having multiple lovers? What's that called?" Kiyotaka asked himself with a bit of confusion.

Only for his thoughts to be interrupted by the laughter of Suzune once again.

"How pitiful and tragic." Suzune chuckled, clearly morphing into a scorn to further place Kiyotaka down.

"Why do you want assume what I want?" Kiyotaka asked Suzune, clearly a bit confused. If Suzune wanted to be alone, then why was she always making these small conversations and retorts towards him?

She didn't do it to anyone else.

"Come on Hirata! Hurry up!" One of the girls grabbed and latched onto Hirata's arm, already forcing him further as if Yousuke wanted to ask any of the boys if they wanted to come as well.

As Kiyotaka sighed, clearly looking a bit embarrassed, even if his face didn't show it, he thought. "Just how pointless that entire scene was…"

As Kiyotaka continued to walk across the cafeteria, he could have sworn he spotted someone sitting on the stairs away from the cafeteria.

The individual was clearly a boy, with black hair going down to just above his shoulder. The way this student wore his uniform made Kiyotaka think he was also a delinquent, and sure enough, the boy's dead fisheyes further cemented what he thought.

The boy seemed to be wearing a strange white shirt with black stripes across rather than the typical white shiry underneath the red coating of the uniform. Kiyotaka was pretty sure it was like that of a martial arts uniform, but Kiyotaka digressed, especially since the boy didn't choose to wear his tie and his shirt was unbuttoned.

This was somewhat like the redhead, named Sudou.

"But then again, not everything is what it seems." Kiyotaka thought as if he could have sworn that the boy was a part of his class.

Kiyotaka tried to think, as he could have sworn that besides often leaving the classroom, the boy was rather serious in his studies, and was one of the few students in his class who actually behaved like a student.

"You're Ayanokouji, right?" Before Kiyotaka could try and analyze the boy further, for some reason, Kiyotaka found the boy interesting, he was interrupted by a girl.

It was a beautiful girl, whom had short, straight, dyed-brown hair touching her shoulders. Kiyotaka recognized the girl as Kikyou Kushida. She was one of the more popular girls, especially in the eyes of boys due to her very large blossoms.

Kikyou also seemed to have a rather short skirt, which Kiyotaka had a feeling was one of the more recent uniforms.

"I'm Kushida, from your class. Do you remember me?" Kikyou asked rather eagerly, before also turning to the boy with dead fisheyes. "You too! You recognize me in your class?"

Hachiman's POV

Hachiman had to do his best to internally cringe as the bubbly girl with too large of an asset began to turn her attention right to him.

Why did the girl suddenly turn to him and try to speak to him? She was already speaking to someone else.

Hachiman instead decided to make this interaction with her very quick, especially since he knew he was just interrupting both Kiyotaka and Kikyou.

"No." Hachiman shook his head at Kikyou's question, before he got up and went up the stairs. He didn't like moving while he was enjoying a quiet place to eat, but Kiyotaka and Kikyou had encroached into his comfort zone.

To the surprise of Hachiman, he had figured that the content being taught was rather light. But what didn't surprise Hachiman, however, was the attitudes of many of the students. It seemed expected honestly, considering how lax everything supposedly was.

But then again, that was immediate. The teachers themselves did little, maybe because something else would.

The problem was that Hachiman still didn't know what to do.

To make matters worse in the immediate because he had planned to work 6 hours in the library, he forgot he didn't schedule a proper time to meet with some of the third year in other classes, to see what the environment was like there.

Alas, he realized that now was probably a good time to do so.

Everyone would be out looking for stuff, and he was no exception. He was able to do a bit of cooking with simple materials he had bought the likes due to him wanting to originally be a household husband, therefore cooking was a necessity.

Regardless, he decided that with Kikyou and Kiyotaka interrupting him from eating, he could go to the nearby convenient store and see what's going on.

As Hachiman made his way there, he noted he likely had around half an hour left, and considering he had noticed the girl had given him an angered look, Hachiman knew he may have unintentionally made an enemy, again…

He sighed, hoping the girl would forget about it and enjoy her social life. After all, it was likely more positive than anything Hachiman ever had.

Furthermore, when Hachiman looked at his contact, he only had two people. Nao, and Manabu. Yes, his boss for the library, and the student council president, but nobody from his class.

It was somewhat sad, but Hachiman moved on, it was how he was, and that's how he would live.

Therefore, Hachiman eventually found his way to the convenient store, and immediately could tell that there was something going on.

"Ha! It's the Class of Defects!" Hachiman could immediately hear people laughing as it seemed someone from a supposed lower class was forced to buy a poor-quality item.

Wait… that item was for free?!

Hachiman's eyes narrowed as if to make sure he was reading that right.

"It does say it's free…" Hachiman thought to himself as he seemed to be gathering something. "The bystanders were making fun of that student for being in the class of defects, which I'm learning is likely Class D… But the fact that the item they seemed force to buy was for free…" Hachiman thought.

 He could likely make and conclude a couple of things with that. "While it can be thought they simply were reckless in their spending, the way that Class D student was being bullied seemed like there was something else going on. Something that the higher up students were mocking them for…" Hachiman thought before he realized. "Wait… If Class D students are seen as defects, then I'm likely going to be made fun of for being in Class D… That's not fun…" Hachiman sighed.

As Hachiman watched the Class D student embarrassingly buy an item that was for free, those in the higher up clearly were showing off their possessions they clearly had enough to buy.

"Hey, cheer up, you defect, maybe you will get more points next month!" One of the bullies smirked as the Class D student clearly seemed angered at that but was seemingly trying to hold in their anger.

Hachiman's thoughts went about when he heard that statement from them.

"Maybe next time you will get more points next month." Hachiman's mind heard that clearly, and it was enough for him to confirm something he was finally looking for.

You don't gain 100,000 private points every month guaranteed, for some reason or another, it could fluctuate. Basically, something you did impacted the number of private points your class got.

That was what Hachiman was theorizing.

Well, not even theorizing. He was straight up, given the answer by those higher up students bullying their year's "defect," student. With, Hachiman watched as the "defect," student walked out, clearly clenching his fist as if holding his anger.

It wasn't until the student slammed his hand on glass window, clearly angered more now that their hand was likely hurt from that impact.

As for Hachiman, as he stared at the individual, his eyes then caught something.

A camera.

"Makes sense, considering students are living alone and without parents. You will need cameras for security reasons…" Hachiman assumed, before he pondered now that he thought about it. "But then again, why would you be aggressive and stupid in front of a camera?" Hachiman asked nobody.

As he looked on, Hachiman pondered onto the reasons, especially with the idea of being called a defect, and his observation.

His brain was working, and he seemed to be making some connections.

"If Class D is theoretically meant to be filled with students more likely to lash out and be an oddity to society, then the camera's surely would pick up more Class D students than anyone else…" Hachiman probed as he sighed.

Looking at the window with a hand mark from the student clearly pushing the window violently, Hachiman quickly cleaned up the fingerprints before making his way elsewhere.

Back to the classrooms. He decided it would be best to assess the situation of the upper classes right now. After all, they were more likely to be more attendance savvy.

And hence, he was correct. Whilst there could always be the possibility that they could be absent from the likes, he was confident that he could find and determine the number of students in a class.

"So as what Horikita and Tachibana had told me, there's only 38 students in their class. Should I then expect there to be less students in Class D?" Hachiman asked himself in curiosity.

Hachiman was able to get some answers, as he was able to briefly count, only 32 students in Class 3-D.

"There's no coincidence… Perhaps there's some roles regarding the expulsion of students? That is probably possible." Hachiman thought.

There was a lot of stuff that was clearly possible, that Hachiman felt he wasn't told, or was skimmed over briefly.

In the meantime, Hachiman sighed as he went back to his class, for the afternoon session. To the surprise of Hachiman, classes ended a bit early due to the club fairs. Hachiman had no real motivation towards joining clubs, unless maybe there was some form of martial arts. However, that was only because of Hachiman's loyalty and obligation to do something for Aoki.

In the end, however, Hachiman decided to just listen to everything that occur.

"Seems it will be difficult for athletic newcomers to get in. Even the equipment for these clubs is elite. They even have oxygen gas chambers." Hachiman thought as he realized the faculties were more substantial than ordinary schools.

As if Hachiman was paying attention to the club affairs, he wasn't really. He just wanted to get to the library and figure out everything whilst also working.

Hachiman's thoughts were snapped out when Manabu began to speak in a demanding, leader-like voice, which clearly caught the attention of every newcomer as he began to speak.

Hachiman listened to everything that Manabu was explaining.

"I am the student council president, named Manabu Horikita. The student council is looking to recruit potential candidates from among the first-year students to replace the graduating third years. Although there are no specific requirements for candidacy, we do want those considering application to not seek involvement into other clubs. We generally do not accept students involved elsewhere." Manabu explained, speaking in a soft tone, but the tension was thick that nobody was able to speak.

The silence was impeccable in such a gymnasium. His presence radiated an aura that clearly suffocated everyone.

"Also, no naïve outlookers will be accepted." Manabu continued, clearly not stopping much to the surprise of others.

However, in the end once the club fairs were finished, Hachiman was contemplating on his next moves. Obviously, heading to the library to start his work was a must, however, he was shortly after interrupted by the same girl whom he had ignored with Kiyotaka earlier today.

"Hey you!" Hachiman turned around to see the source of the person, after he realized it was him that voice was calling out to.

He had recognized the voice and sure enough he turned to see the person he had seen earlier today.

It was Kikyou Kushida.

"Hey!" Kikyou ran to Hachiman, which immediately worried him as to what she possibly could want to speak to him about.

Especially if the boys in his class see him with her.

"Is there something you need?" Hachiman asked slowly.

Kikyou seemed relieved, "You can talk! But why did you walk away when I tried calling out to you earlier today at lunch?" she asked curiously.

Hachiman shrugged, coming up with a quick excuse, "You were already with someone, I didn't want to interrupt your time with your friend, or date."

Kikyou seemed a bit surprised at the assumption before she chuckled. "You're funny! I'm not dating a boy after a day of school! But anyways, I want to have contact with everyone in our class, so can I please have your student ID and contact?" Kikyou seemed to be asking a bit nervously, moving her hands, which were causing her extraordinarily la-, stop it Hachiman! Don't be a pervert!

Staring back up to greet Kikyou's eyes, which clearly had a puppy eyes look to it, Hachiman looked on.

"These kinds of girls are always suspicious in my book. Mainly because not everyone can be nice and bubble all the time… If anything that was what Yuigahama has taught me…" Hachiman mumbled as he stared further, "These eyes would clearly work on any boy, but I'm no ordinary boy. I can resist it." Hachiman told himself.

Regardless, Hachiman was now placed in a strange position where a girl has literally come up to him, approached him, wanting his contact, just for the sake of connections.

All Hachiman could think regarding Kikyou's actions were, "What benefit do you have with making connections with me?"

A.N / It is safe to say that Hachiman has some suspicion regarding the cameras, and now knows of the private points, but he's not sure what alters how much a class gets. He also knows there are ways for students to be expelled, and that being in Class D results in an overall worse time compared to the rest of the classes. He will make those connections in a bit, as he's not meant to be overpowered, but rather above average. Also, he doesn't know Kikyou Kushida's alter personality, he's just placing his pessimistic outlook into believing she's not always nice and happy, which as a coincidence, holds some merits.





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