
Nikita Wiki - Correct-Potential552


Creator: Correct-Potential552

Nikita, is a mostly kind and loving Denon, not demon DENON, anyway she mostly avoids fights and is mostly moral support.

However when she does need to fight, she's really skilled,

Speed & durability:

being able to dodge laser bullets from at least 10 feet away. (The laser bullet goes 98% lightspeed)

NOTE: The bullet is a weaker variant of a Srystle weapon, but its still incredibly powerful, being able to fling human trucks a decent length away.

And see those nubs for arms?(Referring to pic - on reddit) they're pointy right? they can stab right through hardened alien stone. and they can jab at least 20 times per second, like a super short ranged machine gun.

Her arms barely get tired due to her growing us like that, and one they do it only takes 1 minute to restore full energy.


She's incredibly acrobatic, and knows how to utilize the environment around her.

When she can, she can avoid her enemies attacks and try to talk sense into them this works 99% of the time, sometimes leading to friendship or healthy truces. but that doesnt mean she can't easily kill her enemies.


she doesn't have much power, but she can summon plasma orbs that explode on impact, judging on how long she charges it, it can be a short explosion that hardly effects the terrain around it, or a blast so powerful that it can knock the side off a mountain half the size of MT Everest.


She's also incredibly durable, her arms are more solid then Compressed Ashstone (hard as diamond but cant shatter).

Same as her whole body, which is how she's able to stab through solid rock with ez.


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