
Ch 273: I understand

'You can't be serious, Mark! How do you not see what is wrong with firing off a department's staff? Do you think this is some kind of joke?'

Rika's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as she looked at her foolish brother. She could tell that her mother reacted similarly since she also looked annoyed.

But the older alpha gathered herself together before looking at her son, her disappointment palpable.

"The fact that you can't even tell what you did wrong makes me sure you are just a child in an adult's body. If you wanted to get revenge, there were more brutal ways to do that.

But, to achieve that, we needed to keep those people around. You let them off too lightly."

Rika looked at her mother with tired eyes.

This was not the main problem with what happened, and Rika knew that. But she did not want to get into an argument with her mother.

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