
Ch 98: The reservation

"How about we lead our stalker astray? Is it possible that someone unknowingly followed us because your pheromones seduced them? This won't be the first time this happened either, right?"

Rika tried to downplay the situation. That was how bad she felt for the poor stalker.

With this excuse given, Rika expected Emily to calm down and not think about it much. But that did not happen.

Instead of calming down, it seemed as if Emily was getting more and more triggered by the second.

And finally, she hit her threshold and decided to attack the follower.

Rika tried to catch Emily's arm and stop her, but her hand got smacked back and got a small cut.

Emily looked back as soon as she smelled Rika's blood, but their stalker decided to use this opportunity to try and finish Emily off.

It was an unsuccessful approach, but it was a reasonable effort. 


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