
Madara, You Are Just A Poor Chess Piece


"Only through my Project Tsuki no Me can true peace be achieved in the ninja world," Madara declared, raising his hands high, his eyes burning with madness and pride.

Despite being defeated by Hashirama, Madara had used the Sharingan's forbidden technique, Izanagi, to rewrite his own death at the cost of one eye. While everyone believed his war against Konoha was driven by revenge, it was merely a ruse. His true goal was to obtain Senju Hashirama's cells.

On the Uchiha clan's stone monument, passed down since the days of the Sage of Six Paths, Madara deciphered secrets: combining the powers of the Uchiha and Senju clans could grant the Rinnegan, the legendary eye. Unfortunately, the Rinnegan took time to develop, and it wasn't until his old age that his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan finally evolved.

With the Rinnegan, Madara revisited Naka Shrine, decoding the tablet completely. It revealed that gathering the power of the nine tailed beasts and sealing them into the Gedo Statue could resurrect the Ten Tails. Becoming its Jinchūriki would grant him the power of the Sage of Six Paths, allowing him to cast Infinite Tsukuyomi: reflecting the power of the eyes on the moon, putting the entire world into an illusion where everyone's dreams would come true.

However, Madara's physical condition was too frail to carry out his plans. He found Nagato, transplanted the Rinnegan into him, and left Black Zetsu to execute the plan on his behalf. Madara awaited resurrection, expecting Nagato to have captured the tailed beasts by then.

"But it doesn't matter," he murmured proudly. "Now that I have been resurrected, I will handle the rest myself."

"Project Tsuki no Me? What are you planning now, you undead relic?" Konan demanded upon hearing Madara's words.

"Originally, this should not be revealed to others, but since you two are dying, I will tell you briefly," Madara snorted, pride evident in his voice. "The so-called Project Tsuki no Me is a plan to bring peace to the entire world."

He gave a general description of the plan. Konan's expression grew darker.

"Controlling Nagato, using him as a pawn to resurrect yourself, all for this foolish plan?" Konan retorted coldly.

"A foolish plan?" Madara raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. The ninja world has already moved towards peace under Takuya's rule. You, an undead relic, should stop causing trouble," Konan said angrily.

"No, you are wrong," Madara responded coldly. "This peace is ultimately false. Just like with Hashirama, when Takuya dies, war will break out again. This temporary peace achieved by force is not real peace."

Takuya interjected, "Madara, you seem to misunderstand. Even if I die, the ninja world will remain at peace because I will always live. Immortality is not difficult for me."

"I see. Is this your plan? It's quite charming. But you still don't understand the true meaning of peace," Madara sighed. "Even without war, the human heart constantly fights over various things. War is just a form of fighting. With your power, war might not break out, but the struggle among humans will never end."

Madara reflected on his time in Konoha. Despite the absence of war, struggles over leadership, status, and wealth persisted. These conflicts were often harder to resolve than war itself.

"Only in the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi can people achieve their wishes. Everyone can live happily according to their own desires. This is true peace," Madara said proudly. If people could never truly understand each other, he would create a world where they didn't have to.

"Madara, I have only one thing to say to you," Takuya sighed.

"And what is that?" Madara asked, puzzled by the mocking look on Takuya's face.

"Madara, are you really that delusional? Do you truly believe the 'Eye of the Moon' plan will bring peace and not destruction to the ninja world?"

Hearing Takuya's words, Uchiha Madara's pupils contracted.

"Peace or destruction? What does this mean? Kid, what on earth do you want to say?"

"I've made it very clear. The Eye of the Moon plan is the only way to bring peace to the ninja world. How could it possibly destroy the ninja world?" Madara said solemnly.

"Madara, do you really think you are the one behind everything?" Takuya asked calmly. "Do you really think that what you know is the whole truth about the world?"

Hearing this, Madara clearly noticed something strange about Black Zetsu behind him.

"Zetsu, what's wrong?" Madara turned around and asked.

"It's nothing, Master Madara. This brat is the only thing standing in the way of our plan. Stop talking to him so much, just do it," Black Zetsu said in a hoarse voice.

For some reason, he always felt that Takuya seemed to have seen through everything. It made him feel uneasy.

"I haven't talked to anyone else in a long time. Let me satisfy my desire to talk," Madara said calmly. In his heart, however, there was a hint of vigilance. Black Zetsu is supposed to be a product of his will. With him here, no decision should be made without consideration. But why does it feel like Black Zetsu has a strong sense of autonomy?

"Everything is at your discretion," Black Zetsu replied. After hearing Madara's words, Black Zetsu could only stand still. However, he clearly noticed Madara's probing gaze. Madara is a very smart person; it must not arouse his suspicion. And perhaps his feelings about Takuya might just be an illusion. Those secrets submerged in the long river of history, how could a kid know this?

Seeing that Black Zetsu chose to remain silent, Madara set his sights on Takuya again. "Kid, tell me. What is the truth you are talking about?" Madara asked curiously.

"Madara, let me ask you a few questions. You keep saying that the Eye of the Moon plan was derived from the stone tablet left by the Sage of Six Paths. Then how do you make sure that the content on the stone tablet is correct? Maybe the content on the stone tablet has been tampered with?" Senju Takuya said calmly.

"The stone tablet has been handed down from ancient times to the Uchiha clan. The content can be deciphered step-by-step based on the power of our eyes. I have verified many things. Who else but the Sage of Six Paths could know so many secrets? Who has the ability to tamper with the content on the stone tablet?" Madara said lightly.

"That's not certain. Some things have lived longer than you think." Feeling Takuya's gaze, Black Zetsu panicked. Damn, this guy, he really knows something!

"You go on," Madara said, also noticing Takuya's gaze. Black Zetsu... has a problem? An idea popped into Madara's mind. But, he didn't react; he just turned sideways calmly.

"Infinite Tsukuyomi can indeed allow everyone to enter the world of illusions and live their lives as they please in a false world. But what's next?" Takuya looked at Madara and asked.

"Next?" Madara raised an eyebrow.

"That's it. When everyone in Infinite Tsukuyomi dies, what will the ninja world look like?" Takuya said calmly.

"..." Madara frowned. This problem, he had never thought about it.

"Madara, think about it. If everyone lives in a world of illusion, how will people reproduce in the real world? If we don't reproduce, when everyone dies due to lifespan, will humankind be extinct? So, I said that your plan will bring destruction to the ninja world. Do you think it is wrong?" Takuya was also sitting on the ground, holding his chin in his hands and looking at Madara with a mocking look on his face.

After hearing Takuya's words, Madara fell silent again. It seems like a very difficult question indeed. He is not naive enough to think that under Infinite Tsukuyomi, everyone can live forever. So, fertility issues really have to be addressed.

"I just need to periodically remove Infinite Tsukuyomi and let people reproduce on their own," Madara answered after thinking for a while.

But what he didn't expect was...

Takuya laughed disdainfully. "Madara, you are so naive. In the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi, both men and women can live the life they want most. Do you think that after they recognize the dream world, they would still have the desire to reproduce in the real world? With such a perfect life in the fantasy world, who can tolerate each other's shortcomings in real life?"

"I will force them to do these things," Madara said coldly. If he could become the Ten Tails' Jinchūriki, with his power, it is not difficult to do this kind of thing.

"Kid, is there anything else you want to say? Although your point of view is very novel, this alone cannot convince me," Madara glanced appreciatively at Takuya in front of him. The other party is so young, yet he can think of so many things. It really impressed him. But equally, Madara somewhat wanted to end this topic. He suddenly had a

 premonition: if the kid in front of him continues to talk, his faith may collapse.

"I have one last question." Takuya showed a harmless smile. "Madara, do you know what will happen to people who are caught by Infinite Tsukuyomi?"

"What will happen?" Madara was puzzled. Isn't it the same as falling under an illusion?

"White Zetsu," Takuya chuckled.

"White Zetsu?" Madara's expression changed. He knew all too well about White Zetsu, the product he discovered after possessing the Rinnegan and summoning the Gedo Statue. He had always been curious about the secret of White Zetsu. But after a long investigation, he found nothing. Could it be that these White Zetsu are a product of Infinite Tsukuyomi?

"Yes, it's exactly what you think. Those who are caught by Infinite Tsukuyomi will gradually wither in spirit and dream. Their bodies will turn into White Zetsu," Takuya said solemnly.

"What?" Madara was shocked. How could this be? The stone tablet at Naka Shrine doesn't mention this!

"How did you learn about these things?" Madara looked at Takuya and asked in surprise. Logically, there's no way Takuya should know these things. But how could Takuya say it so confidently?

"Madara, you have always felt that you are the mastermind, controlling the entire ninja world, and treating everyone as your own pawn. But have you ever thought about it? You are just a pawn in the hands of others," Takuya said softly.

"A pawn? Me?" Madara opened his mouth in shock, disbelief in his eyes. This kid in front of me, I don't know how many times he has shocked me. Could I be someone else's pawn? How can it be?!

Just when Madara's thoughts were wandering, a dark Truth-Seeking Ball suddenly appeared behind Takuya. In the next second, the Truth-Seeking Ball turned into a black iron rod.


With a loud noise, the iron rod pierced Madara's side, pinning Black Zetsu to the ground as he tried to escape.

"Zetsu?!" Madara looked at Takuya, wondering why the other party suddenly attacked Black Zetsu. Takuya had a gentle smile on his face.

"Madara, don't get excited. Do you want to know the true truth of the ninja world?"


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