
Marry Konan

(A/N:-2000 words)


Konan easily entered Konoha Village with the kunai given by Senju Takuya.

Looking at the prosperous Konoha and thinking of the dilapidated Amegakure (Hidden Rain Village), Konan couldn't help but feel a sense of melancholy.

The villagers of Konoha are so happy.

Watching the bustling crowds on the street, Konan was filled with emotion.

It would be great if Amegakure could become like Konoha.

Thinking of this, Konan couldn't help but recall the scene when Takuya casually killed a thousand ninja coalition troops that day.

That warm smile, like the genial sunshine, made people feel at ease.

"Excuse me, how do I get to the Senju clan compound?" Konan stopped a Konoha villager and asked.

"The Senju clan compound?" The villager looked Konan up and down. "Are you a foreign ninja?"

"Hahahaha... let me guess, are you here for wife selection too?"

"Wife selection?" Konan asked a little strangely. "What do you mean?"

"You don't know? The Senju clan was almost wiped out protecting the village. When they were at there lowest point, the only man left in the entire family was Hokage-sama. To revive the Senju clan, Hokage-sama formulated a plan to 'choose a wife.' Any kunoichi stronger than a Chūnin can give it a try."

After the villager finished speaking, he pointed to the bulletin board at the end of the street. "The notice is still posted on the bulletin board, and there's a map to the Senju compound. Go take a look."

After thanking the villager, Konan quickly ran towards the bulletin board.

Along the way, she heard countless praises for Senju Takuya. With every few steps, the villagers of Konoha spoke of his virtues. Such prestige surprised Konan.

Running to the bulletin board, Konan was stunned when she saw the "Choose a Wife" plan on it.

"Ten million ryō of childcare funds per year, you can learn any jutsu from the Senju clan's scrolls, and all expenses in properties not under your name are free..."

Looking at the numerous benefits, Konan couldn't help but gape.

This... is simply unbelievable!

Just ten million ryō per year alone was an astronomical figure! Even if she saved for a lifetime, she might not reach ten million ryō.

And then there was Senju Takuya's heaven-defying looks.

Not to mention, being called "Mrs. Hokage" or "Madam of the Clan" after marrying him.

This isn't about choosing a wife; it's about offering benefits!

But can one man's body handle so many wives?

No, where did that thought come from?

Konan quickly shook her head, dispelling the inappropriate images from her mind, and carefully noted the map on the notice.

Senju clan compound.


Uzumaki Kushina ran in with a smile on her face. "Husband, are you busy?"

"Not busy," Takuya replied, pulling Kushina into his arms. "What, you want it?"

"Don't make trouble," Kushina chided, straightening her clothes with a blush. "Tell me, what's going on?"

 Takuya did not continue to tease her. "There is a beautiful woman at the door who wants to see you."

"Beautiful?" Takuya smiled. "Can she be as beautiful as you?"

"Hmph! I know what you're thinking. She said her name is Konan. Do you want to meet her?"

"Konan?" Takuya's lips curled up slightly. Could it be that Yahiko is dead? He had warned them, but if they didn't listen, there was nothing he could do.

After a while, Konan walked into the room with an anxious mood.

It never occurred to her that there could be such a luxurious place in the Senju compound.

"Hokage-sama," Konan said cautiously.

"Sit down," Takuya pointed to the chair next to him. After watching Konan sit, he spoke again. "Not long ago, I said you could come to me when you were desperate. Let me guess, someone died in your team on a mission?"

"Yes," Konan replied. "Yahiko, he's dead."

Senju Takuya had warned them to be cautious of Hanzō of the Salamander. If they had listened, Yahiko might not have died, and Nagato wouldn't have become what he is now.

"Where's Nagato?" Senju Takuya asked.

"He didn't want to come to Konoha. He left on his own," Konan said slowly.

"Everyone has their own ambitions, and you can't force them," Senju Takuya said casually. But he already had some ideas. Although Yahiko's death was postponed, Black Zetsu should have found Nagato by now.

"Hokage-sama, after listening to your words that day, I have been thinking about it. Now, with Yahiko gone, I want to ask you to use your power to unify the ninja world. I would give anything to support you," Konan said solemnly.

After seeing Senju Takuya's power, she had great confidence in him. Since Yahiko's vision of a world where people understand each other couldn't be realized, she thought of unifying the ninja world by force. And after arriving in Konoha, seeing the living conditions of its people, Konan hoped that under Senju Takuya, even Amegakure could improve.

"Is that so?" Senju Takuya smiled and walked up to Konan. "You should know about my 'Choose a Wife' plan, right?"

Konan's heart beat wildly.

"Reviving the Senju is also an important part of unifying the ninja world. So, do you want to consider marrying me? Help me have some children and revive the Senju clan," Takuya said bluntly.

Konan immediately panicked. She had imagined countless possibilities before coming to see Senju Takuya, but never thought he would directly ask her to marry him.

"What's wrong? Didn't you just say you're willing to sacrifice everything for me to unify the ninja world?"

Senju Takuya pinched Konan's chin and slowly brought his head closer.

"I... this kind of thing is a bit too sudden."

Seeing Senju Takuya's face so close, Konan pinched the corners of her clothes tightly with both hands and glanced to the side.

Things like getting married... wouldn't it be too hasty to agree like this?

"Fine. Take your time and think about it. Promise to tell me."

 Takuya smiled and kissed Konan's thin lips. After a long moment, he let go of Konan with some lingering feelings.

"Let's collect some interest first. Let me know when you're ready. I'll give you three days," Takuya said forcefully. He never liked to be sloppy in doing things. Konan obviously had a crush on him, and now she had taken the initiative to come to him. If he didn't act quickly, what kind of man would he be?

Thus, after Konan left the study with a red face, she naturally settled down in the Senju compound. Her wedding to Senju Takuya was scheduled for a week later.

A week later, Senju Takuya and Konan's wedding took place as scheduled. Although Konoha was still in a war period, the villagers of Konoha knew about the Senju clan's tradition of "choosing a wife." With Senju Takuya's current prestige in Konoha, everyone hoped the Senju clan could be revived. So, for Senju Takuya's wedding, the people of Konoha Village gave their blessings. No one thought it was inappropriate.

Thus, with the witness and blessing of tens of thousands of Konoha villagers, Senju Takuya and Konan completed their wedding. Seeing the envious looks on the faces of the villagers, Konan also felt a sense of happiness in her heart.

From small to large, she had been living in darkness and felt the warmth of the sun for the first time. Looking at the high-spirited Senju Takuya in front, two blushes appeared on Konan's face. Everything seemed like a dream. She had changed from a rebellious ninja who was wanted by her own village and had no place to live, to the wife of the Hokage. It was really incredible.

Senju clan compound. Marriage room.

 Takuya opened the door and walked in. Looking at Konan sitting by the bed, Takuya slowly walked over.

"Konan, here I come." Takuya held Konan's hand in his palm and couldn't help feeling a little emotional. As expected of a woman who grew up in the Land of Rain. This skin is as soft as if it were made of water.

"Hokage-sama," Konan lowered her head and spoke with a trembling voice. Although she had been mentally prepared for it, she still couldn't help her heartbeat quicken at this moment.

"Still calling me Hokage-sama?" Takuya asked with a smile.

"... Husband," Konan realized her mistake and immediately changed her words. Seeing the cute look of Konan sticking out her tongue, Takuya couldn't help but hug her into his arms. Even through his clothes, Takuya could still feel the amazing elasticity of Konan's body. Her slender swan neck, fair and translucent skin, and the tall figure hidden under her clothes, looming...

 Takuya felt a little dry. Although he was not a pervert, he couldn't help but get a little excited when facing a woman like Konan.

"Konan, are you ready?" Senju Takuya asked, suppressing his excitement.

Konan didn't answer but closed her eyes.


A breeze blew into the room and the candles began to sway.


**Marry Konan, get the reward: Perfect Paper Release!**


**Be in love with my wife Konan and get rewards: Chakra +1! Mental power +1!**

Listening to the system prompts in his mind, Senju Takuya couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth. The rewards given by Konan were also very good.

Firstly, Perfect Paper Release. Different from Konan's Paper Release in the original work, the Paper Release awarded to him by the system perfectly overcomes the paper's weakness to water and oil. This way, Paper Release becomes perfect. It has no shortcomings and is immune to physical damage. It is a very powerful ability.

In addition, Konan could also reward him with a little Chakra and a little mental power every day. This was also a nice upgrade.

"Husband, what's wrong?" Seeing Takuya deep in thought, Konan couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing. Just an idea suddenly occurred to me. The Paper Release you use is special paper, right?" Takuya asked.

"Yes. It's not afraid of water, but I'm afraid of oil," Konan replied without hiding anything.

"Then I will help you make some perfect paper in the future. Not afraid of water or oil," Senju Takuya smiled.

After receiving the Perfect Paper Release from the system, he had mastered the method of making this special paper. Making some for Konan could also add some life-saving abilities for her.

"Really? That would be great!" Konan's face lit up with surprise. If she could make paper that was not afraid of water or oil, her strength would definitely be raised to another level. At least, she wouldn't need to worry about her safety as much.

"Really. But before that, you have to make some contribution," Senju Takuya said with a smirk, touching Konan's smooth skin.

Konan lowered her head shyly. "I'm your woman now. It's not up to you to decide what you want."

 Takuya licked his lips after hearing Konan's words. Goodness, it's hard to tell that despite Konan's cold demeanor, she's actually a fiery little vixen.

Not long after marrying Konan, Iwagakure, Sunagakure, Kumogakure, and Kirigakure, who had retreated due to heavy losses, began to attack Konoha again. This time, their attack became more violent. The situation on the front line was not optimistic.

In this case, Takuya decided to take action again. This time, he wanted these ninja villages to understand what true cruelty was.

However, it was different from the last time he went to Amegakure. To improve his strength every day on the battlefield, Senju Takuya brought Kushina, Mikoto, Konan, and others to the battlefield. Anyway, as long as he was there, it was impossible for anyone to hurt them. Although with his current strength, he could already be proud of the ninja world, in the future, the Ōtsutsuki clan would come to the ninja world. And the so-called God of Ōtsutsuki. He wanted to increase his strength to the point where he could fight against the opponent before they noticed the ninja world.


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