
Differing Advice

"Thuck, Thuck."

My right fist pounded on the door, matching the rhythm of my heart, which hammered inside my chest.

Even standing here, after being briefed by both Azuleth and Prince Michael about their encounters with this strange "creature," and after hearing warnings from two of the most accomplished warriors in the kingdom, I still could scarcely believe what I had been told.

'I finally understand,' the reality of the situation had eluded me until now—until I was almost face-to-face with this being.

My nails dug into the skin of my palms as my mind fought against the oppressive pressure radiating from his very presence.

"Crack, crack, crack," my teeth began grinding involuntarily, my body shivering in distress.

But my mind held firm.

'I finally understand,' I bit my tongue to keep myself upright, 'what Azluth is trying to achieve.'

For the past few hours, the Queen and I had discussed in depth various strategies for dealing with this unexpected visitor. We theorized, debated, and analyzed every possible move.

However, not once did Azluth consider not collaborating with this guest.

'It was as if she treated the situation like a pre-arranged meeting rather than the invasion it clearly was.'

Of course, just because Azuleth had her own ideas didn't mean I was going to trust this "creature" without making my own determinations.

'A being of unknown origin sneaks into the heart of the capital, the most secure place in the kingdom, where the absolute monarch resides—without any prior announcement or acknowledgment of his visit.'

'And instead of demanding something, or trying to cause harm to the Queen, he simply proposes a deal, without any explanation of his background or even his name, just some title that doesn't appear in the oldest of the Royal Library's records.'

'He proposes a "deal" where he offers so-called knowledge of the gods in exchange for the Queen submitting to become his servant,' I had nearly laughed out loud when Azluth told me about that part of their encounter.

Of course, she had said no in her own twisted way, and instead of getting angry, this figure offered her another chance to rectify her "mistake." But now he wanted to talk to someone easier to "communicate with."

So, Azuleth called me, despite the fact I was the last person she'd ever want to become aware of this creature's existence. I knew her too well…

'She never liked sharing her toys.'

I shook my head, dispelling the useless thoughts clouding my mind.

'I'm better than her,' my hands clenched, 'I can control myself, unlike her...'

Though only a handful of people knew of this thing's existence, strutting around the Royal Library like it was his personal study, everyone had a different opinion on how to deal with it.

After gathering every piece of information I could from those involved, I had one final question for each of them: "What would you do if you were in my position?"

[Vice-Captain Stubborn]

The Vice-Captain was the first to respond. I had taken each person to a separate room to ensure there would be no bias in their answers.

Vice-Captain Stubborn, a figure even someone of my rank would have difficulty meeting, given his responsibilities and duties. The Dauntless Sword of the Empire, a war hero who commanded over a third of the Kingdom's Royal Army. Surprisingly, his answer was the simplest.

He suggested we treat the creature like a king.

"He's a monster, playing with us," his eyes wide with horror as he gave his reply. His collapsing figure still haunted me. Though he stood tall and proud as his title suggested, I could see the cracks in his façade, which widened once we were alone.

Many fellow duchesses harbored secret crushes on him. While Prince Michael had the hearts of the younger ladies, his master attracted the more "mature" women, who preferred a rugged knight over a polished prince.

At galas and balls, they whispered about his deeds, about how he was the closest thing to a knight in shining armor straight out of the storybooks from their childhoods. It was a great shock, then, to hear this man, a symbol of unwavering strength, advising the nation's highest echelon to surrender.

"Lady Fiana, if he wants this palace, give him the capital. If he wants the crown, give him the throne," his words echoed, pleading for me to consider the gravity of his advice.

"Don't be disillusioned," he said, his voice heavy with grief. "We're not under attack, my Lady... we've already lost."

The depth of his pain was clear in every word.

The Vice-Captain's resolve had crumbled.

His disciple, however, had a slightly different perspective.

[Prince Michael]

"So, Michael, what do you think I should do?" I asked, sitting with him in his room in the palace, in my favorite chair, attempting to keep my tone as sweet as possible given the circumstances.

In the palace, although I understood Azluth best, Prince Michael was the person I spent the most time with.

"I'm not sure, big sis," he said, reluctant at first. Even after granting him the privilege of sitting on my lap and reading him his favorite story, he still hesitated.

Normally, I wouldn't have been able to resist how adorable he was being. Prince Michael was the only one of Azuleth's "toys" she had ever let me near. From our youth, during my first visit to the palace with my father, Azluth had recognized something in me, just as I had in her.

From then on, I frequented the palace, often without my father, to visit my "best friend." Azuleth, perhaps testing her instincts, had introduced me to her younger brother. Despite my best efforts, I had crumbled before her eyes.

'I mean, can you blame me? He's just so darn cute!'

I gently brushed his soft blue hair, waiting for him to find the words.

"Please, Prince Michael, I need to know," I whispered into his ear, knowing full well his defenses would falter under this technique.

"Muh," I kissed the back of his head, causing him to tense before melting like butter.

"I'm sorry, big sis Fiana, I can't see it..." he finally admitted, afraid of disappointing me.

But his inability to get a clear read on the "Forest King" was more valuable than he realized.

Of course, the gifts of the three of them were deep state secrets known only to a select few with the proper clearance.

For the Prince's gift, the Gift of Observation, to be useless? Only once before had he admitted such a failure.

Before I could press further, he spoke again.

"He reminds me a bit of sister Azuleth, Sis Fiana."

"In what way?" I asked, suppressing my displeasure at hearing her name.

"I can't really explain it... he just seemed like he'd rather be doing something else. Oh!" His eyes lit up as realization struck. "It's like when we were in the carriage—he didn't care that I was a prince. It was as if I wasn't even human in his eyes."

"Big sis," his gaze was resolute. "Don't try to sweet-talk him. Just talk about benefits, and you'll be fine. He's not that hard to deal with, just don't treat him like a foreign dignitary."

His words were rich, coming from him, but I paid them heed.

At least they were useful—unlike the ramblings of the man who had unceremoniously "kidnapped" me from my home.

[Captain Lastrange]

"I don't have time for you and Azuleth's silly games anymore, Lady Fiana," Captain Lastrange spoke, barely able to contain his frustration.

As Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Army, he had grown weary of the schemes Azluth and I had concocted in our youth. Though they had ceased when she ascended to the throne, I knew the memories weren't pleasant.

"I'm leaving," he declared, storming out of the palace. I had barely caught up with him, trying to maintain appearances and prevent the nobles from panicking at his sudden departure.

Even my father would have been powerless to stop him—a man of such legendary stature, whose reputation rivaled the Queen's among the older nobility.

"Where to?" I demanded, at least deserving to know that much.

"Not for you to worry about, little lady," his normally stoic demeanor cracked, revealing the strain of recent events. "I've already spoken with Azuleth."

His hand on my shoulder felt like a weight as he said, "I'd tell you not to speak with him until I get back, but I know none of you—neither that thing, Azuleth, nor even you—will listen."

He sighed, a man resigned to helplessness, more grandfatherly than the indomitable figure I once knew.

The foundation of the kingdom, crumbling under the pressure.

'Just how much had we made him endure?' Even I couldn't suppress a pang of guilt.

"Just don't mess anything up until I'm back, understand?"

I nodded slowly under his heavy gaze as he left the palace with such haste that he blurred from sight.

Finally, I had saved the best for last—the only person whose judgment I trusted implicitly.

But I had forgotten her nature.

"No hints, Fiana," Azuleth's index finger pressed to her lips as she lounged on her throne, her expression as casual as if the kingdom's fate wasn't hanging in the balance.

"Figure it out yourself," her eyes gleamed with madness. "Where's the fun if I spoil it all?"

She gave me a knowing look, as I was clearly displeased with her refusal to use her gift.

Of course, I understood why she had refused—how could I not? The game would end the moment she truly unleashed it.

Even her own brother, Prince Michael, was unaware of its existence, and I was certain the Vice-Captain had not the faintest inkling either. Only Captain Lastrange, ever the steadfast sentinel of the Kingdom, had any true knowledge of what Azuleth concealed.

And as for me? I was privy only because I had become entwined in her twisted games from an early age, caught in her web of schemes.

'I'm sure Captain Lastrange would have wanted me executed if I wasn't the daughter of a Duke,' I thought grimly. There was no doubt in my mind that, had it not been for my lineage and, more crucially, my relationship with Azuleth—his niece—he would have demanded my head for knowing such a perilous secret.

It was a miracle I was still here, standing before the door that concealed the "visitor."

But what fun is it to play a game when you already know the outcome?

And so, Azuleth kept her gift locked away, like a dagger hidden beneath velvet, only ever drawn when the stakes were high enough to satisfy her hunger for excitement.

Thus, as I now stood before this door, I knew the weight of the meeting that awaited me. This was no ordinary diplomatic exchange, no simple parley with foreign emissaries.

No. I was about to face a being whose very existence threatened to shatter the foundations of the Kingdom under its weight.

'A being I'm unworthy of playing with,' I reminded myself, fingers tingling with a sense of foreboding. I had prepared myself as much as anyone could prepare for a meeting like this.

The significance of this moment wasn't lost on me. It was no less than the first meeting between the Emperor and the Magi from ages past. The birth of a legend. A man who had, without any history to his name, forged an empire as powerful as Alkavia in the span of a few short years.

Now, it was time for the next generation to handle such affairs.

A muffled voice broke the silence behind the door, jolting me back to the present.

"Come in."

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