
Navigating the Unknown

"Uhhh," my eyes were still adjusting from the lack of sunlight to the bright rays currently shining into my retinas.

"Just where am I?"

I had expected to wake up somewhere in the Kingdom of Brakirka like my brother in arms, Kaiou Retsu; however, I again learned the consequences of exploring the unknown.

I looked around left and right, surveying the scene before assuring myself that I was currently in no present danger. However, no matter where I looked, I could only see one thing...


'I'm in some kind of lush forest.'

It was not the worst of places to wake up in, still, it completely derailed one of my initial plans.

Although I would have to escape the kingdom regardless due to my current lack of knowledge of the skills and abilities of this world, I had at least wanted to 'arm' myself with some 'equipment' before starting my journey across this world.

It was not the supposed monsters of this world that I was worried about, but rather the abilities of the so-called 'lost ones' who had also been transported to this world.

'A cheat's a cheat, still, I'm sure I'll be able to survive somehow.'

The technology of this world was new, the people of this world were new, the martial arts techniques of this world were new, and most importantly of all, the ceiling of strength in this world had changed.

There was an old saying I had always loved... recklessness begets recklessness.

I had never been caught unprepared, no matter the situation that arose. Being in control of both yourself and your surroundings was essential for strength. At the same time, danger was essential for growth.

'Who knows what kinds of 'secret techniques' are common in this world? What if I was suddenly sealed in some kind of bottle or became a 'skeleton' because some vampire felt like it and decided to 'kill' me with their blood?'

Uncertainty, risk, and doubt—I was severely lacking in both time and information to begin my preparations. At the same time, going to another Kingdom without sufficient strength was a double-edged sword.

'Sure, it can perhaps boost my strength sooner, but the danger proposed is just too high.'

Who knew what kind of 'heroes' would be at the beck and call of the various states? It was much better to accumulate my strength and grow before making any rash decisions.

I was currently neither interested in finding a way to go back nor in the identities of the other 'lost ones.' For the former, I was certain once I reached a suitable height of strength, the solution would naturally present itself. I was in no rush to go back so soon after waiting so long to come here.

For the latter, there was no need for me to 'fight' against them as they would pose no consequence to myself. Unlike Retsu, I had not come to this world in 'shame'; rather, it would be more appropriate to say that I'd 'hitched a ride' to this new world. Thus, I had no need to be worried about being 'disturbed' by the 'strugglers,' as to them, I was no more than a resident of this world.

'It's not that I don't want to test the man who supposedly took a thousand arrows to his chest and still survived, or even the legend known as The Demon King across all of Japan. But...'

I was no longer able to constrain my appetite to mere humans when they existed...


The beings at the top of the food chain, only able to be killed by the strongest of men, earning themselves both their power and the grand title of 'dragon slayer.'

'Stop that, Kuzan,' I wiped my drool that had unknowingly started to leak out of my mouth as I salivated over their taste, 'it's time to get to business.'

When in an unfamiliar situation, and safe, it was best to stay calm and logically think things over using a tried and true decision-making process.

"Step 1: Surveying the scene..." I relayed out loud, finding my company and the silence to be lonesome.

A forest, of course, but of what kind?

No matter where I looked, the scenery was the same: grass, bushes, trees, dirt, leaves, and the sun. I could neither hear nor sense any animals nearby.

Fortunately, I could somewhat hear the sound of running water close by, so at least that took care of one of the essential needs of my current body, and where there is water, there is life, so I wasn't too worried about finding food either.

"Step 2: Gathering Knowledge..." Despite my knowledge of this world as well as the many inferences I could derive from them, I was in no way a 'scholar.'

'I don't even know so much as this world's name, much less the many dangers it can pose.'

I was tempted to 'convince' a 'local' into explaining some common sense to me. Unfortunately, that wasn't really an option any longer after I woke up in the middle of nowhere. No matter how high I was able to jump, I could see no sign of civilization nearby.

Thus, the gathering of information would have to be much more 'hands-on.'

'There's no need for me to 'reconnect' with civilization until I 'tap out' my current well of strength.'

'Waking up here just skipped a few steps of my plans, nothing more. I can always camp here, plus it's not like I'm so spoiled that I absolutely need a house. Constructing some kind of a 'base' would only waste time and constrict me to a certain area.'

All I needed was a campfire to cook and tree branches for shelter. 'I'm sure Pickle would be proud.'

'Now, moving on...'

"Step 3: Analyzing Information..."

'I'll need to gather it first; still, it's enough for...'

"Step 4: Developing Options..."

'The location of the Dragons that I know is somewhere within an island across the sea.' Unfortunately, it was not much to go off of, as although it might come as a surprise to some, there was more than just one island present in the sea.

'Let's just work backwards, what's my ultimate goal?'


'Well, that was a pretty dumb question. Let's go more slowly...'

How could I gain the 'strength' within this world?

This world, unlike my original one, contained an additional path to strength. The first two were familiar to me, forming a clear dichotomy:

First, there was bodily strength. Whether beast or man, a well-placed punch could end most fights.

Second, there was logic, encompassing both reason and thought. Martial arts, a sophisticated blend of strategy and skill, were not to be underestimated.

But the third path was the most enigmatic and magical of all: the mystic arts.

Anything outside of my current grasp of logic went squarely into this category.

I could no longer call the martial arts mere tricks when 'real' magic existed in this world. A Dragon's ability to breathe fire might simply be a natural gift, or it could be 'magic.' I had no idea.

Magic exists in this world, of that I'm sure. However, the way to practice it...


The mechanisms behind magic, the logic behind the 'divine,' it would be a long road to master.

'Vampires, the undead, fireballs, and even 'magical items' were just a few of the many mysteries this world has to offer.'

Who knows, maybe even gods exist?

'Hmmm...I might need to visit a church, if that exists. When I gather enough strength, I might-'

Thankfully, I caught myself before becoming more sidetracked.

'Wait, what was I thinking about again?'

"Options, yeah, that's right."

'Considering my current situation, increasing my bodily strength would be the best use of my time and resources.'

It was best for me to learn from the example of others for the other two paths, and waiting till I get out of this forest to increase my strength was simply not an option.

'Well, there goes Step 5,' I had already made my decision to stay and 'hunt' down the beasts located in this forest.

'Call it a hunch, but I'm sure a forest as green as this is bound to have some strong prey.'

But first...

"It's time for lunch."

Boring as heck, but dw


The_HonorableGhostcreators' thoughts
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