
The Declaration


[Unknown POV]

"It all began with a single gunshot."

"On this fateful day, November 23rd, back in the year 1963, right here in Dallas Texas in the United States of America, the President who was overwhelmingly popular was assassinated right here, and anyone who was here would always remember that day."

"The use of satellite broadcasting, which was expected to dazzle the entire world, got of to a rather inauspicious start."

The name of the hero tragically struck down was John F. Kennedy. Today, inspired by that charismatic, yet ill fated politician, current U.S. President George Bosch has decided to hold a parade here in Dallas.

The president himself has said that the goal of today's event is to rewrite this date's ominous history and to restore the image of Dallas on the world stage.

"However, given the less than enthusiastic reception that this event has generated among the American public, it may just be seen as the president's attempt to bolster his declining approval rating."

"♫ Here he comes now, it's the same day, the same place, and even the same time as what occurred in 1963, almost as if pulled along by the cheers from the roadside crowd he is approaching the faithful location now.♫"

"♫ Smiling broadly, with 10 times the security than on that day years ago, he--now--ched--the---exact-locat- ♫"

[Kuzan POV]

'As much as I hate to eat something not caught by me, it looks like I'll have to give it a try for a change.'

[Unknown POV]



Utter mayhem had overtaken the previously cheerful crowd as the police sirens blasted off in the distance.

"An unknown perpetrator has just abducted the U.S. President!"

[Kuzan POV]


[Unknown POV]


I shouted over the comms, hoping dear God that the rest of the secret service followed my commands. 


Despite how harshly I may be reprimanded for this action, considering my position as the leading hostage negotiator, we had no choice but to let him pass.

He simply walked in, without anyone stopping him, as if it were any other morning stroll.

I had seen it once before.

"Father," I prayed, "don't let there be another one."

The nation was not big enough to be divided amongst those two.

[Baki POV]

"Ahem, you uh seem to be quite young."

We sat there, in that hotel, calmly discussing my demands over a cup of coffee.

"Well then surely you must be old enough to understand the ramifications of what you've done just now?"

"Oh you mean abducting the President and then keeping you here, that kind of thing?"

[George Bosch POV]

The boy spoke about his action innocently and with nonchalance, as if he had done nothing wrong.

'At least I'm not the only one thinking like a normal person would, even the waiters around watching us have looks of worry and sweat running down their face.'

"But why did you bring me here anyway?" I was perplexed by this young man's actions, kidnapping me and then only carrying me to this hotel.

"There are no windows here for snipers, it's close enough to the scene, seemed like a good fit to me."

"By now this building will be completely surrounded, you do understand that right?" I asked him again, trying to show the boy the error in his plans.

He answered my question with a small smile and a little laugh, "Well I should hope so, after all my goal is to get caug-"

The boy suddenly stopped in his words, standing up out of his chair faster than I could see, causing it to fall over.

His previously calm eyes now looked enraged, as his red hair started standing on its ends.

[Kuzan POV]


I had been such a good brother, letting my brother have the first go of my meal, sharing it with him in such benevolence.

"It's my turn now."

I gestured the boy to move aside before presenting my own demand's to the man.

Unfortunately for my brother, I was a much more violent eater. 

There won't be a morsel of him left for him to finish once I've gotten my fill.

'Still, what kind of person eats standing up?'

[George Bosch POV]

At least my previous capture was a boy, young but still reasonable.

'This one's demonic.'

I would have thought that it was a family operation, maybe their version of an 'family outing' if not for the look of absolute anger on the boy's face at being told to move aside. Still, the boy did not lash out just yet, wanting to see what would happen.

The man calmly picked up the boy's seat from the ground before sitting down on it, facing me directly with a stone faced look on his face, staring directly into my eyes.

'I can't say no.'

We had far underestimated the situation, we had far underestimated just how far that boy had fallen into his father's footsteps.

Still, I held on hope, hope that the boy still had his heart.


I stopped in my prayers, my heart that was previously almost beating out of my chest at his mere gaze, now absolutely still as I read the papers he had just pulled out of his small black briefcase.

My eyes skimmed over the title of the first page, directly in my view once he pushed them forward towards me on that table, as if showing his side of the deal.


[Kuzan POV]

The President read my proposal with majestic speed, trying to not miss a word despite how quickly he read.

"China? Why?" he questioned.

It was in no negotiating mood however.

"You started it."

I stared directly into his eyes with a red glance taking over my eyes. There was no need to explain myself to the man, I had already provided all of the necessary information to the man in my papers, as well as the only way for a cease-fire.

"Give me their name."

I gave the man the last sheets of paper that I was keeping in my briefcase, now making it empty. He was confused undoubtedly, as all it contained were rows and rows of names.

Names that he undoubtedly recognized, as people working in high-ranking positions in the U.S. government. The only people who would have the necessary resources to plan such a coordinated attack on the mansion.

'They must have used satellites to find the location of the mansion, there's no other way. There's no one else who knows of its coordinates other than those I have already verified.'

"You have 24 hours."

I gave the man the doomsday clock.


"I'll go alphabetically."

"Popping their heads like balloons."

"It won't take me long to reach your name."

I stood up, turning around to leave, giving the man time to do his work.

I had wanted to give him less, hopefully getting my revenge sooner, however I had to wait for my dessert to caramelise to taste its maximum sweetness.

Otherwise, I would spoil the meal.




Name: Kuzan Rosan

Age: 16 years

Title: [Martial Master]

Strength: 810/1000

Stamina: 807/1000

Intelligence: 99/100+ (Locked)

Dexterity: 818/1000

Will-Power: 999/1000+ (Locked)

Perception: 856/1000

Skills: [All-Seeing Eye (870/1000)] [Warrior's Dominion (master)] [Null Embrace (master)] [Phantom Veil (670/1000)] [Shadowstep (master)] [Trans-species Anatomy Mastery (698/1000)] [Poison Mastery (master)] [Martial Language (intermediate)] [Goutaijutsu (master)] [Hand Pocket (master)] [Mirror Mimicry (master)] [Ultra Instinct (master)] [Hokuha (master)] [Aiki (master)] [Shadow Boxing (master)] [Drill (master)] [Buddha Realm Within the Palm (intermediate)] [Surge (intermediate)] 

Techniques: [Karate (master)] [Kick Boxing (master)] [Boxing (master)] [Judo (master)] [Muay Thai (master)] [Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (master)] [Wrestling (master)] [Chinese Kenpo (master)] [Xiaoli (master)] [Byaku-Rinji Kung-Fu (master)] [Iai Kenpo (master)] [Way of the Void (master)] [Martial Weapon Mastery (master)] [Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist (643/1000)] [Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist (310/1000)]

Genes Synced: (2/3) [Primordial Homosapien] [Evolved Homosapien (Demonic Path)] 

WARNING: Host is under critical emotional stress.

[Recommended actions from data collected]

- Increase production of adrenaline in the brain.

- Reduce blood flow to the brain.


[Error] [Error]

[Reason for failure determined]:

- Host undergoing Gene Synthesis: [Evolved Homosapien (Demonic Path)]

[Re-analysing from data collected...]

[Recommended action from data collected]:

- Stop Gene Synthesis until calm.


[Error] [Error]

[Reason for failure determined]: action currently unavailable, needs system upgrade to proceed

[Re-analysing from data collected...]

[Recommended action from data collected]:

- Pool blood flow to frontal cortex



*Conditions Met*

*New system tab unlocked:*

Transformation States: [Demonic Beast (uninitialized)]

WARNING: Host is unable to control his transformation state.

[Recommended action from data collected]

- Increase intelligence stat


[Error] [Error]

[Reason for failure determined]: reached limit of soul

[Re-analysing from data collected...]

[Recommended action from data collected]:

- Increase soul potential through Gene Synthesis.

System Note (1): Host is still under critical emotion stress, unable to control his transformation state due to skew of system stats. 

System Note (2): It is recommended for the host to increase all other stats before performing the next recommended action from the data collected from the host. 

System Note (3): Limit of natural evolution reached. Criteria for system upgrade met. Proceed to suitable habitat to evolve.

[Drill (master)]: This advanced punching technique draws its inspiration from the principles of centripetal force, and the precise mechanics of a high-speed drill. When executed, the host channels their energy into a focused rotational motion, spinning their fist with incredible velocity. As the fist rotates at an extraordinary speed in a short amount of time, it generates a powerful centripetal force, which is then directed into a single and devastating point of impact. Upon contact, the rotational energy is converted into a potent linear force, allowing the punch to penetrate defenses and inflict maximum damage. The user becomes a living drill, capable of breaching even the toughest barriers with their fists. This technique not only exemplifies raw power but also showcases the intricate balance between rotational and linear forces, making the host a technician of battle.

[Buddha Realm Within the Palm (intermediate)]: The host's use of this palm skill palm will send their opponent to the world within the Buddha's palm. When executed, it allows the host to create an overwhelming force within the confines of their hand. The skill concentrates the combined mastery of [Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist], the rotational power of [Drill], the fluid yet unyielding strikes of [Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist] and most important of all, the shockwave control of [Hokuha]. When executed, the palm strike seemingly envelops the opponent's chest, delivering a profound impact that targets the heart directly. Despite the lack of visible external damage, the internal force generated is enough to cause catastrophic damage to the heart, ensuring the opponent's defeat with a single, devastating blow.

[Surge (intermediate)]: This perilous skill grants the user a brief but powerful resurgence of life by drawing upon the body's final reserves of energy. When activated, the heart beats once again, revitalizing the user from the brink of death with a surge of vitality. This momentary revival is marked by an intense burst of alertness, energy, and mental clarity, akin to a dying flame burning brightest just before it extinguishes. The Surge is a technique of last resort, meant to be utilized only when the host seeks to make a final, desperate stand. It taps into the deepest, most dormant reserves of the body's power, disregarding all survival instincts to channel every remaining ounce of energy into one final, formidable effort. This process effectively reanimates the user, allowing them to perform feats of incredible strength and lucidity for a fleeting moment. However, this skill naturally comes with a grave caveat, as the strain the skill puts onto the body is emmense, requiring the body of a demon to fully overcome.


I once again confirmed my next course of actions from the 'advice' given to me by the system's prompts. 

'It never amazes to surprise me.'

Unfortunately, it refused to give me any information on the blood I had collected, neither that of Pickle's nor the Hanma blood coursing through my veins. 

It made no sense, although the system was not omniscient, it had always given me short but informative 'descriptions' of my new skills by utilising the information I already had in my head. 

'No mention of the demon on my back or in my brain, nothing, why?'

I had a feeling that it had something to do with the system's 'evolution'. Unfortunately that was a long way's away from my current plan and the things I needed to get done first.

The system had also recommended that I 'max out' my remaining stats before proceeding to solve the crux of the problem, my current inability to effectively control and manipulate the strength housed within my body. 

It had even come to the same conclusion as myself, the issue presenting itself due to my 'bias' against my 'intelligence' stat.

It wasn't my fault, the intelligence state had always been the slowest one to grow.

Plus I had no choice in the matter as I had noticed that no matter what I studied, if it wasn't able to 'inspire' me to come up with a new technique or skill, it did not increase my 'intellect'.

Thus, I had gone by the old Chinese proverb that it is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books. 

'It's the Martial System after all, not the PHD System.'

I simply could not waste too much time reading a bunch of books that might have no effect, and I was glad that I had disregarded that train of thought upon learning that I couldn't increase my stat even if I wanted to. 

It was growing, of that I was sure. I was just unable to access that new 'well' of information, like a frog in the well, needing to hop out to see the true world for myself.

I had even thought of a way to solve the crux of the problem, however I knew that it was better to wait until everything else was 'complete' as well. It was just a hunch, but I knew that there had to be a reason for the system 'capping' out those stats in such a manner.

'There has to be a reason.'

I was still an explorer, studying this fascinating 'piece of technology', the only explanation for it that I was able to derive.

I was like a caveman trying to understand how a computer worked, unable to even get an initial grasp at understain technology so advanced that it wasn't even comprehensible with my current world view.

'Ah! That reminds me.'

I thought while calmly walking out of the hotel, the whole fiasco had already sorted itself out after Baki got his demand of serving time for his misdeeds.

'Looks like I'll have to steal another catch from you once again, Baki.'

I grabbed the phone out of my pocket and made the call that I had been waiting so long to make.

'I'm sure he can help me in my plight.'

"Hello, boy, is it time?!" The excited voice of the old scientist who had locked him in with his new 'best friend' came bursting out of my phone.

He had been waiting, waiting patiently until the time was ready, waiting every day for my call to arrive like a patient young boy.

And I would not disappoint him this time.


"Wake him up."

Remember [Phantom's Embrace] and [Flash] are just things he made up. They aren't recognized by the system because they aren't 'unique' enough. [Phantom's Embrace] is just shadow boxing and [Flash] is just moving really really fast, dashing on all 4 limbs. Also he calls it [Guanyin Bodhisattva] and [Zero Hand] but the system acknowledges it as a different name.

The system is not some omnicient being, it is only able to make conclusion from information that is fed to it by Kuzan's brain.

The_HonorableGhostcreators' thoughts
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