
A Surprise Guest

"I'm back, sorry about that." After a few hours pass, Luna returned.

The store didn't get much customers, but I did notice a couple lizardmen come in to buy some blood from Charlotte. From the looks of it, the lizardmen used silver coins as well as a couple gold coins to buy the blood. When I asked about the difference between the two coins, Charlotte simply told me that one gold coin is equal to a hundred silver coins. She also pointed out that only wealthy people could afford gold coins, but apparently in the human world, people also use coins but also pieces of paper called bills. It's all a bit confusing so I just decided to remember that they're all used to buy things.

"How was things?" Charlotte having now walked out from the front counter went over to greet Luna. But as I followed, I noticed that there was someone else who was with her.

Her hair was dark green, growing brighter when it came to the ends. Her hair only reaching her shoulders unlike the three of us. But what stood out to me was that she has a large pair of wings growing out from behind her, which also took on the same color scheme as her hair. Her eyes however was much like Charlotte's mother... Scarlet red.

"Ahh~ Yeah, it came as a surprise for us. Sorry about that, Luna." The green haired woman speaks while eyeing up Charlotte and I. "Sorry if we caused any trouble."

"Auntie... Who's this?" Seems like it's not just me, but also Charlotte seems confused on who this woman is.

"My apologies. My name's Faye, Faye Ilaria." Ilaria... Wait, that's Charlotte's last name.

"Th-then you're-"

"Nn! I guess you could also call me your auntie, haha." Faye responds, a sharp yet bright smile adorned on her face. To think that Charlotte's family is even bigger...

"I don't think that's a fair comparison." Luna however seems to have mixed feelings regarding Faye's introduction just now. "You're much higher up than someone like me."

"Hmmm~ I guess? Haha. It's strange, isn't it?"

"Hah~ I swear." Luna seems to be giving up at this, sighing away while Faye herself still shooting us bright smiles.

"Just call me Faye. I'm your mother's aunt."

"My mom?" Charlotte finally enters back into the conversation, leaving me just to spectate what's unfolding.

"Yup! Wait, then that'd make me your grand aunt?"

"Th-then nice to meet you, hehe."

I'm not entirely sure what to make of all of this. I've seen people that are older in age, so I just assumed that the older the person is, the more wrinkles they'd have. But when I met Charlotte's mother, she looked to be around the same age as Charlotte herself. So for Faye to claim that she's older than even Mell, despite looking like she's the youngest here has me a bit confused. She's even close to around my height...

"U-uhm, F-Faye?"


"How old are you?"

"Khh!" At my words, Faye lets out a strange sound as her smile is now nowhere to be seen. "To be asked such a question... Don't remind me."

"Pfft." Both Charlotte and Luna however end up laughing at the sight.

"Who is this girl by the way? What's up with the mask? But instead of responding to my question, Faye ends up questioning me. I guess that's understandable.

"She's with me. Her name's Shiro. The mask is just a safety measure to ensure her mana doesn't rampage."

"Hmmm~ So that's what I'm feeling." Faye leans in closer, as if inspecting me and my mask, much like what Mell did the first time I met her.

"She's still new to the world, so I've been teaching her bits and pieces."

"I see. So she doesn't know much?"

"She's getting better."

I find myself looking back and forth between Charlotte and Faye as they converse, but just then Faye directs her attention back to me.

"Well, Shiro. Just like with Charlotte's mother, I'm part of the first generation of the ruling class. As much as I hate that name..." Her voice grumbles towards the end there, but I could still manage to make out her words. "Just like Luna, I've lived for over a hundred years by now. Although I'm a bit lost as to how old I really am. Maybe like 130? Something like that."

"You don't need to throw me in there as well, Faye..." Luna seems even more displeased having her name brought up. But that leaves me with another question.

"Is Charlotte also that old?"

"No, I'm only 23."

"Hahh~ How I miss my youth." Luna responds to Charlotte's words, her eyes growing a bit teary for some reason.

"Auntie, you still look the same as you have since I was little."

"Ahh~ Charlotte~" In the next moment, Luna wraps her arms around Charlotte, bringing her into a tight embrace, leaving Faye and I to watch the two of them.

"Haha. Yeah, we vampires stop aging around Charlotte's age you see. But it's because of this that we made a little rule to not bring up age." Faye ends up talking to me as I feel a wave of guilt come over me.

"I-I'm sorry."

"It's okay~ You'll understand one day."


"Well, Shiro. You're a vampire as well, right?" Wait, she can tell? Even through my mask? "And a vampire like us as well. I can sense the blood pumping through your veins." Faye continues to inspect me closer, but her words leave me even more baffled. Me, a ruling class? Like Charlotte?

"Faye." Suddenly, Luna butts in, causing Faye to back up just a bit as a smile returns on her face.

"I'm sorry~ I'm just a bit curious since aren't we banned from doing stuff like this?"

"Charlotte?" I end up looking towards Charlotte as her embrace with Luna has now ended.

"We'll talk about it when we get back."


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