
Chapter 081

After reading the editorial, Harry handed the newspaper off to Hermione and pointed to both the article and the editorial.

While she began to read those he checked the package he also received from Sirius via an owl he didn't recognise. And then just assumed it belonged to the Tonkses.

It carried to him a package that held a small hand mirror with a note explaining both how it worked and how to activate and deactivate it. He'd try it out once they were away from watching eyes.

As he was finishing up reading, a little fretfully Hermione asked, "Harry, how are we going to take our trunks with us today? I mean... we should be taking them home with us."

"It's already organised, Hermione," he gently replied. "Dobby will collect them and deliver them to your home almost as soon as we leave here."

What he didn't mention to her was that the little elf was also going to stop off with them somewhere along the way and go through both to ensure there were no tracking or similar charms on them of any of their contents. The little elf had been making sure Harry's trunk and possessions were kept clear, but not Hermione's. He'd be doing that before he delivered her trunk to her home.

He also had not told her that, using a school owl, he'd already been in contact with the goblins about security wards on a muggle home. As soon as he had Hermione's address from her - and was surprised to realise he didn't know it before - he alerted his account manager of it and the goblins had secretly been by the home to put up all sorts of wards and permanently affixed charms. Those included intent-based wards and charms, an anti Dark Mark ward, an anti Dumbledore ward based off the old man's magical signature (which the goblins would never admit to having), an outside fire suppression charm, a charm that hid whether or not magicals lived within the home (which meant they could cast magic within the home and not fall afoul of the Decree Against Under-aged Sorcery) and a few others. All Harry knew was it was very close to being, if not was, the most protective charms and wards that could be placed on a muggle home without breaking wizarding law.

Then, once Dobby took both trunks to her home, he was going to go through the home and make sure there were no wards or charms on the place that shouldn't be there. Dobby had already been to the home and was aware of what wards and charms were already on the property and would know if there were any alterations or additions. He was the magical being who led the goblins to the property by way of carrying a portkey beacon into the home with him that Harry's account manager had fashioned for him.

"I still―" she began. "I'm sorry, Harry; but, I'm still not comfortable with the idea of house elves being bonded in what I see as a slavery bond with witches and wizards."

"That's fine, Hermione," he replied. "It shows you to be a good person. So long as you now realise trying to get me to release Dobby is not going to work - and that Dobby is the happiest he's ever been in his life serving me - we won't have a problem. Again, Dobby is one of the most well-treated house elves, ever. He assured me of that."

She gave a nod back showing she understood and agreed.

Turning to Neville, he asked, "So, Nev; heard from your grandmother, yet, on whether or not you're heading home for the duration?"

"Not yet," he replied. "I intend to hold back after the trial and talk to her about it."

"Good," he said. "And, while you're at it, please inform her my patience with her is running out concerning her still sitting on the Wizengamot. I know and understand it was wise for her to still sit the Seat of Longbottom for the trials, but I expect someone else to be sitting that Seat come the next General Meeting of the Wizengamot."

"I will," nodded the other boy. "But, thank you for not pushing her to give it up before the trials."

"That's alright," he replied. "As I said, I understand."




"And... wheerree... do you think you're going, Sirius Black?" asked Andi Tonks.

She was standing in the doorway of Sirius's room at the Tonkses house, leaning on the frame. Sirius was dressed in 'work' robes and was sitting on the bed just slipping on his shoes when she asked.

Looking up, he said, "I have an errand to run. It's something to do with why the Unspeakables needed to talk to me a few days ago."

"You are not yet fit enough, let alone well enough, to go gallivanting about the place on errands," she growled.

"This is only a short one, I promise," he said. "Actually, they only need me to do a little job for them, with no risk or exertion to myself, and then I'll be right back. I promise."

"What've they got you doing?" she demanded.

"I can't tell you," he replied. "I'm bound by an oath."

"You're the Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient House," she snapped. "You're not supposed to be making such oaths!"

"Normally, I'd agree with you," he sighed. "But, I assure you, this one was important to give."

Andi glared at him for almost a minute more until Sirius stood up. "How long will you be gone, this time?"

"No more than half an hour, tops," he replied.

She gave a grunt and said, "You told me yesterday you'd only be at Gringotts for a couple hours. You were gone almost the entire day!

"Then, when you got home, I had to practically carry you up here, where you immediately collapsed in exhaustion and dropped off to sleep so deeply you were practically unconscious!"

"Andi," he sighed, walking to and checking his dress in the mirror provided. "That was not... my... fault! The Black family accounts were in an appalling state. As you're well aware, I had to bring a lot of the work yet to do on them back here, which is what I promised I'd do.

"But there was also the parchmentwork required to bring you back into the family, recognise Ted as a family member spouse and recognise Nymphadora as a daughter by blood.





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