
Chapter 47 The End of the Sea and Dusk_2

"There is one place where not even the Divine Artifacts are under the control of the Divine King's authority. Divine Authority is absolute, not even Zeus can oppose this."

Looking towards the place near the summit of Mount Olympus, where the God of Sun's Temple was located, Helios set off from there every day, driving the Sun Chariot to make the great Sun rise in the East and set in the West, and then he would return there at night.

As long as fire was drawn from the Divine Artifact, the edict of the Divine King would be invalid.

"He won't give it to you. He is just a step away from great Divine Power, and faith is his hope. As a legacy of the Titans, Helios's position in the Divine Court is already unstable—"

"I know,"

he interrupted indifferently. At that moment, Prometheus really seemed like a wise man among the gods.

"So, I will give him an opportunity."

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