
The Requests/Final Four Pt 1 [Dual-Chapter]



There was a glitch in my internet that caused a double pasting of this chapter. I did not catch it till after it posted. As such, I could not delete it or correct it. So this chapter contains 2 in 1. I am SO sorry for this.


Rena waited eagerly for the start of the penultimate matches. The final four would be held simultaneously, then the final match would begin after another short rest.


The announcer had left his original podium, which was set in the center of the stands. He was now walking within the arena itself, surrounded by an entourage of knights in a fantastical procession.


The four tournament finalists were waiting for them in the center of the arena. Two of them stood calm and unmoving, a stark contrast to Corva and Thomas, who were avidly waving at the crowds cheering for them.


Chapitre suivant