

He felt, no not felt, he was fighting with the urge to destroy. He was looking at a bridge, a bridge bigger than most buildings with hundreds of cars on…if he wanted to, he could kill every single one of them.

And he wanted to.

But he didn't, he couldn't feel anything but the urge to destroy the bridge ahead of him. His eyes closed and he once again wrestled with the urge and tried to turn his mind onto a different issue facing him.

His name


What was his name?

Did he have a name, did he have parents, he had a cousin he thinks…so he must have parents but if he had parents he would remember them and if he didn't remember his own-

He shook his head and broke that line of thought. His mind picked up something in the background that he quickly turned to. 


A man was playing a guitar and singing. The teenager found himself bobbing his head slightly as the music continued. He was in an alley with shadows covering his dirty form. 


He focused on the music and found himself to be ignoring the thoughts swarming his head. He was absorbed in the feelings surrounding the music and ignored the rapid footsteps coming from behind. 

The music was great for ignoring issues but it was hard to ignore the sudden pressure against your throat and the sharp glint of a knife. 

He felt himself gulp.

"Hand over any money you got" the owner of the knife gruffly said into the teenager's ear. Said theif quickly drew back his face as the smell of the teenager was revolting. 

Said teenager's mind was going through quite the conundrum.




"What do you mean No? you punk!" He growled in the teens direction.


His palm rested against the criminal's blade and before it could move the metal had disintegrated into thin air. 

The thug felt the weight of the small knife change and took a look only to step back in shock at the figure above them.

The thug felt his knees shake as before he could close his wide mouth a red spandex covered foot had closed it for him. 

"Hallelujah!" Spider-Man shouted as he swung into the scene. He landed next to the sprawling thug that was crawling away only to web him up and turn to the grey haired teenager intensively studying him.

"Hey, Lucky I got here-" The teenager thought the spider themed hero was odd, he couldn't remember him at all though, maybe he's new? "Anyway so I was dodging and webbing about and decided hey! Let's swing around my old-"

The grey haired teenager yawned but noticed when the spider guy came close he drew away, must be the smell he thought to himself. 

The teenager nodded and was ready to turn away from the spider hero until something the man said caught his attention.

"You good? What's your name?" The spider asked.

"I don't have a name" The teenager said to the spider.

"Uhh, really? Is this like an identity crisis thing?" Spider-Man asked with confusion lacing his tone.

"No, I don't remember my name, I need a new one." He said with blunt honesty. He needs a name and might as well get one sooner than later. "Wait, can you give me a random one?"

"Uhh, well this is a lot to put on a guy yknow-" The grey haired teenager was thinking about a name but just couldn't get the right one.

"I'm practically naming you, I mean I'm not ready to be a dad-" The teen felt his eyebrows furrow in annoyance, surely a random name isn't that hard.

"I can't afford to live on my own, nevermind with a kid, what if my girlfriend is pregnant…oh no, what have I done-" This guy really was just doing everything but giving name ideas.

"I just need ideas," the teenager said with a scowl on his face. "Not a lecture".

The mask really was able to portray emotions well, he seemed embarrassed even though his face was hidden.

"Uh, Tom?" Spider-Man came up with the most random name he could think of, he didn't think it fit the grey haired teenager that he could smell from 10 feet away. 

The grey haired teen perked up, nearly that nearly felt right.

"Tomura" felt right, the voice in his head that urged for destruction quieted down, yes that's it.

"Uh really? Isn't that a Japanese name?-" Tomura looked down at his hands "Are you even Japanese?-" Tomura tilted his head slightly, where is he from?

"I don't know, I don't know where I'm from" Tomura said as he looked back at the frozen Spider-Man.

Spider-Man visibly sighed and dropped his shoulders "Uh kid I'm not gonna lie, you gotta get some new clothes and a long shower. But I'm guessing you don't have those? Or remember where they are?" He questioned out of the blue. 

Tomura felt a snarl forming on his face, but the guy was right. "You're right," he said.

Spider-Man sighed "You got a home? Or have you had anything to eat recently?" Tomura only looked away, he couldn't remember.

"Listen I know this nearby gym, I'll uh pay for you to get like a month pass or something and you just use the shower in there…uhm I also know this nearby soup kitchen that gives free food? I mean it can't hurt right?" Spider-Man said almost hesitantly as he started to lead Tomura towards the nearby gym. 

Spider-Man suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned back to the teen. "Uh just wait here, I'll be 5 minutes tops!" Spider-Man swung away quickly and was gone in less than a second. 

Tomura sighed, he will wait…he took a sniff at his T-shirt, he really needs that shower. 


5 minutes on the dot, not that Tomura was counting or even had a watch Spider-Man returned this time with a small plastic bag filled to the brim. "Hey man, uh these are some clothes, I mean not all will fit you I guess but well they're better than that" he nodded towards the teens bloodstained clothes.

Not that the stains even looked like bloodstains, the previous white T-shirt was now a dark greenish brown that did not compliment that teens pale skin. 

Spider-Man handed over the bag quickly and turned and led the teenager to the gym.


"Okay, here's 25, go in there and get a month's subscription right? Just a month, don't sign any BS contracts okay kid." Spider-Man said while pointing at the large but empty looking gym.

"Also down there" he said while pointing at the opposite side of the street. "Turn the next right and you should come across a homeless shelter, I'm sorry I can't do more" he said in a remorseful tone. 

"Oh and the soup kitchen is like just a ten minute walk that way, it's called F.E.A.S.T. The owners are super nice and I visit sometimes." He said as he pointed down the other road. 

Tomura felt slightly overwhelmed to be honest this guy was just nice, like not even doing it for fun, he just seemed nice…

"Thanks" Tomura said in a rough tone, he avoided any potential eye contact and looked at the floor as he thanked the hero.

He didn't like that, he didn't like saying thanks. The guy was nice sure and had helped a ton but saying thanks to someone, anyone felt wrong. 

He closed his eyes and felt the hero pat his back and in a thwip disappear into the skyline, Tomura raised his head and walked into the gyms entrance with the $25 in hand. 


He felt the warm water hitting his face with a heavenly expression on his pale face, he felt the dried blood and sewage flowing down his body and from his hair and he enjoyed every second of it. 


Not even the words of that hand ruined his mood. That Spider-guy even bought him clothes, he sighed in contentment, he could live like this forever.

Could he?

What did he actually want?

His eyebrows furrowed in contemplation, what did he want to do? Get strong, sure, get rich maybe, famous maybe.

He hummed to himself as he thought about it.

He was already strong, he just took down a whole street. 

But compared to other super people or mutants, if Spider-Man kicked him he would've been knocked out too. 

If that thief simply held the blade to his spine instead of his throat, he might be paralysed right now. 

He shook his head, he didn't like that thought.


He looked down to his stomach only to see a large scar. "It healed?" He said to himself looking at the scar. It had been at least 24 hours since he was bleeding on that street but how the hell has it healed. 

He remembered falling asleep briefly in the sewers, as disgusting as it was, the pain did seem to slow down after that. 

The whole day he just assumed it was just barely bleeding because of all the dried blood blocking the wound.

That was a stupid thought.

He shook his head, how can he get stronger.


He started to dry himself, he'd been in the shower long enough. 

What can he do to be stronger?

He started to put on the new clothes Spider-Man gave him, a black T-shirt with an old picture of some sort of band on. It was very big against his skinny form. He then grabbed some dark purple socks that went all the way up to his knees. Then he put on some black sweatpants with some massive pockets. 

Then he grabbed the shoes in the bag and prayed they would fit, luckily the pair of beat dirty black shoes fit fine. He breathed a sigh of relief and found a large black coat that went down to his thighs with at least 6 pockets, where did Spider-Man even get this from.

He wrapped himself in the coat and walked over to the exit of the locker room, he had left his old stuff in some random open locker. 

Then came the question, how to get stronger?


He brushed past some massive guy who stopped him with a question. 

"Sick coat bro, you like Nirvana!" He almost shouted as he pointed at the old oversized T-shirt on Tomura. The giant man's voice was deep and surprisingly warm. 

"Uhh who?" Tomura answered with confusion in his tone.

"Hahaha" the giant guy laughed "I got you bro, it's just a pump cover huh?" The giant guy started flexing his biceps "What do you rate this pump?" 

What the fuck…


"Ahahaha! Must be a good one right bro" the guy laughed again.

An idea suddenly sparked into Tomuras head. "Are you strong?" 

The guy just laughed and walked over to a nearby odd looking machine and pulled the pin on the weights to the maximum weight. 

Tomura watched in anticipation and his eyes opened wide as with ease the man pulled down the handle above him. "I REP THESE! I REP THESE!" He repeated that for each repetition of the weight.

Tomuras eyes were wide in surprise, he forgot he was in a gym. He could get strong here, the man stood up energetically "Todays a push day so I shouldn't be doing lats Hahahaha! But we move!"

Tomura didn't know what that meant but asked a question. "How old are you?" He's probably old enough to have a house, maybe he can be friendly and sleep at his place.

"Hahahaha! Sixteen!" Tomuras brain shorted!

"What the fuck…you look 35!?" 

The man-boy only laughed and flexed his biceps. 

If you have ANY ideas or issues please leave them in the comments or DM if that's possible on WebNovel :) and by ANY ideas I mean any, if you got some insane idea just send it my way

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