
"Angeben über Ainsley"

Seeing Ainsley step out of the carriage, Finley, Evan, and the other elites inside too sucked in the cold air in shock. What kind of toddler dares to wander into the wilderness? At any moment, there could be monsters launching a sudden attack on anyone passing by this road.

Even the guards who were outside, not riding in the carriages, did not dare to leave their mounts, lacking the confidence that they could remain unharmed.

"What is the Sloan Family thinking? Isn't that girl their current family head?" The pink-haired girl from the Bermuda Triangle team, Clara, was about to leave the carriage herself to save the pitiable baby.

"Why are they so heartless to let her out?"

Evan himself was thinking along the same lines. He was about to send one of his Abyssal Trinity to rescue Ainsley when he and the others noticed a small white cat leap from the carriage and trot behind the child.

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