
The Duel

Whitebeard soon ordered the ships to find an empty island.

The closest one was about three dats away from where we currently were. We immediately turned towards that direction and sailed. The entire crew were already celebrating and placing bets on who would win. As I saw some betting against me for the duel, I couldn't help but remember the fact that nobody really saw the both of us fight for the first time. This would probably be the first time that they would see us fight each other properly. 

Whitebeard ordered two of the five ships to go to a nearby island to resupply while we dueled. We had run the winery dry by our constant drinking. Whitebeard assigned four division commanders just for the assignment. The last thing that we needed was pirates raiding our supplies and leaving us hungry. 

The other Division Commanders were on watch for the other ships. Earlier, a newspaper landed nearby informing the presence of the Roger Pirates nearby. We'd probably meet each other soon, leading to Oden's departure. Everything was going according to what the anime's plot, at least, to what I knew at the time. 

Oden was currently playing with his children, mostly his oldest child; momonosuke. For some reason, Oden had shaved his scalp and left the rest of his head with hair. Giving his initial appearance like in the anime. Toki watched on and mostly kept an eye on her daughter Hiyori, Marco had been sent to sort out an issue somewhere else. 

I was currently moving towards my ship, though the ship was still going through renovations. One of the crew members had told me that they had managed to get another couch for my ship. I was on my way to check it out. Also, I was going to sharpen Labrys while I was on that ship. Seeing Oden tend to his weapons had made me realize that I was severely neglecting my weapons. If I ever wanted to make it a supreme grade weapon, I needed to care for Labrys as if it was an extension of my own will. 

When I got to my ship, I found Stussy comfortably sitting while smoking her pipe. Her pale skin, saphire blue eyes, gigantic boobs and blood red lips were already giving me the urge to bang her right then and there. However, I quelled my urges for a later time. I knew for a fact that once the Division Commanders caught wind of this, they would never let me live it down. I was a private lover, after all.

I took out a cigar of my own before plopping myself next to her on the couch. It was ten times more comfortable than the last one. Moreover, the couch was almost three times bigger than the old one. This gave me more than enough room for me to lounge comfortably without having to worry about falling off. To prove this, I lit my cigar and lied my head on Stussy's lap. It felt like I was lying on feather made pillows.

Soon, we managed to dock on the shores of an empty island. There weren't any forests or deserts nearby to distinguish the kind of island it was. Scanning the island with my Observation Haki, I could tell that the island was completely devoid of any life. I couldn't even sense the presence of insects within this island. 

Oden and I promptly landed within the island, the rest of the crew were split in half. Whitebeard had the weaker members of the crew stay on the ship, while some of the stronger members were to guard the perimeter. The Division Commanders had also split up to keep watch within the island so that we could fight without outside interference. 

Moreover, we were allowed to go all out. Meaning that I would be allowed to use my dragon form to fight as well. It would be my first time in days that I was able to have a great fight, silver lightning flicked around my body in anticipation. 

When everything was settled, Oden and I walked towards the middle of the island. We stood quite a distance from each other as we both drawed our weapons. We had both infused our weapons with Conqurer's Haki as we stared each other down. The sun rose high in the sky indicating noon, Labrys looked fresh after a thorough session of shining. While Oden's blades shone with a purple hue under the sun. 

We both disappeared before reappearing mid-clash. The clash shook the entire island while we both stared at each other. We backed off each other and landed a short distance from each other, no words were needed to be said. This was a fight for superiority, it had been obvious that his earlier loss to me had wounded his pride. It was simply logical in his mind to fight to heal it.

We both continued clashing at each other for the next couple of hours. Our movements and attacks becoming a sympathy of movements as we both blocked or dodged our attacks. This fight quickly began to escalate as we started sending weapon slashes at each other. His Ryuo infused sword slashes were proving to be troublesome. However, I responded in kind with Ryou infused axe slashes of my own, the two clashes would meet each other and would explode. 

I could feel my body was still exploding with power. Matter of fact, I felt that I had been holding back throughout the entire time I had been fighting Oden. Oden, on the other hand, didn't seem to be tired either. I quietly raised my spiritual power, it was time to raise the pace of the battle. 

I quickly used soru to get right in front of Oden. His Observation Haki had already given him the oppurtunity to raise his guard to guard my horizontal swing. I quickly infused Labrys with Conqurer's haki while I swung at Oden. I thought that the attack would've sent Oden flying, but surprisingly, Oden stubbornly stood his ground and managed to absorb the impact. I quickly followed up with a right side kick, but this was also blocked by Oden as well. 

I quickly could sense that Oden was about to do and leaped back. As I jumped I could feel the end of one of his blades ripping through the sole of my shoes. He didn't stop there, he quickly lunged at me and stabbed right where I would be landing. By the position of the sword stab, he was clearly aiming for my chest. Seeing that I wouldn't be able to stop it, I quickly channeled my lightning and swung down my axe from above my head. The attack brought out a devastating output as Oden raised both his swords to block my attack. 

More shaking could be heard within the island as I left a gigantic crater. I couldn't find Oden within the Crater. However, I could sense him flying down from the sky with both of his swords glowing with Conqurer's infused ryuo covering both of his katanas. 

It was night by the time we were still fighting, so Oden's katanas were glowing as bright as fireworks as he descended down for his attack. 

I could sense veins protuding from his forehead as he yelled, "TOUGEN SHITARAKI!!!!!!!"

Looking up, I summoned a significant portion of my spiritual energy and infused Labrys with both Conqurer's haki and Ryuo. Silver lightning bloomed from Labrys as I held it with both my hands. I could feel lightning pulsing out of my eyes I lowered Labrys diagonally. Right as Oden's blades were close to me. I quickly swung my axe up with all my might, releasing all the power that had been pent up within Labrys. 

"ENDENS LYN!!!!!!"

Again sorry for the late drop.

I got lazy and failed to edit the previous chapters, my bad.

Let me know what y'all think!!!!!

Love y'all!!!!!

Leo_DiAngelocreators' thoughts
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