
26: The illusory adventure of Timmy Turner.

His head hurt, it seemed like a truck had run over him and no one had done anything to ease the terrible pain he felt, but even if he wanted to rest it seemed impossible, a ray of sunlight fell on his face, something that bothered him a lot. 

"Cosmo... Wanda, I wish for the curtains to be closed," he wished as he had always done in these last months, used to it because of the ease it brought to his life.

But the sun still bothered him, he didn't hear his magical godparents talking either, he didn't hear the characteristic sound that came up when he made a wish, which somehow bothered him a lot.

Why didn't they speak, why didn't they grant his wish? Except for a few exceptions forbidden by the rules, they should always grant his wishes, and even the rules had loopholes he could use, so why did the sun keep bothering him? 

"COSMO! WANDA! I ASKED YOU FOR A WISH, FULFILL IT!" he shouted, still without opening his eyes, he was getting irritated by this situation, and the headache only made it worse. 

But then he started screaming because of a piercing pain in his head, suddenly what was just an annoyance turned into a hellish sensation that made him open his eyes to look for help. 

But he stopped abruptly when he realized something... he wasn't in a bed, he wasn't in his room, and he wasn't even in his world. He was floating in a strange void, illuminated by a light coming from somewhere, and some of that light was falling on his face. 

There was nothing but small lights in the distance that looked like stars, light bulbs, or something else bright. He didn't know why he was here, he just wanted his pain to go away, but when he tried to speak he couldn't make a sound. He realized that he had no pain...because he had nobody to suffer from it.

Cut off from perhaps all of her senses, Timmy suffered for what seemed like an eternity until a huge being appeared before her, resembling the girl she dimly remembered, a huge figure of a blue-eyed blonde woman looking at him with disdain. 

"Oh, a poor soul has come to my domain, tell me, what do you want?" the woman said with a mysterious and majestic voice.

"Did you impersonate yourself as a ROB?" asked Ciri to Samus in disbelief.

The girls, Jorgen, and the magical godfather couple were sitting on a couch with sodas and popcorn in their hands. On the table in front of them were other snacks, all to enjoy the show on a holographic screen that showed what Timmy was experiencing in a virtual world. 

"I think it's funny," Cosmo said before sipping his drink.

Wanda, who was standing next to him, wanted to tell him that he found it all funny, but she felt that it was not good to show how stupid her husband was in front of two unknown women, she wanted to at least maintain some decency before the inevitable.

"It's quite funny." Jorgen bit into a hot dog as he watched Timmy Turner crying on the screen, everything he was going through was nothing compared to what that kid was going through, but it was still an excellent payback.

"What can I tell you, my dear Ciri, I am a goddess, why deny it anymore?" said Samus, shaking her head so that her blonde hair swayed wildly.

She noticed the look Cosmo gave her, that guy knew how to appreciate beauty, so she winked at him, making the young fairy blush and his wife look at Samus angrily. 

"Anyway, my virtual avatar has already explained the 'situation' to the brat, let's see how he reacts," Samus changed the subject, knowing that Wanda would calm down because she was just joking. 

"How could I die!!! I didn't get to enjoy all the wishes I could have made!" cried Timmy when he learned that he had 'died', though he didn't know how.

"Don't you remember? One of your wishes got out of control, as usual, only this time Jorgen was busy with another disaster caused by one of your wishes, so he couldn't avoid the damage and it spread to you.

Timmy didn't seem to understand, even if he was faceless now, it was all an illusion for him, everyone else could see his surprised face, but not for the right reasons. 

"Jorgen is just a grump with his rules! I'm the one who solves the chaos that happens," the boy replied, but soon his face changed as he saw an image projected by this supposed goddess. 

It showed Jorgen performing a rather powerful magical feat, he alone contained a worldwide flood because of one of Timmy's wishes, limiting the problem only to Dimmsdale where Timmy would possibly solve it, and showed him other world disasters that had happened because of him, like the dinosaur rampage, or the time he wished for an intelligent robot that caused an omnic crisis.

Luckily, Jorgen was always there to limit his wishes, erasing the memories and records of almost everyone, just so humanity wouldn't be wiped out because of a 10-year-old brat. 

"You ungrateful child, you only know how to demand, without consideration, without a sense of restraint, causing chaos, death, and destruction, but because you are a child, you have been protected from the terrible truth that you are just a nobody who gained power from nothing and now thinks he is superior.

If you don't do anything to mature, to grow up, and don't tell me that you are a child, because you are very perceptive, you know that others won't say anything to you because of your age, but you look like a 100-year-old megalomaniac in the body of a 10-year-old child.

For all your bad karma, you will have no memory and no options when you reincarnate, so pray that your deeper self will be something good and do better things in your new life, or you will continue to reincarnate with no memory," before the child could say anything, Samus' avatar snapped her fingers.

"What did it look like?" said the real Samus, proud of her creation. 

Her plan was simple: remove the child's memory and send him into a cycle of rebirth to see if he learned anything, all under a powerful alchemical artifact. She won't deny that he was inspired by a certain eye technique she pulled out of thin air in an anime she saw in her past life. 

Yes, she did an Izanami on Timmy Turner, a more exaggerated and complex one, but the purpose was the same.

"It's better than the idea of erasing his memory, brainwashing him, or giving him a potion that makes him dumb, deaf, and blind," Ciri wanted to continue listing the plans Samus had given her, but the blonde's hands covered her face in panic.

Samus blushed from the intimate contact, also from embarrassment at her crude and radical ideas, but that was the least of it. She didn't know why, but she didn't want Ciri to tell Cosmo and Wanda about her radical ideas, maybe she didn't want to make the couple, who had already taken a liking to Timmy's brat, uncomfortable.

"You were going to do what?", Wanda shouted angrily when she heard the things the white-haired stranger said, how could someone be so cruel?

Just as she was about to fly towards Samus, Jorgen's gaze stopped her, and the head fairy simply shook her head before speaking. 

"As much as I would have liked those plans, I didn't accept them, only this one because he assured me it was completely safe," the fairy pointed to the screen where everyone could see what was happening. 

Timmy had been reborn in a medieval world, his childhood was normal for children of that time, he could play freely with other children without worrying about anything, his village was peaceful and the only concern was to have a good harvest in season to pay taxes to the Lord of the Day. 

But everything was ruined when 10 years ago a group of monstrous creatures attacked his village until it was reduced to ashes, kidnapped all the children and took them to some caves where something terrible was happening. 

An old man was stirring a huge cauldron, and the monsters, deformed creatures that looked like a mixture of animals, were dragging the children in front of him.

"There must be a gifted one among you, I will find him, and the others... well, they will be like them," the old man pointed his bony finger at the deformed creatures, indicating their most likely fate.

The children began to cry, and in an act of meanness, Timmy pushed a girl forward so that she was the first to be thrown into the cauldron by one of the monsters. 

This triggered something, the other creatures grabbed the rest of the children except for Timmy and poured them into the huge cauldron, which did not seem to fill, although the liquid inside seemed to decrease as it took on a reddish hue.

"My, you seem to have talent, little boy," the old man said with a smile that showed what few teeth he had left.

"Where are the monsters?" asked Timmy with no apparent remorse, only a little surprise that the supposed monsters hadn't shown up. 

"Oh, they're dead because of you, isn't it obvious? You look like an idiot now that I hear you talking," the old man said with some annoyance, but he had no choice, his elixir was already prepared anyway. 

"Aren't they supposed to be monsters? Did you lie?" now yes, maybe because of the simple life he was living this time, some remorse appeared on Timmy's face as a terrible idea grew inside him. 

"Oh yes, I lied, didn't you realize that they died because of you? It was a simple test, I would have saved the others if someone had just offered, but you chose to throw a helpless girl, not that I cared", although the children would end up badly anyway, he didn't have to give details to a brat he wanted to give the same end to.

"But..." Before he could say anything, he received a blow to the head that knocked him out, it seemed he had experienced something like this before, but he couldn't remember where.

Just before all the light disappeared, he heard the old man's voice.

"Looks like this kid is a moron, he doesn't seem to notice the obvious things." 

Soon Timmy was standing in front of the same Goddess as before, now with all his memories intact, and going over the old things he did, his own, that his parents had instilled in him in his supposed second life, made him feel a pang of guilt, but he simply didn't understand. 

Why did he have to suffer, wasn't it better to take advantage and fulfill all his desires as he wished when he had the chance? Unfortunately for her, her thoughts were known to Samus' avatar and, for that matter, to everyone watching Timmy's actions through a screen.

"Oh, this guy doesn't seem to be getting any better, looks like this is going to be long and boring," Samus said as she leaned back on the couch and subtly leaned her body against Ciri's, just enough for contact, but just enough that she didn't feel the need to move.

Unaware of Samus' furtive movements, Ciri simply enjoyed the junk food at her disposal.

"Timmy's a good kid, just circumstances," Wanda tried to defend her godson, but even Cosmo who was an idiot realized that Timmy was much more than he seemed to them, and they were partly to blame. 

"It looks like we're going to have to drag this day out so that everything can come to an end today," Jorgen said before waving his massive wand.

His magic power seemed to resonate with something, with a very high concept, which granted his request in the form of a wish. 

The world spun slowly now, but no one seemed to notice, as if there was a veil in their minds that prevented them from noticing. Only other magical beings noticed the change and simply associated it with a child's whimsical wish. 

Timmy's adventure in self-improvement continued. 


AN: Hehehe, I will put all of my stranges ideas in thoses lifes, maybe I can use some of them in my original novel or in this one, IDK.

If I write a crossover about this fanfic and my original novel (only a chapter, maybe I change somethings), do you thinks that is a good idea? 

Also, please read my original novel My Magical Daily Life, maybe is your cup of tea.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sir_Traversecreators' thoughts
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