
19. Supreme.

Damon walked silently into the dimly lit room, his gaze fixated on me. His voice, low and seductive, filled the air as he declared, "I am a passionate man, and tonight, your first experience will be under the influence of light sedation. While I indulge in the time of my life, fear not, my dear. This time, you will be aware, but drugged. It will be an intense encounter. I won't deceive you. There will be blood, and I will derive great pleasure from it. Let's see how quickly you can adapt to the game. I have a knack for awakening women's desires."

Ensuring the door was securely locked, Damon slowly shed his clothes, deliberately putting on a show for me. As my eyes beheld his naked form, I noticed his impeccable physique - strong, healthy, and impressively endowed. The thought of accommodating such a monstrous size filled me with uncertainty. Had he truly thrust such a monster cock inside me? No wonder I had felt sore. I doubted my ability to endure it without pain.

My drugged senses were dulled, but I could still detect the captivating scent of passionfruit emanating from him. Approaching the bed, he tenderly removed the blankets, his eyes searching mine for signs of sufficient sedation.

Softly, he murmured, "These drugs keep you in a state of dazed relaxation, allowing you to surrender and feel, rather than think. It is entirely natural, my dear. You are not the monster you perceive yourself to be. As a telepath, I can hear your thoughts. You are lonely, but fear not, for I am here. I will teach you about the world, about pleasure and pain, about your body, and your hidden abilities."

His hands explored the landscape of my scarred body, their warmth leaving a trail of tingling sensations in their wake. Cupping my tender breasts, he evoked a mixture of pleasure and discomfort. Drawing closer, his body heat enveloped me as he leaned down, capturing my nipple in his mouth, and suckling gently. A strange sensation coursed through me as I felt him pull, and to my surprise, milk flowed from my breast. He was nursing on my milk, and though I squirmed in confusion, there was a peculiar relief in the alleviation of the ache in my breast. Yet, my rational side reminded me that this was far from normal - an adult man sucking on my nipple.

Lifting his head, he revealed a wicked smile and whispered, "I can taste your rage in your milk. The potion you were given allows your powers to seep into your milk, effectively granting me your abilities."

Before I could utter a word, he latched on once more, continuing to consume my milk. The drugs rendered me dazed and lethargic, my body heavy and warm. I lacked the energy to free my hands, unsure of how long it would take for him to drain me completely. My breasts continued to throb, my nipples protruding, as he skillfully manipulated them with his mouth, eliciting intriguing sensations throughout my body. 

He then whispered in my ear, "You see, baby, your body is awakening. Just relax, don't fight it. This is biology. Your body needs this. Your health will improve when you get your hormones up."

I felt his strong hands firmly gripping my thighs, spreading them apart. He climbed on top of me, and I could feel the weight of his cock pressing against my throbbing pussy. With a forceful thrust, pain tore through me, but he silenced my cries with a passionate kiss. I tried to respond, even though the pain was overwhelming. He fucked me relentlessly, each powerful thrust hitting the depths of my pussy with a force that sent waves of agony through my belly. I attempted to move my hips, but his rough hand kept me in place. My moans were a mixture of pain and anguish.

He nipped at my skin, his voice thick with lust, as he murmured, "God, you're so tight, so perfect, baby. This is heaven."

I was too drugged to fully comprehend anything except the pain and suffering. The smell of my blood filled the air, a stark reminder of the brutality I was enduring. Despite the excruciating sensation of being split in two, the pain did not worsen. He continued thrusting faster and harder, his half-open eyes almost rolling back in ecstasy. He grunted, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, and then he slammed into my pussy so deeply that it elicited a painful gasp from me.

I could feel something warm flooding into me, pooling in the pit of my belly, causing aching pressure. I moaned, and he panted, his cock pulsating inside my pussy. He released his hot essence deep into my womb, and a feeling of warmth spread through my sides, reaching even my feline womb. It felt like an eternity as he filled me, and then he began fucking me even more vigorously. My pussy became moist, though I couldn't fathom why.

There was no pleasure, only pain, but my mind fixated on the small details: the scent of his sweat, the wet smacking sound as he thrust into me, the rippling of his muscles beneath his skin. I wasn't sure why I took note of these things. Perhaps it was an attempt to distract myself from the pain and my helpless state, or maybe it was something new for me to observe and learn. I couldn't determine if I would ever find enjoyment in this. For now, it felt as though he was using my body solely for his own pleasure. The foreign sensation of his warm release inside me felt almost alien, yet there was a nagging sense of familiarity. 

The whole situation felt unsettling, as if a faint voice in my mind urged me to relax and accept that this was a good thing. However, my drugged brain was aware that he possessed telepathic abilities and could manipulate my thoughts. Despite this, I couldn't deny that he was an attractive man, and there was an undeniable spark between us, unlike anything I had ever felt before.

My senses were dulled by the drugs, leaving me barely aware of anything except for his grunts as he filled me repeatedly. Afterward, he got up and went to shower, leaving me drugged and restrained on the bed with my legs spread and my belly bulging. Exhaustion washed over me, and I had no concept of how much time had passed. The pressure inside me intensified, causing my breath to become faster and shallower.

When he returned from the shower, he commented, "Now your pussy looks like it's been fucked, but with your healing, I doubt it will last, baby. But don't worry, once I'm done with you, that pussy will permanently bear the signs of being properly fucked, regardless of your healing abilities. But for now, let's make sure you're under even more control, shall we?"

I was fatigued and sedated as he released my hands and turned me onto my belly. I squirmed uncomfortably as the pressure increased, but before I could protest, he injected something into my cannula, causing my body to go limp.

"Muscle relaxant, baby. Can't have you moving during the next procedures," he explained.

He placed a few pillows under my chest, running his finger along my spine and grunting in satisfaction. I could hear him walking somewhere, accompanied by the fading sound of a second set of footsteps.

When he returned, he stood next to me and said, "You're going to receive a whole new organ in your spine, a sedative organ. It's fully biological, made from my own tissues, and soon it will become a part of your biology. Once it's installed, I'll provide additional measures of control, and then we'll proceed with some sort of gene therapy. This will make you my biological half, and we will continue to breed. I'll breed you for at least a week to start, and then we'll see where we stand."

I experienced a sudden, intense pain shooting through my back, causing me to wince. Damon, who was performing the procedure, did not explain, leaving me confused and drugged. Despite my haze, he continued to manipulate and grind my spine, working on something deep within. Each time he ground my vertebrae, waves of excruciating pain overwhelmed me, causing me to black out momentarily. When I regained consciousness, I discovered he had moved further down my spine. 

Eventually, he announced, "Now you have a sedative organ implanted in your spine, with conduits leading to your lungs and abdominal aorta. It can be controlled remotely. So, if you misbehave, I can drug you with just a push of a button, like this."

He pressed the button, instantly enveloping my mind in a thick fog of confusion. I could sense his hands on my skin, and a tingling sensation followed their touch as if a faint electric current coursed through me. 

Suddenly, his hand moved from my ribs to my neck, and his finger settled in a particular spot.

He warned, "You'll feel this."

Without warning, a searing, white-hot pain engulfed my neck, accompanied by the sickening scent of burning flesh. He was branding me, but it felt as if one of my chakras was being trapped within the brand, immobilized, and unable to move freely. He grunted with satisfaction and resumed his search. 

Through my drugged state, I somehow comprehended that he was targeting my chakras, but I couldn't discern which one. It didn't take him long to locate the chakra he sought and bring it alongside the other one in my neck. A searing pain struck me again, causing me to scream in agony. He burned it twice, using a different branding iron this time, intentionally targeting the previously burned chakra.

His chilling whisper echoed in my ear, "These are your pain and agony chakras, baby, and they are part of my little control device. I know about your temper, so let's rein it in, shall we? I know you're resistant to drugs when consumed by rage, but if your anger is under control, you're not that difficult to sedate."

I could feel him placing some sort of collar around my neck, its sharp, thin spikes pressing into my throat and neck.

He explained, "This collar is biological, made from my own tissues. As you can feel, it's growing within you, remaining hidden on the outside but affecting your chakras. Now, let's see how it feels when I activate an electric current on your pain chakra."

The pain surged through me, causing my muscles to tense up. The intensity was so overwhelming that I couldn't even muster a scream. Eventually, I succumbed to unconsciousness, overwhelmed by the torment. 

I woke up, feeling the weight on my body. Once again, I found myself lying on my back, my legs spread apart, and him thrusting inside me. Vague memories of him sucking on my breasts and impregnating me flashed through my drug-addled mind, merging into a blurry haze. My skin stung, and as I opened my eyes, I saw him pounding into me with intensity. The pain was still present, but it had dulled slightly.

I attempted to move, but he didn't even notice that I was awake. The pressure in my belly and womb grew worse, making my swollen belly feel like a living hell. Tender sensations radiated from my sides, while my breasts felt full and engorged once more. Damon grunted and growled, panting heavily as he thrust into my womb with force. I moaned in pain as he continued to pump his seed inside me, his eyes meeting mine briefly before he grabbed my hair, turned my head, and sank his fangs into my throat. The excruciating pain in my belly intensified, hot and stinging, almost like pulsating cramps. I could feel the voracious way he fed on me until everything faded, and I lost consciousness once again.

I was unaware of how much time had passed since he had taken me, filling me with his seed. As I woke up, I could feel his weight pressing against my body, his mouth greedily sucking on my breast, draining my milk. The sensation made it clear that my body was producing even more milk than before. It felt as though several days had already passed. My belly was hot and full, and a sharp pulsating pain persisted. Nursing seemed to intensify the discomfort. I was restrained, completely drugged, unable to comprehend the pain or the sensations coursing through me, or what he was doing to me.

As he realized I was awake, one of his hands ventured between my legs, slipping into my wetness. His skilled fingers found my swollen clit, causing me to gasp as an indescribable wave of sensation washed over me. I couldn't help but move my hips in response to his touch. Something was building inside me, the feeling growing stronger and stronger. He inserted three fingers into my dripping pussy, continuing to tease my clit, pumping and curling his fingers, intensifying the pleasure even further.

He lifted his head, having drained all of my milk, and huskily commanded, "Come for me, baby. Let go, come."

I exploded, overwhelmed by a mind-bending ecstasy. I screamed, not from pain, but from the overwhelming pleasure coursing through me. Waves of pleasure rippled through my belly and pussy, his fingers still moving inside me, igniting more explosive climaxes.

He withdrew his fingers, licking them with a smug look on his face, and declared, "I told you, there is pleasure in this too. That was your very first orgasm, and more will come when the time is right."

He stood up, adjusted my IV, and said, "Now rest, baby." The drugs overtook me before I could utter a word, and the world faded into blackness.

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